Archive for the The Southern Kingdoms Category

The Archer in The Shadowwood

Posted in Elves, Farharrow, the Fey Dark, The Southern Kingdoms on October 6, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Iados, an archer of Farharrow, one of only two Raelfaen in town, keeps to himself. Although he can usually be found at Travesters on any given night, or protecting Bobbin’s Still from Goblin Raids, the mysterious archer prefers the periphary. Laconic is word that is used when the educated folk of the Feydark hamlet discuss their friend Iados. As of late, he was indeed instrumental with the takedown of the Bugbear zombie piloted by the mad goblin Gethish. As well, Iados helped the Shade arcanist Eddison and the halfling assassin, Brynn, rid the town of the Fey Daemon who plagued Isentide Church and possess a young vistani girl. Iados has a younger sister named Salifa. The Priestess of Isentide, a shade named Raechel has recently taken a romantic interest in the shadow archer. Only Brynn Bobbin knows the truth of her dear friend, that Iados is actually in hiding from terrible events that recently transpired between the eladrin and the raelfaen in his hometown of TemAol.

backstory: Nyrrin the Dark Elf Warlock

Posted in Elves, the Fey Dark, The Southern Kingdoms on October 6, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Nyrrin is from the City of Baestrelix. Baestrelix was founded fifty years ago and then was destroyed three years ago. A blink of an eye in the lifespan of a Dark Elf. The City was built in the caverous limestone depths of the Southrin Mountains. Following the terrible event called Gherivoninacht, during the cataclysmic dragonkin wars twenty years ago, the mountains themselves were destroyed, becoming the Southrin islands which pock the Inland Sea between Dinnae and Gavin Wel. Baesrelix was a ruthless matriarchy, one where males were often killed for their uselessness. A civil war continued to rage in the City of the Spider Soul, between the followers of Lolth and the followers of the Elemental Eye. In an unprecidented moment of empathy, Nyrrin was gifted a warlock’s binding spellbook by his grandmother before she died. The power therein enabled Nyrrin to rise in the ranks of the young army of Spider Souls. He was assigned to an Ythbet, a party of warriors, who were to explore the Island of Belach Na, searching for the device called the Gherivon, the tool that was used to destroy the Southrin Mountains. When exploring a ruined hous at the south end of the island, a place known as the Mansion of the Dark Goddess, the Ythbet was sacked by a brigade of terrible golems made of fire. All in the Ythbet were killed, save Nyrrin. The young warlock was chained up in the study. The Spirit known as Ithmay loved to torture the dark elf, and did so for weeks before Nyrrin stopped responding to her cruelty…

This is where his new life begins.

The Stealing of the Talisman

Posted in Farwalkers, Gavin Wel, the Archfey, The Southern Kingdoms, the Talisman on March 25, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Talisman performed gloriously in the Great War at the end of the Sixth Epoch. Phaedra the Artifacer fitted the Talisman with a ramming prow and transformed the river yacht into a boat of war. At her helm, Pennelius the Eladrin raelfaen steered her to victory again and again. With the coming of the Seventh Epoch, Pennelius wed the archfey Osha and retired to the mansions of his ancestors on the banks of the Emerald Sea deep in the Faywild. There they had a son, Oelin.

Ferrus the Radiant stayed in Gavin Wel following the Great War. He wed the witch Hannah Blackruby and after ten years of childless marriage, they divorced with her betrayal to the demon werewolf, Clay. Ferrus continued to train the young knight of the City of the Raven Queen.

Aolyn, following the victory of the Illyria returned to Isselyth with her mother, Aolbeth in the year 1136. The first few weeks with her mother were joyous, as was Aolyn’s relationship with Collynn, the gold dragon who she had come to be a lover. Collynn took Aolyn to the land of Urkuria, a distant realm of dragons, and there they made their love known to eternity.

Aolbeth retreated to some distant realm, either by her own will or by some plot. This mystery sent Collynn looking for her in the Shadowfell.

Hannah and Ferrus reunited as friends upon the theft of the Talisman and its caretaker, Phaedra. Fetching Pennelius from his retirement and Aolyn for her youthful mastery of shiplore, the four took the ghostship, the Black Swan to Solpries, the City of Sea and Sand, from where Pennelius could feel the elemental embedded within his boat, across the astral wind.

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Upon entrance to the City, Hannah performed the ritual of AmonRalam, by which she transformed herself into a mental link between the three adventurers and thereby be able to learn clues as to the location of the Talisman and Phaedra in a most effecient way.

The three met a deathless Blade Noble named Ben Kahl, an ancient general of the Knights of the Ninth Reljyan infantry. Ben, being of good soul, lead them to the Inn of the Seven Winds, where their host, Ghaelia, entertained and fed them with information about the City: the sovereign general of Solpries is Aliabi, a dragonborn slaver Atavist and if there was wrong at play he was most likely its source.

At the Masoleum of the Raven Queen, the Embassy of Gavin Wel at Solpries, Ferrus met Color Tixneera, Aolyn’s cousin and daughter of Tixneera, the elder witch of Sinis Oebyr. They shared a kiss at dawn and thus blessed Ferrus’ Sunblade.

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Unraveling a strange eladrin ailment called the Deluding Whispers meant Pennelius had to struggle against a Dark Shadow Serpent beast, sent from the Dragon of Tyr at Ur-Buraxa. Meanwhile, at the Inn of Seven Winds, Ghaelia was successfully assassinated in a surprisingly theatric show by a belgoi beast. Aolyn tracked the beast, with the help of Ben Kahl to the home of Marquez of the Black Wind, a slaving society. Ferrus, in the Streets of Haro Hill, battled alongside Color Tixneera, the Slaver Nerrius, a dragonborn responsible for the internment of unknown thousands of illegal dwarven slaves.

Pennelius learns that the Atavist Aliabi means to create a device with Talisman called the Psychic Aethiator. He treats with the Dragon of Tyr, who tells him that such a device can only be made with tiefling magic and is used to be made to kill him, the Dragon of Tyr, an enemy of Aliabi for rule over the people of Solpries. The Aethiator can only be infused on the night of the Eclipse, a event taking place the following night!

Marquez, the husband of Ghaelia, had his own wife killed for informing the foreign heroes. Aolyn and Ben Kahl learn that the Black Wind has been supplying the Dragonborn rulers dwarven slaves to feed the Aethiator to attack the Dragon of Tyr. Color shows Ferrus a secret level of catacombs underneath the City, whose heart lies directly under the Arena of Solpries, where a massive tournament is scheduled to coincide with the eclipse.

Reunited, the party goes to the center of the catacombs to find their boat, suspended on chains and linked to some strange, eldritch machine, no doubt bu Phaedra’s enslaved design. The Talisman hangs over an underground cemetery where the died find no rest. Marautai, the father of Aliabi, a dragonborn Raag ghost Crypt lord, an old friend of Ben Kahl from the Reljyan army, now controls a patrol of cinder zombies, all of whom Ben Kahl can name from life. The whole chamber rocks with the cheers of the City at the Arena directly overhead.

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There great battle ensues. All greatly wounded from fighting psychic orbs and bone funnels of blasting winds that rake and with the killing fire of the cinder zombies as they fall, they find Phaedra as Hannah rejoins the group. The Dragon of Tyr, having learned about the Aethiator, decides to destroy everyone and lands in the arena to the horror of the City, scraping and digging to where the Talisman is be freed. In a last desperate move, Ben Kahl blocks Marautai, sacrificing himself and the device is broken from the Talisman as the boat drops to an underground river and the party leaps there on to their freedom.

Solpries, the capital of Relwyn

Posted in The Southern Kingdoms on January 30, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The ancient citadel at Solpries, land of Queen Tamara, land of Mist and Oak

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Kharlanin, Home of Lord Ohakahn

Posted in The Southern Kingdoms on January 30, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Dolfeveren, the seat of power in the wealthy nation of Kharlanin, Home of Lord Ohakahn, the avatar of the Dragongod, Astiliabor

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