Archive for the The Sherriff Category

The Final Battle of the Epic Quest, into the Pit!

Posted in Gavin Wel, Men, the Fey Dark, The Sherriff on September 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Into the Abyss! went the adventurers for the final battle in the Epic campaign. For some, this adventure concluded three years of work with these characters. Above, the Ghoul King, Doresain, challenges the crew for the soul of Tim Tigeon. This campaign defined Epic experience! At times tedious, at times emotional, at times wonderful, and always glorious, the Game of Mountains campaign was one of the great adventures of all time. Thanks Matt!

WolfDog, Zarconus (Iokhen), Teak Mumbai, Ghesh and Krugg defeated the Ghoul King by fleeing to the Fay Dark.

The Dark Pana was waiting to take the Tigeon boys and claim final victory. Ultimately, the Archfay queen, and younger sister of the Raven Queen destroyed Wolfdog, Teak and Krugg. The Stickareign Blade, the Second Sword of Glory, was smuggled out of the Fay Dark and back to the Dreamwater by Tim, the returned sherriff and Ghesh, the Druid lord. Iokhen, the knight formerly known as Zarconus, ascended to the Astral Court of Dragons as eternal champion.

We battled through Hell (well, actually the Abyss, but it felt like Hell…at times) to conclude the most epic campaign imaginable. Check out some pics and story from our final session. It came down to being assassinated by The Dark Pana, the Archfay Queen Mother of Shadow Magic, the Moon, Wine, Blood, and Owls. Wolfdog died a 27th level weaponsmaster who we started as a 12th level fighter almost two summers ago. Teak (or called Tiki, by some) Mumbai was killed as well. We wrote Tiki as a first level warlock in the Summer of 2008. She died at 27th level as well. Krugg, an epic-cleric, was also killed by the Pana’s Blade in the Black Bog of the Fay Dark.

Matt DM’d a tight and beautiful series of adventures: the final eight chapters of the campaign, rounding out an amazing story-arch that took us through the Astral Tower. You can download the Astral Tower Campaign Setting as a PDF on the DAOTYR website as well. Although glorious, this certainly was a bittersweet ending for all. The campaign ended with Iokhen, the knight formerly known as Zarconus ascending, but not before handing the Stikarein blade to Tim to return to the Dreamwater.

In our Epic Campaign (beginning at 20th level) we did all of the following, in order:

1. Became champions of Vecna by destroying avatars of our worst nightmares outside the City of Dis

2. Destroyed An Elder Brain of the Illithid to gain entrance to the Happy Hunting Grounds

3. Championed over a united front of Daemons and Angels controlled by the Manifest Power of Bane, Lord of Battle

4. Met with Bahamut, the Lord of Light, and raced Rimfire Griffons in the Arena of Celestia

5. Destroyed Arnithol and Nakrathan, the High Elder Masters of Hyth Anir, and defeated the Sword of Doom, Rendelreign as it was coorporeal as a Ancient Blue Dragon

6. Faced the hydra of Demogorgon in the Labyrinth of the Abyss

7. Encountered Glasya in the City of Infernus

8. Rescued the Sherriff, Tim Tigeon, on the 487th Plane of the Abyss by facing Doreseen, the King of Ghouls and fleeing to the Fay Dark where the Dark Pana had been waiting the whole time…

The first family of Raelfaen Eladrin

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Fey People, The Sherriff on August 14, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Ani Kai, the last Blightmaster

Posted in Dwarves, Elves, The Sherriff on July 28, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

It was Anikai, who having so long evaded the Sherriff of the Dreamwater, who hatched a plan to defeat Corollon Larethian and Bergholt of Moradin’s plan to free the Third Sword of Glory. Foiled by the Khast of the Flaming Shield from Gaulthum, AniKai was supposedly crushed by the entombing of the reactor at Eytheria, but not before killing Gruff the RunePriest.

The Druids of Maiah

Posted in Maiah, Men, Orcs, The Shadow Road, The Sherriff on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Druids, also known as the Court of the Nine Stars, also known collectively as the Wreathers are the most important trans-political organization in the Greater Sorado, and nowhere is this more demonstrated than the rural capital of Maiah.

Just one mile out of the woodlands of Maiah you will find a barren landscape, known by the orcs as Poolis Fyr, the most important druidic magic-site in the Dreamwater. Burials of those who have fallen in battles line the lake like an infinite number of memorials. Druids are essentially, Gatekeepers. They keep natives here and keep outsiders out. That is their primary purpose and the orcs of Ethilistyr have always been the inheritors of this tradition.

Kyralla, daughter of Hearthys, is the leader of the Orcish druids of Maiah. Hearthys died last summer and she is having a hard time adjusting to her new found responsibiliity.

Mahc’Eldynn is an eladrin druid who some believe is over two thousand years old. You can find Mahc’Eldynn at The Fellow Song pub in downtown Maiah every afternoon at two o’clock for a shot of Oba Whiskey.

The Dark Cloak druids, the military force of the Wreathers, helped liberate the Shadowroad, along with Tim Tigean, 25 years ago. There are over three hundred Dark Cloaks who camp around Poolis Fyr and keep the waters of the lake safe.

The Dark Pana, Enemy of the people

Posted in the Archfey, The Fey People, The Sherriff on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Following the destructive wake of the events at Swordcall 25 years ago, the mysterious archfey known only as the Dark Pannah has waged, literally, a cold war upon the people of Ethilistyr. Many believe it is her secret desire to drive humans from the land they call the Dreamwater. Others believe it is just her grieving from the mysterious disappearance of her most valued human student, Tim Tigeon, the once prodigal sherriff.

Wolfdog and Aolyn

Posted in Maiah, The Sherriff on February 9, 2011 by coyoteandthunder


I wish I could have been there more as you grew up.  I still deal everyday with your mother’s death and still curse the gods for taking your brother when he was not even a year old.  Now that you are a woman, you remind me so much of your mother in both beauty and ferocity. I never wanted the life of an adventurer for you, all it ever meant for me was a life of anger and violence. Since it seems to be the life for which you are fated, I pray that you know great glory, but even more, I wish you love.

Aolin, know that I loved your mother more than myself. I have told you the story of her death many times before, but I will tell it again. It was a cold day in summer when the Dragongods returned and killed so many. The rat bastard Blendhavin and his nefarioius sons, lead by Lethorian, made a deal with your mother and her aunt Sarafina when they went looking into the shadowfel for the angel warrior Jael. His infernal boat, the Illyria, was to take her and bring her home. All we found was the necklace I gave her on our wedding day, the necklace she would never take off. As you know, we have never found the Illyria or its terrible captain. That is the worst of the pain I live with daily, the awful mystery that feeds the devil in my heart.

I hope that you don’t keep anger towards me for being absent in your childhood. The Tigeans did such a good job raising you and know that I am very proud of all that you are. You mother is too, whever her soul lies.

With love,


Valen Returns with the Sword of Glory

Posted in The Fey People, The Sherriff on August 5, 2010 by coyoteandthunder

“But were not for Great Evil threatening my land that I would have been retrieved from my grave”

Valen Guildensong returned to his ancestral home at Ravenswell in The Dreamwater as a Revenant and knight, avenging his family and activating the potent magics in his blade, the mighty Larassa, which means “the River from the Sun”

Larassa, A Glory Blade wielded by Valen at Ravenswell.

The Evil Monkey Cormojo planned to hold Ravenswell for his own but could not stand against the coming of Larassa, the second sword of Glory, wielded by the Revanant knight Valen as he was assisted by the Sherriff of the Dream Water, Tim Tigean. Cormoko did manage to escape at the end of the battle.

Valen’s middle daughter, Giladna, was imprisoned by the Monkey Lord Cormojo. Valen freed her soul and activated the Second Sword of Glory, Larassa.

Valen’s trusted servant, Arghast the Legionaire,  followed Valen back from the Grave.

The servant of Pelor, Highpriestess Alanna found Valen in Ravenswell and coaxed him to consciousness and duty.

a portrait of Lord Valen as he was in life, when he was King of GildenSong.

To read more on the Tragedy of Valen Guilensong, click here.

Maiah, rural utopia in the year 1111

Posted in Maiah, Men, Orcs, The Sherriff on August 3, 2010 by coyoteandthunder

a rural map of the farms and wilds around Maiah, click to enlarge

More notes on the culture of the community of Maiah

1. The leaf of the Oba tree is brewed to make a caffeinated beverage that is most regularly served with milk and honey

2. The Center of Maiahn culture is a large festival hall called “The Fellow Song”. The structure is over a hundred years old and run by Eric Besallyn, father of Ari and Judicia. pictured below

3. Orcs are deeply integrated into Maiahn culture.

4. PoolisTyr is a henge for the worship practice of druids. The leader of the Maiahn orcs is called Hearthys and is a wise although grim elder of the community.

5. The head druid is named Gareth, a man, a good friend of the sherriff. Gareth is also the chief vintner and head brewer of the town.

6. Maiah is the ritual center of the human population in the South Dreamwater and festivals are common. Every two weeks or so there is an astologically significant date which means that a party will happen.

7. The most common breed of dog in Maiah is the wolf hound.

8. Carl the Red has been mayor of Maiah for over forty years and he is now bed ridden and not expected to survive the winter of 1111.

Cities of the Dead Legions

Posted in Lesivith, Men, Niskantel, the Fey Dark, The Sherriff, the Talisman on August 2, 2010 by coyoteandthunder

From beneath you it devours. With the Ebon Boon, the Feydark has invaded Ethilistyr. Under the City of Copper and Gold, Niskantel, the ancient eladrin masoleum of Marukel has opened and from its horrid maw comes fire, plague and dread warriors who know nothing but violence.

The Ebon Boon was not successfully completed, much to the torturous frustration of the Horned King. There were suppossed to be ten necropoli that sprouted wrathful terror across the Dreamwater. There would have been but not for the efforts of the Sherriff and the risen Revanant, Valen Gildensong, and the deconstruction of Rendgray…a story for another entry. Suffice it to say, that only five cities were able to rise. Bessenthia was closed by the Paladins Zarconus and Ferrus, leaving four cities alive with necotic energy at the coming of winter, year 1111, when the Crew of the Talisman needs to decide where best to put there resources as the sherriff scrambles to muster a defensive strategy against the burning of the cities of men.

The Tragedy of Valen Ravenswell GildenSong Stormhand

Posted in the Archfey, The Fey People, The Sherriff on August 2, 2010 by coyoteandthunder

Alicia was the wife of Valen in old Khepathia. For several hundred years, this Eladrin-Raelfaen couple ruled lovingly over a large and verdant manor and vineyard known as Ravenswell. Together they bore three daughters: Oamrissa, Giladna and Gif’r’nay. Oamrissa, the eldest, was cold of heart although grim toward the ceaseless doings of her duties in life and love. Gildadna was the closest with her father as together they made the finest wine that creation has ever known. The youngest, Gif’r’nay, would grow to marry Blendhaven, the first sherriff of the Dreamwater.

Alicia was a artisan of unsurpassed skill and grace with eladrin anvil and tempering hammer. Such was her power, so trustingly given by the Court of the Archfey that she contructed the three Swords of Glory: Stykarein, Laressa, and a third whose name is lost to the Ocean of Time.

Wee Jas, who deceived all the family and influtrated their circle as the fey creature called Amadae, pitted the daughters against their parents in relentless games of jealousy and power to their eventual undoing. In the confusion of the Fall of Khepathia and the rise of the First Sherriff, the daughters saw their mother as the enemy and while Valen was defending the land from the scores of demons rising from the Abyss with his son-in-law, the sherriff, they cursed their mother to become the Anethamancer. Then it was that, forever changed, by once gracious eladrin hands, the three Swords of Doom were forged and became the most powerful tool of evil the land could ever know. The Anethamancer killed her own daughter Giladna in the courtyard of the family home of Ravenswell.

In future centuries, Oamrissa would become the Blind Queen of Old Fang and Omonyr, and Gif’r’nay would go one to bear three sons of her own with Blendhaven. Valen, in self exile, would journey west to the verdant valleys of Gildensong and form a nation of peace there. As the sad King, Valen would rule Gildensong for over three hundred years.