Archive for the The North Category

The Fay enemies of the North

Posted in Ehmis Ogh, Innien, the Fey Dark, The Fey People, The North on April 10, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

fayenemiesIn the long and harsh Winter of 1156, Fort Loren was set upon by a trio of enemies from the Underdark. Their mission was to take control of the Creation Forge in the Fay North and spawn an army of Titanbound Forge spawnlings. Mirana, the half-giant dark elf, the Oni known as Orlok and the Fay witch called Ula did manage to take advantage of the distraction that was the siege of the Dragonbred Faederkin (below) and take the Forge. In an act of desperation, before driving off the interlopers, the Defenders of Fort Loren were forced to destroy the ancient and unique Creation Forge.

dragon bred faederkin


Codexa Pseidwom, an ancient book

Posted in Ancient Lands, Men, Old Khepathia, the Archfey, The North on November 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

For the first time online, the Dao Tyr classic, the Codexa Pseidwom is now available online. click here to download the 22 page book and discover the secrets of the Fifth Aepoch of the Raelfaen. Here in, you will discover the story of the Dragongods and the saga of Purdjion and the Gray Queen.

The Dragonkin Wars

Posted in Gavin Wel, Lesivith, the Archfey, The Dragongods, the Fey Dark, The Fey People, The North, The Shadow Road, the Talisman on October 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Announcing the publishing of the Valena Quoul, the history of the Dragon Kin Wars in the ancient lands of Unon. Click here or on the picture above to link to the PDF. This book is another chapter in the hugely involved plot of how the shadow grows over this campaign world. I am still experimenting with my idea of publishing a novel version of the campaign world…been working on it for twenty years. When published, of course, I will only use appropriated art with permission. I appreciate all the artists’ talents on this website and if permission is ever requested I will of course abide. For now, the site is published for personal use only.

The Coming of the Dragon Gods

Posted in The Dragongods, The North on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

What everyone knows…

The year is 1136, in the 7th epoch of the Raelfaen. The Raelfaen, or more commonly called the Eladrin, have a history that stretches back nearly fifty thousand years on DaoTyr. This is a new age of the world. The sixth epoch ended in 1111, twenty five years ago. The last two years of that age were defined by war: The Eyrolian Empire of the North, the Dragonborn wars that destroyed the Lilthen Sea to the south. The Singers of the Shadow Moot destroyed the monster that was the White Queen at SwordCall and released the Blood of IO which called the original Dragongods of Daotyr back to their terrestrial lands, holdings and powers. These Gods walk in mortal form over their ancient lands, having not been present on DaoTyr since the first age of the world. They are avatars of greater beings and do not have the names of their divine counterparts. Some are kind. Some are cruel. All are powerful sovereigns spread across the globe. See below for their histories and lands…

Aasterinian, Goddess of Invention, Messenger of IO, CN, The Chaos Dragon, Luck, Travel, Trickery, Charm, Illusion Trade.

The Aasternian once named Lyxa

The Moon’s Rays and the Sun’s claws

Whose ancient land was Eltherion

Land of Rivers and Cedar

Astilabor, Goddess of Wealth, N, The Acquisitor, Hoardmistress, Protection, Wealth, Metal, Jade.

The Astilabor once named Dobdarrin

The Force Lung and the Formful Spirit

Whose ancient land was Kharlanin

Land of Gold and Rain

Chronespsis, God of Fate, N, Death, Knowledge, Fate, Time.

The Chronespsis once named Adsyrsyan

The Protector of Judgement

Whose ancient land was Myrlos

Land of Stone and Sky

Falazure, God of Decay, NE, Death, Evil, Darkness, Undeath.

The Falazure once named Xengxui

He who Denies Nature

Whose ancient land was Mortelion

The Bloodgrounds of the North

Garyx, God of Destruction, CN, Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Renewal.

The Garyx once named Albiden

The purifier who moves through fire

Whose ancient land was BolonTyr

Land of the Mountains and Snow

Hlal, Goddess of Humor, CG, Chaos, Good, Trickery, Runes

The Hlal once named Sebdinn

The giving sky and the trembling earth

Whose ancient land was Coralore

Land of Wheat and Wind

Io, Lord of the Gods, N, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth

The Io once named Shakdashan

The warrior’s ring to which honor is given

Whose ancient land was Aoldao

Land of Horses and Spice

Lendys, God of Justice, LN, Destruction, Law, Protection, Retribution

The Lendys once named Al-Naybab

Who is the soul reforged and set

Whose ancient land was Orsolon

Land of sweetgrass and ox

Tamara, Goddess of Life, NG, Good, Healing Strength, Sun

The Tamara once named Kateguar

The Ancient Eyes of the Lake

Whose ancient land was Relwyn

Land of Mist and Oak

The Ancient Dragon Gods Elxast (Alshyst)  of the Sea is still revered by those who sail and fish

Tiamat, once named Tiamathia

Bahamut, once named UnonBate


Posted in Men, Orcs, The North on February 8, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Haddenfel is the homeland of Fjorn Kendricksson. Baerlil is the port where the Farway was built. The Farway is the chief source of income for the people of Haddenfel.

Hadden Fel. Pop. 6,250. towns of BaerLil, Cowermere and Bessel.

The Witchers are a hoarde of  Goblinkin from the Overmere mountains.

The militia of Haddenfel consists of 700 men and women called Spearmeet. Their leader is Anee Oarfao, Fjorn’s cousin.

The dwarves of Mons Porthos, the Icehammers, a mercenary team help with defense of the City. It is has been bad and expansive.

3000 gold a month to keep up the military effort.

click here to link to the post regarding Amanafyr

Tiki’s Speech to her people

Posted in The North on February 3, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

I am not a commander, nor your elected official. I am your Queen. It is my duty not just to lead, but to embody the principles of my people. This task is one I eschewed for decades. But now, in a time of great need I must prove my worth to you all. We need not a leader who gives us false hope or takes an easy out as our ancestors did centuries ago for damning us. We need one who faces adversity and destroys it with tiefling strength! This is a time of destruction and grieving, I know. But it’s also a time of opportunity and hope. We have the responsibility placed upon us to alter our legacy in this world, to make people trust us again. We have a blank canvas before us on which to paint a path of peace and undying strength. If we do not share these goals, if you would rather continue down the road of deception, then let you take another path, and let your name not be Mumbai. Those that follow, only this responsibility will guide us into this new age together. I know now I was destined to lead us through these difficult times, and I’m ready for the challenge before me. Are you with me? Are you with me!?

Meavoi, the Mountainfist King’s speech:

“People of the North! The elemental powers of the world have heard your cries of sorrow! I have heard your plight and we have been sent to avenge your woe. Together, let us raise blades and destroy our oppressors. Let us establish a new order of freedom for all peoples across our beautiful land! Follow me my friends! Follow me to Victory! For Hearth and Home! For The North! For Freedom!”

The Prophecy of the IO

Posted in The Fey People, The North on February 3, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

So says Bahlia, the first Dryad of Golden Tree

The Dagger of Ama Gna and the Pan-Goat-Vessel

Ama Gna was a legendary assassin who once buried this dagger between the wings blades of IO himself. The IOkharic prophecy states “…upon ripening in the stomach of the Pan, the fruit that is the new Blood of IO can only be made manifest by the destruction of the goat. The Newcome Mountainfist king-to-be must drive the dagger of Ama Gna into the vessel’s gut and then upon the draining its contents shall the power be real. The dagger must be used on the vessel only after the Heart of Evil is summoned by the Newcome Mountainfist king-to-be…  ”

The Form of the Mountain

Posted in Lesivith, The North on February 2, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Meavoi becomes a mountain to face Lisivith.

Sword Call, the Festival of Gold Tree

Posted in The North on February 2, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Festival, home to the last performance of the Mirkroot Players before an audience of over 15,000 gathered free peoples of the North.

In the North, Elves loathe men

Posted in Elves, The Fey People, The North on December 10, 2010 by coyoteandthunder

Aimee Amiadianne is no friend of men. She believes her people have been taken advantage of by the treacherous nations of men since the dawn of their coming. Despite the continued efforts of the the good peoples of the world, most notably Lord Elmer Fellinmac, to make peace with the People of the Forever Forest, Aimee vows to thwart those efforts.