Archive for the The Mice Eyes Category

Dalwin of the Dark Wings

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Mice Eyes on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Emma’s character. Figure painting by Matt. Click to enlarge

Jin the Stalker

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Mice Eyes on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder


Figure painting by Matt, Click to enlarge

Kornick the Bleak Assassin

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Mice Eyes on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

kornick – gnome assassin: unknown background – raised by an old street vendor named Buttle whom used his trade as cover for assassinations. Kornick helped in these plots to earn his keep, learning the stealthy skills of hunting human prey. Kornick has no memory of these days on the streets – for when he became of an older age he developed dementia and has continually relies on his skill of killing to lead his way. Often he hoped a new killing contract would help lead him to remember, only to be driven further into confusing madness. The ones who do know him, keep his identity secret for he has been molded into the perfect assassin. I smell foul play done to the mind of Kornick.

Kornick is a blood member of the Bleak Disciples

Story by David

Figure painting by Matt, click to enlarge

Aukon and the Urban Wilderness

Posted in Gavin Wel, Men, The Mice Eyes on February 16, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Aukon is a razorclaw. Within him flows the vicious blood of his lycanthropic ancestors. Men fear his people. The wide planes and dense woods his tribe called home were invaded, tamed and ultimately broken. Aukon’s people chose to abandon the shade of the woods of the Dreamwater and take refuge in the great city of Gavin Wel. Not long after, Aukon’s mother fell ill.  The night after she died in her sleep, Aukon’s father preformed a mourning ceremony and  began training Aukon in the ways of  his forefathers, the ways of a druid, the ways of the court of the Nine Stars. Later that summer, his father was killed by the Raven guard. Aukon was a fast learner and in only 8 solstices, his training was finished under the tutelage of Laria Relthathik, Aumbaure of the Dark Wings. Aukon is an urban druid, as much at home in the wilderness of the City as he is in the wilds of tree and root. A reader of signs, Aukon has taken pact with the Dark Wings, who finds his talents invaluable.

More Trouble Than Worth

Posted in Orsolon, The Mice Eyes on February 16, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Aukon set out to find his fortune and began moving from city to city with an orphaned wolf pup he’d rescued not long after striking out on his own. Part of his training required that he learn to control his most primal aspects but though Aukon hardly noticed he spent more and more time in his animal form, preying on peoples secrets as a spy. Unfortunately one of his victims was able to see through his facade and Aukon was put in jail. But it seemed that the eyes of the law were not the only eyes that gazed upon him for no more than an hour after being incarcerated he was released. Aukon had been bailed out by none other than the Mice Eyes guild and this is when Aukon’s adventures would truly begin.

“Poor kid” whispered a sandy voice from beneath a veil of black cloth.
Achmed was crouched down low next to the body of a boy, no more than 12 years old. He gently turned the lifeless head revealing the after math of a serious blow to the head. The visions of violence that stirred in his mind as he pictured the event were brief, like flashes of lightning revealing only for a fraction of a second the fate of this slave. It was almost overwhelming.
Placing his hands firmly on his thighs Achmed silently rose from the ground, a gust of desert wind gently blowing against his collection of cloaks. He could taste a hint of salt on the wind and from far away he could smell a hint of torch smoke. Night had begun to fall and with the darkness it would also bring death, Like a wraith Achmed’s cloaked form flowed across the sand like water, gently gliding ever closer to his target. He spared no detail in his approach.
This bounty was personal to him, though he’d been sent to kill slavers before this was a man who Achmed had been quite eager to destroy.
like poison Achmed spit out the name.
His memories boiled over his years of freedom, over the mental walls he’d built what seemed like a lifetime ago, and again he could feel the weight of shackles on his hands and feet. It was if Achmed was suddenly transported ten thousand miles away, the beating of drums forced him to march, behind him was a woman, in front a man. He fell. Sand pressed into his weary face for a brief second before rough hands clawed into his hair, dragging him to his feet. “It was him” Achmed thought.
Ismaleos laughed in his face while reaching in his pouch. His hand returned with a small glass bottle “This should wake you up” he sneered, emptying the contents into Achmed’s throat.
His eyes opened wide and his mouth fell open and he tried to scream but to his horror he was only able to produce a muffled croak. The poison coursed through his body burning and twisting and for the next ten years of his life Achmed was silent.
The events that would unfold that night roared in his brain like rolling thunder, as the camp fell asleep Achmed plotted his revenge and as the night reached it’s darkest point he slipped between the guards watching over him and crept towards a lavish tent that housed Ismaleos’s hulking body. He slid a knife out of a sheath. He raised it’s glinting blade and stabbed. Unfortunately the man he was trying to kill was not so unprepared.
Achmed’s ears rang with the blow that cracked against his head and his mind slipped into shadows. He woke as dawns light was just beginning to glare against the camp, he was restrained, he was defeated. His weight was lifted off the ground suddenly and he was carried to the center of the camp. Ismaleos stood over him now, chuckling. “I guess you’re just a little more trouble than you’re worth”
Ismaleos quickly lashed him to a pole and set him across the embers left by the fire that burned through the night. Achmed’s mouth opened silently screaming in pain and horror as the heat of the embers slowly began to burn away at his flesh and for the second time his mind was overwhelmed by darkness.
When he next awoke it was to the immense discomfort of being carried on the back of a horse, he looked to see his new surroundings but all he could make out was the form of the cloaked woman commanding the beast that would take him to his new life. upon noticing his stirring the woman turned to him and ran her hand gently across his brow, sending him back into sleep and filling his mind with feelings of comfort.
The woman’s name was Sasha and over the next ten years she not only nursed him back to health but trained him in the arts of a killer. Though he was brought from the brink of death he was left with terrible scars covering most of his body, scars that he learned to conceal lest he horrify someone dear.
But as he crept into Ismaleos’s tent for the second time, twelve years after he began his new life Achmed carefully unwrapped  his face pulling down his mask to show the man who made him this way true horror. Now It was Achmed smiling as he pulled a bottle from a pouch and with a short and quick movement he emptied the contents down Ismaleos’s throat.
Ismaleos lay there silently screaming while Achmed towered above him, his shadowed form looking never more like death its self. Achmed silently dispatched his foe freeing himself finally from his past.
“Now I guess we can turn our gaze on what’s to come”

Gord. Ready To Rock

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Mice Eyes on February 16, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Not much is know about where Gord came from or how he ended up handling Gamanalor’s most deadliest assignments. What is know is that Gord is mean and unforgiving. Know to take a blade to anyone if it means a bigger shank at the dinner table. This Half-Orc has no family, very little friends and sleeps with both eyes open. (It’s true he drops dew frown Mucilage to keep the moisture in his eyes and protect them from the elements). Always the first to rush into a battle- act now, ask questions later- if the person can still talk is the usual motto of this double flailed fighter. Although not really shown amongstthieves, Gord is very loyal and good to have on your side, especially when facing large opponents.

Dalwin, or Gus, if you prefer…

Posted in Niskantel, The Mice Eyes on February 13, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Dalwin is rarely called by his given name. In most circles, he’s referred to as the ‘Scanty Rascal’ or his chosen alias, Gus. Born a natural prankster in Niskantel in 1109, he grew up in a large halfling family. As the youngest, he often got away with tricks blaming it on his older siblings, and his parents exhausted from raising so many before, paid little attention to his exploits. When he came of age, his family saw no great gifts in him, for farming, raising animals, tanning hide, carpentry, or any other skill they found useful. What they didn’t know is that he’d spent the majority of his childhood picking locks and thieving from neighbors, selling his finds at local outdoor markets. And once, at age 7 he attempted to break into the home of a world-renowned thief (living under an assumed alias) and found himself caught in a cage. Dalwin, terrified, cried out for his mother, but he was miles from home, and when the gnome owner of the house came out to find a tiny halfling child caught in his trap, he laughed. He introduced himself to Dalwin as Augustus Fairmore, but his friends called him Gus. Gus let Dalwin out of his trap, and brought him into the house. Throughout the course of the afternoon, it came out that Gus had been a thief in a former life by the name of ‘The Invisible Agent’, but in his later years, he’d decided to settle down and retire on his own on the outskirts of Niskantel. He missed the life of a thief, but with the spoils he’d gained from his exploits, he’d retired quite comfortably. Dalwin, enthralled by the life story of this legendary gnome, asked if he could come back and visit again. For years, Dalwin visited Gus, at first listening to stories, and later learning the tricks of the trade. This much older gnome had become his only mentor. At 17, Dalwin was the only person there to bury Gus after he died of a quick-moving illness. Gus had long lived under aliases and lost touch with any friends, so he left Dalwin everything he owned including his very special customized set of thievery tools and his name. Dalwin sold anything he couldn’t carry with him, and left his family who’d never paid much attention to him anyway, and joined the circus. With his new family he continued to hone his pickpocketing and lock-picking in town after town, and learned the aerial arts. As a tiny halfling, he could be thrown long distances, jump extremely high, and perform almost magical feats of acrobatics. At 22 he left the circus, tearfully saying goodbye to the only family he’d ever known, and went out on his own. It was only months before he came across the Mice Eyes Thieves Guild; they recognized his incredible talents almost immediately and asked him to join up. Without a second thought, he joined. Slowly, he became closer with the group within the Mice Eyes, known as the Dark Wings, and after a lengthy auditioning process was initiated into the elite group. He’s been with them ever since, traveling the world-over, using his talents to steal; killing only when necessary. Now, close friends call him Gus, only he knows it’s a tribute to his lost friend and mentor.

The Mice Eyes Faction leaders

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Mice Eyes on February 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Great War ended 25 years ago and nearly engulfed the world in fire. Gavin Wel was ruled by a great angelic being named the Hegemon, who left in the year 1111. The current year is 1136. The Mice Eyes, the largest and most involved Unionized Guild of entrepeneurial agents to ever exist on Dao Tyr, was and is centralized in GavinWel. The City of the Raven Queen had long turn a laxed eye toward the unsavory ends of many of the Mice Eyes’ means. Of late though, that attitude has changed in that its sovereign lord, Walder, the King of Thieves has gone missing and the company is in a continued state of chaos. The Raven guard has announced and edict against the Mice Eyes and
because of it the City’s economy has been in a continued recession for
the ten years that the King of Thieves has been unaccounted for. Most in the upper eschalon of the organization believe that Walder is gone forever. The Four splinter factions of the Mice Eyes war with one another for power and authority. Would that the Rod of Three Parts, otherwise known as Asiliogn, be found and reunited, the guild that held the rod might unite the factions and restore the glory of the Theives’ Guild.

Aru Ka Tai, leader of the Night Stalkers

Laria Relthathik, Aumbaure of the Dark Wings

Farlie the Blood, Chief of the Bleak Disciples

Gamanalor, Rakshasa Prince of the The Blade Lords