Archive for the The Hunt of Tiamat Category

The Death of Tiamat

Posted in The Hunt of Tiamat on June 5, 2013 by coyoteandthunder



With the reunification of the Third Sword of Glory, and the beheading of the Tiamat’s red head, Oromo revealed himself as the ancient, Gold, Dawnbringer and Tim Tigeon, ranger of men of the Dreamwater saw the beasts’ beating heart. There he slipped a simple iron arrow, and the most ancient, first of all dragons fell into steam and dust, in silence, so deep under the desert, mountainous wastes of Northern Innien.

The Third Sword of Glory, Revealed!

Posted in The Hunt of Tiamat on June 5, 2013 by coyoteandthunder



The Dawnbringer in the hands of Oromo and Aethaexen in the massive hands of Aredhal spontaneously called the third sword of glory (search “Sword of Glory” in search bar to the right) named AhkinAhteyn into being, forming one massive blade that Oromo used to destroy the Red head of the Dragon Queen Goddess.

The Death of Safein

Posted in The Hunt of Tiamat on June 5, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

NightElfCrestAlthough none of the heroes made it out of the hole. None that Theriol can tell. It is known in the Southern Court that Safein, the Archdruid, gave her life and perhaps her soul to the Dragon Goddess on that viscous day.

Soul corruption/Soul Redemption

Posted in The Hunt of Tiamat on May 22, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

the-sky-sexy-lady copyWhile the fateful battle with Tiamat carried on, the fallen angel Aela – remained unconflicted. Her enemy was who ever was losing. She feigned alignment with the group, but everyone knew that should the tide of battle turn against the Theriol Dragonslayers, she would gladly begin to harvest their souls as well.


The Fightful Majesty

Posted in The Hunt of Tiamat on May 22, 2013 by coyoteandthunder



Aradhel, the warforged Paladin, Fist of Raziel, with his holy avenger Aethaexen locked in battle with Tiamat’s Black Head Ythousja. Am epic stalwart of true virtue, Aradhel was not swayed by Ythousja’s beguiling abilities or her frightful majesty. Although he watched his wooden and metal limbs dissolve under the rain of corrosive acid that exploded from her viscous maw, round after round, Aradhel would not be undone.

The Perfect Slayer

Posted in The Hunt of Tiamat on May 22, 2013 by coyoteandthunder


From the beginning, Jorogumo established a relationship with the Blue head of Tiamat. The supreme assassin felt the mind of the dragon goddess in her own – she knew it as a lover and a target. She had trained her whole life for it. She learned her true name – IsthGart. She would not die. The goddess would fall and she would return to the web, a queen in the glory of Llolth.

Tiamat is the Dragon Queen of Fury

Posted in The Hunt of Tiamat on May 22, 2013 by coyoteandthunder





By five she rules. White Green Red Blue & Black. The Chromatic spectrum of evil. The alpha and the omega. The nightmare from which only death can awaken those who suffer her presence.

This one chance

Posted in Innien, The Hunt of Tiamat on May 21, 2013 by coyoteandthunder


The clockwork ballistics were launched from Theriol to Hurthyric two nights before the Summer Solstice, 1164, VII. There were six, such missiles – harboring the greatest heroes of this, or any, age.  There mission: simple. Tiamat was there – in body. Anchor the dragon goddess with the Lore gem embedded in the arch druid’s chest and proceed to destroy the target in hand to hand/arcane combat. It would be over in six combat rounds. A game of souls for the heart of Innien.

1. Oromo, Warlord of the Ancient Dawn, played by Minoo, level 25 Brute

2. Safein, The Archdruid, played by Danny, level 26 Controller

3. Jorogumo, The perfect slayer, played by Marty, level 25 Lurker

4. Aradhel Draz-Galad, The warforged fist of Raziel, played by Robert, level 26 Skirmisher

5. Tim Tigeon, The Sheriff of the Dreamwater, played by Matt, level 27 Artillery

6. Aela the Fallen, played by Jason, level 26 soldier

versus Tiamat, level 32 solo-brute, DM’d by Obi

The Illmata Moon

Posted in Innien, Lands of the East, The Hunt of Tiamat on May 8, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

eyes copy“We know she is here, in Dao Tyr. I have called you, warriors from across the world, to strike against the most evil thing to have ever existed. With every Illmata Moon she must come and uphold the covenant with her prince, Hurthyric, the Dragon King. The ritual takes place in a different place every month – in three days time, we know where it will happen. Make no doubt: this is a conspiracy to do away with a goddess, and certainly your life, but perhaps your very soul hangs in the balance. With this one chance we may end this war-without-end. Theriol have never been offered an end game possibility such as this. We implore you, vanquish this bitch and free my people.” King Brogan VIII.






The Raven Queen’s Plea

Posted in Innien, the Archfey, The Hunt of Tiamat on April 26, 2013 by coyoteandthunder



The warforged paladin, Aradhel entered the newly rebuilt throne room of King Brogan VIII, King of the Theriol, for the first time on the Summer Solstice of the year 1164 in the seventh aepoch of Dao Tyr. He was summoned by his lord, the archangel Firestar, Raziel – patron angel of Theriol. An astromantic alignment was about to occur and thus the Firestar called on his ancient knight. Aradhel would then return, to the world, from beneath the earth mound where the machine-man  had spent the past four hundred years, under two hundred fathoms of water in a lake that was once Purdjion – the land of angels and devils that he him self had surrendered to the purifying water.

“Welcome Lord Aradhel.” King Brogan greeted him at the door and shook his hand with earnest. Aradhel did not speak. He did however, turn and recognize the power emanating from another in the room – a women, dressed in black, with a raven on her shoulder and a brass crown on her brow. She was standing in the window archway, the fading sun bathing her black robes in gold. Brogan noticed the knight staring at her, smiled and said rather nonchalantly, “Yes my lord, goddesses seem to be common of late.” Stepping across the room toward the women “Sir Aradhel, may I present the Avatar Uthia, Lady of the Raven queen, voice-mother of the Firestar.”

Aradhel bowed, as did the Raven Queen.



Gliding over to the knight who had met her halfway into the throne room, the Raven Queen touched Aradhel’s metal face. “Brave immortal Aradhel. I’ve been dreaming with you under that lake, all this while. Waiting for this day. This day that will challenge your perfect faith and test the nature of your soul.” A tear formed in her eye and fell down her cheek. “I ask you today, the most terrible thing a mother could ever ask. I ask you today to perform an act that may just condemn me to an eternity of sorrow, an eternity of remorse.” Pausing, Aradhel could see her take a deep breath as she took both of his massive, guantleted hands in hers. “It has taken me a thousand years, but I now know that my youngest daughter, born Tiama, now called Tiamat, is beyond redemption. I need you to end her. I need to ask the left fist of my son to kill my youngest daughter.”

A vacuous silence filled the room. Brogan, standing behind Aradhel, scratching his chin spoke first. “We have a chance we will never have again Sir Aradhel. We have learned that Tiamat will be, in body, at the Red Tower of Hurthiric in one week’s time. We have devices. We have a plan. Our strategy is set. The party that is going to perform that act, well, that is another question…”

The Raven Queen continued “The good king of men, here, speaks as all good kings do – conspiring for the good of his people. My plans are not so selfless, and indeed, I can not share them with you. I can only ask that you maintain your faith with me, with my family, in this duty, this final, mortal duty.” Aradhel nodded slowly and then got on one knee. The Raven Queen put her hands on his shoulders and continued. “You are so brave, although I doubt that you can feel fear. You will be teamed up with those who are seemingly diametric in alignment to your noble cause. You will be tested further. Your faith in me, in my eyes, Aradhel, is all you must trust.”

Aradhel raised his head and looked into the infinite eyes of the Raven Queen and spoke for the first time in half a century. His voice sounded like the strong wind resonating through the hollow of an ancient oak. “My comrades are my weapons, and I am their shield. I pledge this, that if I can prevent it, They shall not parish. So long as they live, our enemies will fall. I am the righteous, left fist of Raziel, the Firestar. Though tainted I may be…I am the toppled pillar newly erected; called forth to purify in holy flame all that which is vile, corrupted and debased. To burn the wicked and tyrannical who oppress and subjugate the innocent. And to imbue the righteous light to those that find themselves in dark places.”

The Raven Queen wrapped her arms around his large helmet of a head. “Oh my dear. I am too close to you see your fate.” She kissed his brow. “Good luck to you.” She kissed him again, another tear ran down her cheek. She the turned and glided to the shadow where she was gone in a breath. The vacuous silence returned to the throne room as Brogan, nodding to the ancient knight, turned and left him there to sit and ponder.