Archive for the the Fey Dark Category

The Fay enemies of the North

Posted in Ehmis Ogh, Innien, the Fey Dark, The Fey People, The North on April 10, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

fayenemiesIn the long and harsh Winter of 1156, Fort Loren was set upon by a trio of enemies from the Underdark. Their mission was to take control of the Creation Forge in the Fay North and spawn an army of Titanbound Forge spawnlings. Mirana, the half-giant dark elf, the Oni known as Orlok and the Fay witch called Ula did manage to take advantage of the distraction that was the siege of the Dragonbred Faederkin (below) and take the Forge. In an act of desperation, before driving off the interlopers, the Defenders of Fort Loren were forced to destroy the ancient and unique Creation Forge.

dragon bred faederkin


The Fey Daemon

Posted in the Fey Dark on January 1, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

In that thin curtain between the Shadowfell and the Fey Wilds is the Fey Dark. This is the land of the Fey Daemon – where the Shadowsworn rule the Shadowfell and the Archfey rule the Fey Wilds, the Fey Daemon are the sovereign power of the dark wilderness between the two. Not evil and certainly not good either, the potent magics that the Fey Daemons wilds is coveted by and not disimilar to the magics of the Oni and the Eladrin. There are many different types of Fey Daemons, some corporeal warriors, like the Fey Daemon of Mitrera, pictured above, some are ethereal and can never enter the material world.

The Wereboar Lord

Posted in Dinnae, the Fey Dark on December 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Heroes of the Black Orchid, in an attempt to take out one of their chief rivals, Lord Rengis Renbill, ended up destroying a large and ancient mansion in the process. Down the street from the Raven’s Eyrie in the Temple District of downtown Dinnae, the heroes found their target in mid-transformation as he was becoming a size large Wereboar (see the picture, as expertly painted by Matt Decker.) They were, of course, ultimately successful in their mission, except for Vindracryl who may be the multiverse’s first Revenant/Wereboar, having come down now with Tusk Fever.

Cutting out the heart of the enemy

Posted in Farharrow, the Fey Dark on December 19, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

After failing to secure the services of the newly born Nightmare, Ferrylgorn, it looked bleak for the people of Farharrow. The Nameless king is still marching across the witchlight Fen with a legion of gnolls – the small town will surely be sacked.

Teaming up with many townspeople, Brynn and Eddison were able to cut the heart out of the enemy’s power by destoying The Fey Daemon using a binding spell supplied by the raelfaen witches of Hela Anima. The Hobgoblin Necromancer Argohlum, right hand to the Nameless king was betrayed by Tourlgar toward his own nefarious ends – the necromancer was destroyed by the heroes of Farharrow.

The Queen’s most powerful soldiers

Posted in Dinnae, the Fey Dark on December 17, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

(above, left) General Roe Garen has been lord Haumann of the Black Orchid Knights of Dinnae for twenty years. A cruel, ruin of a man whose war-time leadership kept the City of Twilght from being overrun by the Dragonkin armies of Hyth Anir under command of Mizzen Kai, the Blight witch in 1120.

(above, right) Markala, the most powerful of the Queen’s Shadowsworn. Mysterious warriors from the deep Shadowfell who do her bidding and are indeed the spine of her military, martial power.

Ibremox Ptracon, false lord of Adderfell Manor

Posted in Dinnae, the Fey Dark on December 13, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Ibremox Ptracon was the leader of the Ryn Fatom (Hand of the Queen, see A GAME OF LORDS, right) before the coming of the Company of the Black Orchid. Ibremox took over residency of Adderfell Manor, the traditional home of the family Ptracon following their fall after the Sundering, also known as Gherivoninacht. When Aolcyr Ptracon, the eladrin vampire, returned to reclaim his family home, Ibremox was waiting with a coven of Aethermaids, former ladies of House Ptracon, now twisted with eldritch power. The Company of the Black Orchid – the newly made Ryn Fatom, overthrew Ibremox but not without warning of terrible portend: “She will betray you as well!” he yelled regarding Fatom Yrgana…also, in the deathgrips of Aolcyr’s savage rend, he says “I am your brother, don’t you remember me.” This in fact was a rouse, as Ibremox is a chronomancer and not from Aolcyr’s past, but actually from his future…

curious about the terrible brood that battled the Company of the Black Orchid? click below on each to read stats. there were four Aethermaids and six wendigos.

The Calendar of Ethilistyr and the Northlands

Posted in Ancient Lands, Gavin Wel, Men, the Fey Dark on November 26, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Lords of the Shadow Script

Posted in Ancient Lands, Farharrow, the Fey Dark on November 12, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Ryrdren and Kathos, two ancient faederkin priests of the Raven Queen have recently returned to the world through the Fey Dark as Fey Liches known as the Keepers. No one knows exactly how many Keepers there are as reports of Keepers as far south as Issyleth and as far north as Eyrolia. This ancient nethermagic that they wield is somehow tied to the recent rise to divinity of the archfey, Alotha, the Dark Pana, the legendary younger sister of the Raven Queen. Arcane savants across the globe have been studying the at once novel, and truly ancient language known as the Shadow Script. It is in the Shadow Script, an alphabet of innate energy, that the Fey Dark expands darkens the shadows of the Fey Wilds and brightens the sun across the Shadowfel.

Eddison Drake encountered Ryrdren and Kathos outside of Farharrow. It was there that the first shade realized a core piece of his mystery, indeed an original perspective on the nature of Shadow magic and what its local and perhaps global implications may be.

The orphaned drow

Posted in Ancient Lands, Farharrow, the Fey Dark on November 12, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

When Stefan the Shadar Kai, a zealotous priest of the Raven Queen, conspired to steal the town of Farharrow back to its original home on the Shadowfel and away from its new place of power, the Feydark, he needed a vessel of innocence that had been tainted with shadow. The nethermancer chose Ithiri, a drow with no family, they had all been killed in the night of the Sever. Stefan was able to hide the town inside of one of the girl’s tears. It was not until the assassin Brynn Bobbin and her friend, the first shade Eddison Drake, lead by the voidmancers, another sect of the Raven Queen’s vast conspiratorial web, found the girl and drove Stefan back to Letherna.

Stefan the Shadar Kai nethermancer was defeated by the Shadow Heroes of Farharrow.

The Queen of the City of Twilight

Posted in Ancient Lands, the Archfey, the Fey Dark on November 8, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Fatom queen of the City of Twilight in the ancient lands of Unon is Yrgana, the Shadow Queen. She has been married to King AlNayab for nearly one thousand years but does not suffer his presence or his influence over her walled city. Dinnae is hers to rule much to the courtly and acquiescent displeasure of her son, Prince Rolan. The modern city enjoys minimal civic unrest due to the fell-agreement the queen struck with the Keepers, the fey-lich lords of old city Dinnae. Fatom Yrgana is an archfey whose every pleasure is the business of an army of loyal consorts and whose every vice is the directive of a horde of obedient minions.

The City of Dinnae is based on the D&D campaign setting: Gloomwrought in the Shadowfell. Dinnae takes place in the Feydark, an amalgam of the Feywild and the Shadowfell.