Archive for the The Farway Category

Orithin, Tactician of War on the Sea

Posted in The Farway on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Orithin – dwarf defender: His history is rooted in typical happy family life. He grew up trained in the art of combat the oldest son in a family of 13. He embarked on many adventure bring home large amount of wealth and honor to his family. Orithin eventually started a family of his own leaving seasonal excursions on the seas. On his last day of his three month leave from the Farway, Kornick kissed his wife and three children goodbye. These moments were always hard. Kornick stopped at the from door of his 5 bedroom cottage and felt the need to look back and look upon his family one last time, and a sinking feeling hit him as if this could be last he sees them for his trips on the Farway were always met with more danger then he lead on to his family. Kornick did not dwell on this feeling anymore and eventually returned home in one piece. Upon his arrival home bearing strange and wondrous gifts he found the front door broken in and inside the awful smell of spoied meat. stunned he quickly ran through the cottage only to find his entire family slaughtered. After he laid them to rest in his family tomb he went to the local town looking for answers. The final report was that it was a thieving party of orcs had sacked his cottage, stolen his riches, and killed his family. Unsatisfied with this, Orithin now sets out on a secret mission to use the Farway as his means to uncover the mystery of his family’s death for only he knows of the strange markings found on each member. Although the Icehammer dwarves are mercenaries to the Armies of Men at Harrenfel, Orithin is a friend of Fjorn and serves their mutual cause with great loyalty.

Fjorn Kendricksonn, Captain of the Farway

Posted in The Farway on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The symbol of Melora is the symbol of the metallic sea.

Matt’s character. Figure painting by Matt. Click to enlarge

Nerro the Arcanist of the Farway

Posted in The Farway on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Nerro has daddy issues.

Danny’s character. Matt painted the figure. Click to enlarge.

Aolyn is a punk

Posted in The Farway on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Aolyn, master of winds aboard the Farway, never really knew her mother or her father.  The wind was always her only love. Fierce of character, Aolyn has a remarkable dream life…she is a dreamer…dreaming of dragons and song, wine and joy…

Where this Road will Lead

Posted in The Farway, The Fey People on February 16, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Found on the doorstep of a human noble family as an infant. It was the house
cook that hid and cared for young Ratzwick until he was old enough to work off his debt to the family. Finding quiet from a busy manor that was too overwhelming for a small gnome child was a full time for Ratz.  the future sorcerer spent most of his days caring for the gardens and livestock. Preferring the company of the animals to that of the other children made Ratzwick the easiest target to the pranks of others. Sometimes it was just being poked with a stick more often that not it was dead village cats in his bed or headless mice in his shoes. This constant torment is the reason for his soft voice and heavy speech impediment, which is almost unrecognizable as words when he is angry, scared or tired. (Funny enough, get him drunk and he sings with the most beautiful voice) Not having any other gnomes around Clarice, his caretaker, knew nothing of the upcoming changes gnomes go through when they come of age. As he got older his skill in the kitchen and garden became something of pride to the family of the house, never giving the credit to Ratzwick, but allowing him to focus on the more posh jobs that the other servants coveted. Soon it was clear that Ratz wasn’t wanted and his isolation from others was his way of life. Often spending his time by the water drawing or singing lightly the songs Clarice would hum under her breathe all day. It was a few weeks before his “birthday”, a day like all the others that Ratzwick came in from the garden with few pulled root vegetables and found
the only person he had ever cared for dead on the kitchen floor. Grief and
sorrow over took him and soon without thinking a deep dark feeling started to grow from inside, his hairs started to stand on end and it seemed that the room grew frighteningly still and dark. It has been rumored that pixies were the cause of the storm inside the house that day, but none were to be found. What ever the cause, it was the last day anyone from his home village ever saw Ratzwick.

Moving from town to town trying to find a place where he fit it- it wasn’t until
he met the dwarves of Mons Porthos that he was welcomed into a “society”.
Ratzwick was good with an anvil and could make weapons faster than their two finest blacksmiths. Keeping to himself and quiet as a mouse Ratzwich heard many a tale of conqure and plans of war, always listening and never butting in with an opinion- this made him a great confidant to the drinking dwarves of town. Working all day and night gave Ratz comfort and meaning, days turned into months which turned into years, and it probably would have continued that way if the Great Storm hadn’t happened. It raged for days causing floods in the fields, landslides on the coasts and the death of many a man and animal alike. Ratzwick and the rest of the dwarves took to higher ground hoping to wait out the storm, but soon it became apparent that the food supply wouldn’t outlast mother nature.

Ratz was volunteered to head a party to gather what ever was left, a fools
mission for sure, but the timid gnome said nothing as he headed into town.
Everything was destroyed and as he searched further into the unknown parts of  the village night fall was fast at hand, hoping to make it back up the mountain before the moon was at it’s highest, an empty handed Ratz headed back, but it seemed the elements had other plans. The thunderstorm pushed him further and further off course, it wasn’t until he was at the coast line that Ratzwick looked for shelter. Finding a small cave, he climbed in as deep as he could and hoped morning would come soon. Right before dawn the feeling of cold water woke the gnome and soon it was clear that the coast was flooding and drowning in the cave would likely happen. Panic filled Ratzwick as he struggled to get out of his watery grave. A sand dune blocked his way, at the moment which he  thought was his last a strange calmness filled him and the lullaby Clarice sang to him as an infant came to mind. Closing his eyes Ratz welcomed death- but death would not answer, instead the area around became suddenly hot and dry with a flurry of movement in a circular direction- opening his eyes Ratzwick found himself in the eyewell of a tropical cyclone. A Cyclone that seem to glow a bright green, the same color green of the pedant Ratzwick always wore, the only thing he took off of Clarice’s body before he left his childhood home, speaking the words of his nurserylullaby aloud the cyclone lifted off the ground and carried the gnome into the air. Once at safety the cyclone’s winds dispersed at the sky grew calm once more. Ratz never said goodbye to the dwarves, who probably thought he perished in the roughest night of the Great Storm, and leftto find the meaning to all that happened.

Traveling the land, asking few questions and giving fewer answers Ratzwick
gained control of his powers, the strongest being that of the water elements. It wasn’t until he found Clarice’s granddaughter that it all became clear. Stories of her arcane lineage and the meaning of the lullabies (they were actually spells put to rhymes to help children remember them better). Always wanting to know more, Ratzwick Tontuu has never settled down, but always looking to know where this fork in the road will lead.

My sacrifice is your death…

Posted in The Farway on February 16, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Nerro was born into the life of a mage, he lived with his father in a remote tower where he learned the art of blood magik. It was only too unfortunate that while dabbling in this dark and shunned arcane study his fathers mind was corrupted by none other than Vecna. When his father attempted to use Nerro as a blood sacrifice Nerro flew into an uncontrollable rage destroying a major portion of his tower. For years he remained in solitude studying his fathers forgotten tomes deep in the keeps subterranean vaults. It was years before he thought himself mentally fit to venture into the world and many years more before he finally found himself wise enough to bring his quick temper under control. Though he is still known to lose himself to his anger most people know him to be a kind old man and a mystic. More recently he’s found himself drawn to seeking the most ancient tomes to study long forgotten power, perhaps he thinks his wisdom will enable him to wield more awesome power for the benefit of good, or perhaps he is only just now following the path of his father. Nerro is now the arcanist on the vessel Farway and would be happy to call it’s crewmen friends, and some among them are as close to him as family.

“my sacrifice is your death, and as my blood boils with ire yours shall burn with with righteous flam!”

Nerro’s fate, despite his own accomplishments and long life is somehow forever tied to his father’s dark legacy

Lord Brogan the Immortal

Posted in Men, The Farway on February 13, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Lord Brogan was born to his first body about 2000 years ago, in the fourth age of the world. An agent of Io, the Concordant Dragon, he is largely a mystery to himself; reborn once an age for one purpose or another. His knowledge of this Kharmic Wheel is only revealed to him in dreams and those he is attached to, Lord Springfield of Oaxala and Lordmage Azinon of Isselyth. In the year 1136 of the Seventh Age, Brogan’s find himself as a young sword for hire serving aboard the Farway with more questions than answers.

The Farway docks at Amanafyr

Posted in The Farway on January 30, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

click to enlarge