Archive for the The Dragongods Category

Oromo, Order of the Ancient Dawn, General Oromo

Posted in Dragons, Innien, The Dragongods, The Hunt of Tiamat on April 20, 2013 by coyoteandthunder


Oromo has glinting amber-eyes.  Despite his waning age, the dusky old man has bulging, sinewy muscles under his leathery exterior, with faded diamond-patterned tattoos along his arms, neck, and torso.  He wears an overlapping patchwork of black and gold dragon scale armor beneath a black silk robe, embroidered with gold luminous suns and giant dragons.  A thick, dark metallic torc surrounds his neck, where a two-headed snake eats a giant ruby.  Never far, is his massive golden sword he calls, the Dawnbringer, that looks even too heavy for him to carry.  He claims to be a widower, though no one remembers his youth.  He claims to be and a member of the Order of the Ancient Dawn, though no one has ever heard of the order, know anything of its history, or seen any other members.  A veteran of many wars, no one seems to have heard of, he is a proficient battle general, master tactician, and charismatic motivator.  He claims to have held a small fort with 10 men against 500 for a month.  When at rest on the road, he can often be found sharing battle stories by the fire or in his tent doing calligraphy, writing endless arcane tessellated patterns on large scrolls of parchment.

The mythic blade, The Dawnbringer, was forged in aeons past by servants of the Wyrm Lords.  It is believed to be pure meteoric iron forged under the withering heat of the Gold Dragon breath weapon belonging to the legendary wyrm Geldor Gangringax some 4000 years ago.  It is a sword so massive that it requires a  30 strength to even wield.  It has a flame-like wave pattern in the steel and a rare golden color. The weapon is magically indestructible.



Lords of The Red Tower

Posted in Dragons, Innien, Lands of the East, The Dragongods on April 18, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

HurthyricThe lord emperor of the Dragonkin empire is Hurthyric of the Red Tower. Over a century ago, he ascended the throne – delivering, as he proclaimed, the righteousness of Tiamat from the Far Realm – where he had been held in stasis for the past thousand years. Since that time he has rained endless fire and war upon the humans armies of the South. The Front, long entrenched, deep and blanketed in the blood of the fallen, will soon break. So says the prophecies of the Red Court, in fact, it has all unfolded exactly by his plan.

RedTower copy

There are five main, noble houses, or Voltain, from the Red Tower of Hurthyric. These five predate the coming of the Tiamat Revelation. Corinthyric is the oldest of the Voltain. Master Onok is the Lord of the Howling Wind and is the only Venerable Fang on the Court. Ablithox is the Lord of  The Ferrunok, House of Sword Tooth, and the venerable, maned-dragon, Aergressin is a constant objector to lord Hurthyric’s plans to expand the empire. Babrinilox is lord of the Othymot, House of Obsidian, and is the commander of a large cabal of elementalists – dark and wise, who in turn, command a large army of earth and fire elementals. Malphareneth is the lord of Uthrot, the House of the Fire Heart and the General of the Red Ring – those responsible for training all the soldier gladiators in Tiamat’s Army. HaelRenMeh is lord of ThanMa, the House of the Spearhead and slaving is their purview –  with Fire Giants as slaves, this house is responsible for arming the legion with the products of the great forges in their charge.


The Native Magic of Daotyr – The Bonasas

Posted in Ancient Lands, The Dragongods on June 23, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

Before the world knew of Greater powers – even before the dragongods thought of themselves as such, the pantheon of native draconic dieties dreamed magic into the world through a force called the Bonasas. The Bonasas, or called the Bonatian Circle, is responsible for, and the source of all life, weather, emotion and arcane power in the world. As your character experience the Aepoch of the Primordials, the Bonasas begins to enter your soul and you begin a relationship with it that affects your abilities as a Knight of the Scarlet Eye in a new and fantastic ways. The Bonasas becomes known to you through the material culture, the crafts and treasures, built by the exarchs – these gifts, these Bonatian items are the very essence of magic.

Ogremoch, Lord of the Earth

Posted in Ancient Lands, Old Khepathia, The Dragongods on June 6, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

In the days of the first Sun – Ogremoch, lord of the earth, appeared indifferent to his overwhelming powers. Ogremoch obstained from most of the battles with the original Dragongods in the Dawn War.

The Dragonkin Wars

Posted in Gavin Wel, Lesivith, the Archfey, The Dragongods, the Fey Dark, The Fey People, The North, The Shadow Road, the Talisman on October 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Announcing the publishing of the Valena Quoul, the history of the Dragon Kin Wars in the ancient lands of Unon. Click here or on the picture above to link to the PDF. This book is another chapter in the hugely involved plot of how the shadow grows over this campaign world. I am still experimenting with my idea of publishing a novel version of the campaign world…been working on it for twenty years. When published, of course, I will only use appropriated art with permission. I appreciate all the artists’ talents on this website and if permission is ever requested I will of course abide. For now, the site is published for personal use only.

The Laie of Unos and Tiama

Posted in Gavin Wel, Orcus, the Archfey, The Dragongods on July 26, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Unos and Tiama were wed
and ruled Khepathia
for the first one hundred years
of the fourth age

before the coming of Aoltha
daughter of Ehlonna
and council of the West Wind
wrought in fate

Aoltha did come with two sisters
called Loramnel and Peonopel.
With long hair each in black
and of comely youth in visage.

So much overwhelmed was Unos
by Aoltha’s beauty that he immediately
then fell in hopeless love
to the doom of his civic rule.

then, it is recounted that the
the King and the girl were not lovers.
He wished only for the peaceful shadow
that covered his heart when she neared.

Thunderbird, called Arethal,
warns the King of Aoltha’s move
to erect the FoeAm Totems
and the fateful portend.

It was by this ritual act then
that Aoltha gave immaculate birth
to Wee Jas, the mother of Fay magic
and there by opened untold portals-

portals that ushered in the many-fold
millions of populants in Old Khepathia,
the Demons and the Angels who walked
in peace for hundreds of years.

Wee Jas marries Firyen Bhendafel,
the Oromancer, the most recognized
raelfaen sorcerer throughout Old
Khepathia, one hundred years

before the coming of the elves
when the wilds began to creep into
the ancient metropolis
spelling the nearing end.

There was foulness in the heart
of Wee Jas and Queen Tiama took
her as niece and together the two
dreamed of a new world of magic.

Wee Jas goes to Maradyn and
meets Corol, the King of the Elves.
The two fall in love and are married
despite her already husband Firyen.

When men come first to Khepathia,
they were a team called The Silver March and The King and Queen
loved them.

As a gift to Men, Tiama had
the Oromancer forge three swords.
The Swords of Peace were smithed
in the creation forge at Eythiria.

The Swords of light were called
Anul Grei, for truth
Rend Grei, for civility and
Rendelreign, for home and hearth.

In 2145 of the Raelfaen’s fourth epoch
was the Tearing of Tiamat.
The beautiful demon Prince Orcus
of Unos’ royal court is the cause.

He learns that Unos had bedded Aoltha
and the wedding of Corol and Wee Jas.
In a moment of unseen doom under bright moon in the cold winter,

he reveals all he knows to the open court
and no one could have fortold
the rage of the noble queen
who cursed her name and heart for all.

Becoming then, chromatic Tiamat,
She cursed the Swords of Light
to be the Swords of Doom
and forever left Kepathia.

The throne she cursed and
gave forever to Aoltha,
who she then called
the Raven Queen, for all time.

Orcus, left bereft, steals the
Swords from the Silver March
and scatters them amongst
evil men and ogre mages.

Forever shall the races of Men
and Orcin kind be doomed to war
at this act of betrayal and theft
by the demon prince.

Firyen, now of the shadows,
become the Anathemancer
and hides under the shadow road
forever hidden from his shame.

Unos, alone and now wild, leaves
the throne of Khepathia to mortals
and goes to the forests of the Elves
and lives with Corol.

Corol, then following called
Corellon Larethian is forever the
elven lord of magic.
Unos plans to restore his honor in battle.

He takes the name Bahamut
and merges the North Star with
his divine heart,
becoming the Platinum dragon.

Corellon and Bahamut
create the three Swords of Glory
to balance the reaping vengeance
of the Swords of Doom.

the first sword is Larissa and it is given to Valen Gildensong to begin a mighty
kindgom in the warm western lands
beyond the mountains Khepathia.

The next is given to King Rheindahl
as he is the first mortal king of the
new city of Gavin Wel,
or Truthful words in old common

This is the Stickarein Blade,
the bright blade who would
forever be fated to be wielded
by one of Bahamut’s champions.

The origin and fate of the third sword
remains in mystery and
shrouded in prophecy
to this day.


An epic collision of fate & the birth of the Champion of IO

Posted in Maiah, The Dragongods on July 12, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

click to enlarge photos (above, left) Arnithol, Lord High Elder Wyrm of the Empire of Hyth Anir, stands with Nakrathon, Champion Battlemaster of Tiamat stand against the forces of good on the infernal plane of Tytherion. (above, right) The tide of battle turns as Wolfdog leaps into position to tackle RendelReign, the Elder Bluw Wyrm, the Doom Sword of War. This was the moment when Wolfdog lost the Dragonslayer dagger, Fluthelial.

Wolfdog versus RendelReign (above, left) and (above,right) the moment when Wolfdog takes Nakrathon’s head.

(above,left) The light of the Platinum Dragon, Zarconus, pinned on the violent stones of Tytherion. (Above, middle) Teak Mumbai treats with Anathemal YuanTi warriors of Zehir and gains their allegiance, for long enough to win the day. (above, right) Krugg summons the Astral Guardians as, following Teak’s destruction of Arnithol, Zarconus becomes the Champion of IO.  RendelReign’s retreats.

The Coming of the Dragon Gods

Posted in The Dragongods, The North on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

What everyone knows…

The year is 1136, in the 7th epoch of the Raelfaen. The Raelfaen, or more commonly called the Eladrin, have a history that stretches back nearly fifty thousand years on DaoTyr. This is a new age of the world. The sixth epoch ended in 1111, twenty five years ago. The last two years of that age were defined by war: The Eyrolian Empire of the North, the Dragonborn wars that destroyed the Lilthen Sea to the south. The Singers of the Shadow Moot destroyed the monster that was the White Queen at SwordCall and released the Blood of IO which called the original Dragongods of Daotyr back to their terrestrial lands, holdings and powers. These Gods walk in mortal form over their ancient lands, having not been present on DaoTyr since the first age of the world. They are avatars of greater beings and do not have the names of their divine counterparts. Some are kind. Some are cruel. All are powerful sovereigns spread across the globe. See below for their histories and lands…

Aasterinian, Goddess of Invention, Messenger of IO, CN, The Chaos Dragon, Luck, Travel, Trickery, Charm, Illusion Trade.

The Aasternian once named Lyxa

The Moon’s Rays and the Sun’s claws

Whose ancient land was Eltherion

Land of Rivers and Cedar

Astilabor, Goddess of Wealth, N, The Acquisitor, Hoardmistress, Protection, Wealth, Metal, Jade.

The Astilabor once named Dobdarrin

The Force Lung and the Formful Spirit

Whose ancient land was Kharlanin

Land of Gold and Rain

Chronespsis, God of Fate, N, Death, Knowledge, Fate, Time.

The Chronespsis once named Adsyrsyan

The Protector of Judgement

Whose ancient land was Myrlos

Land of Stone and Sky

Falazure, God of Decay, NE, Death, Evil, Darkness, Undeath.

The Falazure once named Xengxui

He who Denies Nature

Whose ancient land was Mortelion

The Bloodgrounds of the North

Garyx, God of Destruction, CN, Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Renewal.

The Garyx once named Albiden

The purifier who moves through fire

Whose ancient land was BolonTyr

Land of the Mountains and Snow

Hlal, Goddess of Humor, CG, Chaos, Good, Trickery, Runes

The Hlal once named Sebdinn

The giving sky and the trembling earth

Whose ancient land was Coralore

Land of Wheat and Wind

Io, Lord of the Gods, N, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth

The Io once named Shakdashan

The warrior’s ring to which honor is given

Whose ancient land was Aoldao

Land of Horses and Spice

Lendys, God of Justice, LN, Destruction, Law, Protection, Retribution

The Lendys once named Al-Naybab

Who is the soul reforged and set

Whose ancient land was Orsolon

Land of sweetgrass and ox

Tamara, Goddess of Life, NG, Good, Healing Strength, Sun

The Tamara once named Kateguar

The Ancient Eyes of the Lake

Whose ancient land was Relwyn

Land of Mist and Oak

The Ancient Dragon Gods Elxast (Alshyst)  of the Sea is still revered by those who sail and fish

Tiamat, once named Tiamathia

Bahamut, once named UnonBate

History of the Dragon Gods

Posted in The Dragongods with tags on February 2, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

As the sayter recall the tale- Part I
During the age that the stars were being birthed and Chauntea’s giants were pushing up the mountains, the children witnessed a shining light come down to Dao tyr.
For it was the brilliance of Io and how we sang.
In the endless immortal wilds, Io dwelt laughing and passed on its light to six children named Hlal, Garyx, Faluzure, Aasterinian, Chronepsis, and Astilabor.
With thanx and joy for being alive they in turn created bests of hand, hoof, fin, wing, scale and shell.
It is said that for eons Io shone joy apon the young world.
That is untill Davinn GelNaughcht, father of the Faykin, presented to Io “The Great Game”.
Giving it as the wilds greatest treasure.
Io had nver known such a thing and understood not the nature of the game that had been created.
Obsessed with this new thing, Io began to change.
Duality had been created for the first time.
Winner loser, life death, night and day, good and evil, all were born out of the knowlege gleened by the great game.
Alas it was this same knowlege that split great Io into two equal parts, the gods we know as Tiamat and Bahamuut.
They were the first gods to walk on Dao tyr and they brought joy and sorrow, gave us our blood and tears and forever changed the fey and the world we live in.
Berrain Truescouge
Lord sayter of the Hearhold at Murkroot
“may his sacrifice live on in song”