Archive for the the Archfey Category

The Raven Queen’s Plea

Posted in Innien, the Archfey, The Hunt of Tiamat on April 26, 2013 by coyoteandthunder



The warforged paladin, Aradhel entered the newly rebuilt throne room of King Brogan VIII, King of the Theriol, for the first time on the Summer Solstice of the year 1164 in the seventh aepoch of Dao Tyr. He was summoned by his lord, the archangel Firestar, Raziel – patron angel of Theriol. An astromantic alignment was about to occur and thus the Firestar called on his ancient knight. Aradhel would then return, to the world, from beneath the earth mound where the machine-man  had spent the past four hundred years, under two hundred fathoms of water in a lake that was once Purdjion – the land of angels and devils that he him self had surrendered to the purifying water.

“Welcome Lord Aradhel.” King Brogan greeted him at the door and shook his hand with earnest. Aradhel did not speak. He did however, turn and recognize the power emanating from another in the room – a women, dressed in black, with a raven on her shoulder and a brass crown on her brow. She was standing in the window archway, the fading sun bathing her black robes in gold. Brogan noticed the knight staring at her, smiled and said rather nonchalantly, “Yes my lord, goddesses seem to be common of late.” Stepping across the room toward the women “Sir Aradhel, may I present the Avatar Uthia, Lady of the Raven queen, voice-mother of the Firestar.”

Aradhel bowed, as did the Raven Queen.



Gliding over to the knight who had met her halfway into the throne room, the Raven Queen touched Aradhel’s metal face. “Brave immortal Aradhel. I’ve been dreaming with you under that lake, all this while. Waiting for this day. This day that will challenge your perfect faith and test the nature of your soul.” A tear formed in her eye and fell down her cheek. “I ask you today, the most terrible thing a mother could ever ask. I ask you today to perform an act that may just condemn me to an eternity of sorrow, an eternity of remorse.” Pausing, Aradhel could see her take a deep breath as she took both of his massive, guantleted hands in hers. “It has taken me a thousand years, but I now know that my youngest daughter, born Tiama, now called Tiamat, is beyond redemption. I need you to end her. I need to ask the left fist of my son to kill my youngest daughter.”

A vacuous silence filled the room. Brogan, standing behind Aradhel, scratching his chin spoke first. “We have a chance we will never have again Sir Aradhel. We have learned that Tiamat will be, in body, at the Red Tower of Hurthiric in one week’s time. We have devices. We have a plan. Our strategy is set. The party that is going to perform that act, well, that is another question…”

The Raven Queen continued “The good king of men, here, speaks as all good kings do – conspiring for the good of his people. My plans are not so selfless, and indeed, I can not share them with you. I can only ask that you maintain your faith with me, with my family, in this duty, this final, mortal duty.” Aradhel nodded slowly and then got on one knee. The Raven Queen put her hands on his shoulders and continued. “You are so brave, although I doubt that you can feel fear. You will be teamed up with those who are seemingly diametric in alignment to your noble cause. You will be tested further. Your faith in me, in my eyes, Aradhel, is all you must trust.”

Aradhel raised his head and looked into the infinite eyes of the Raven Queen and spoke for the first time in half a century. His voice sounded like the strong wind resonating through the hollow of an ancient oak. “My comrades are my weapons, and I am their shield. I pledge this, that if I can prevent it, They shall not parish. So long as they live, our enemies will fall. I am the righteous, left fist of Raziel, the Firestar. Though tainted I may be…I am the toppled pillar newly erected; called forth to purify in holy flame all that which is vile, corrupted and debased. To burn the wicked and tyrannical who oppress and subjugate the innocent. And to imbue the righteous light to those that find themselves in dark places.”

The Raven Queen wrapped her arms around his large helmet of a head. “Oh my dear. I am too close to you see your fate.” She kissed his brow. “Good luck to you.” She kissed him again, another tear ran down her cheek. She the turned and glided to the shadow where she was gone in a breath. The vacuous silence returned to the throne room as Brogan, nodding to the ancient knight, turned and left him there to sit and ponder.

The young king and the queen of spiders

Posted in Innien, the Archfey, The Hunt of Tiamat on April 25, 2013 by coyoteandthunder


“You have let your hair and beard grow, lover, over the year that you have been king of Theriol. I don’t like the way it feels against my cheek.” The dark elf slid off the white sheet and wrapped her thin scarf around her shoulder. King Brogan, already standing by the hearth, poured two glass of red wine. From the corner of his eye, he admired the contrast of her sleek, ink black skin against the soft folds of his linens.

“I don’t much care how you feel about the length of humanly birthright.” He swallowed the cup of wine in one large gulp.

The svelte, elven queen slid across the shadow filled space between the two with a whisper and placed her fingertip on his lips. “Such a beast”,” she whispered with a casual smile and kissed him lightly. Brogan let him self go, as he did so often of late, for just a moment, to the swoon of her charms. Then the darkness fell again across his heart and he face betrayed his will to keep it in. “I’ve known you for years Brogan, watched you for longer. You can’t hide anything from me, why do you try? Open up to me now, so soon after we have coupled. Let me in to the great leader’s mind.”

“I can never tell if you are mocking me.” Brogan pushed the drow away and filled his wine again. “There are those in my small council who would barely hesitate, for love of my father, that I was with you, night after night, time and time again. Damn it women, were I not beguiled by your love.” Brogan turned away and again, finished his wine.

Taking an exasperated deep breath, the drow took a step up to him and wrapped her thin arms around his waist, feeling the taught, mid-section muscles above his belt of a human man in the prime of his young life. She wondered to herself for a moment if it was not her that was beguiled by him – although for the drow, she was at least as attracted to the power that Brogan held, more so than any measure of genuine affection. She traced the length of his arms, and as she did her finger tips left trails of glowing ruins that quickly burned away when Brogan turned to look.

“My love, we have just begun our journey down this road together.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, talking into his shoulder blades as he stared into the black. “I am ready to tell you a secret…My lord Brogan, I’ve never told you my name, and now, I am ready. By me giving you this, my name, shall a new chapter of our relationship be open. By me sharing this with you…By me giving this dark gift to you, shall your power grow.”

Brogan turned and looked into the dark pools of her eyes, lost and found, searching for answers and finding further confusion. “But, as you’ve said, I’ve known you my whole life. I see you in my dreams. You are the dark, clear, spring water under the earth. You are the curtain of the seducing night, cold and fierce. You are the moon, full of magic and brilliant calling. You name is the wind. You are a priestess queen of the fay.”

“My lord,” she whispered, her eyes alive with intense power, she turned he man toward her and spoke with a resonance that belied her tiny frame. “My people, my children, call me by title, a name older than all the cities of men. A priestess? No, Lord Brogan. I am the target of their prayers.” He gasped as he realized the next words that were going to fall from her mouth. “Llolth. My name is Llolth.”

Codexa Pseidwom, an ancient book

Posted in Ancient Lands, Men, Old Khepathia, the Archfey, The North on November 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

For the first time online, the Dao Tyr classic, the Codexa Pseidwom is now available online. click here to download the 22 page book and discover the secrets of the Fifth Aepoch of the Raelfaen. Here in, you will discover the story of the Dragongods and the saga of Purdjion and the Gray Queen.

The Queen of the City of Twilight

Posted in Ancient Lands, the Archfey, the Fey Dark on November 8, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Fatom queen of the City of Twilight in the ancient lands of Unon is Yrgana, the Shadow Queen. She has been married to King AlNayab for nearly one thousand years but does not suffer his presence or his influence over her walled city. Dinnae is hers to rule much to the courtly and acquiescent displeasure of her son, Prince Rolan. The modern city enjoys minimal civic unrest due to the fell-agreement the queen struck with the Keepers, the fey-lich lords of old city Dinnae. Fatom Yrgana is an archfey whose every pleasure is the business of an army of loyal consorts and whose every vice is the directive of a horde of obedient minions.

The City of Dinnae is based on the D&D campaign setting: Gloomwrought in the Shadowfell. Dinnae takes place in the Feydark, an amalgam of the Feywild and the Shadowfell.

The Dragonkin Wars

Posted in Gavin Wel, Lesivith, the Archfey, The Dragongods, the Fey Dark, The Fey People, The North, The Shadow Road, the Talisman on October 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Announcing the publishing of the Valena Quoul, the history of the Dragon Kin Wars in the ancient lands of Unon. Click here or on the picture above to link to the PDF. This book is another chapter in the hugely involved plot of how the shadow grows over this campaign world. I am still experimenting with my idea of publishing a novel version of the campaign world…been working on it for twenty years. When published, of course, I will only use appropriated art with permission. I appreciate all the artists’ talents on this website and if permission is ever requested I will of course abide. For now, the site is published for personal use only.

The Raelfaen and the Eladrin

Posted in the Archfey, the Fey Dark, The Fey People on October 14, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

With the coming of Shadow, the splintering of the Astral Tower in the Game of Mountains, and the rise of the ancient Fey power of the Aoltha Pana, in the Seventh Aepoch of the Raelfaen, a cultural and spiritual divide has occured, or has become evident, between who may be called Eladrin and who may be called Raelfaen. For fifty thousand years, the two races have been one and the same, interchangable and in harmonium. No longer is that the case. In the recent days following the Dragonkin War, the Pale Court of Raelfaen at Tem Salaam as presided over by Lady Kasalai, in the ancient lands of Unon, has ruled what all of the finer sylvan races have already known: the onyx-eyed Raelfaen are of shadow and can not be known as one people with the ivory-eyed Eladrin. Nowhere is this more periously felt than the ancient city of TemAol. 200 miles west of Gavin Wel, TemAol, the City of Silver Trees, is the Eladrin/Raelfaen capitol of Lauwerfel in the Feydark. Passions run wild in this ancient place of nethermagic where  fine weaponry is crafted, including Raven Blades form the Black Orchid Knights, and are exported to the rich success of its citizenry. What was once whole has now been split as a snake’s tongue, the paths of these two ancient peoples now diverge. How and to what mortal end all this goes, none now can say.

Gramgeld Church

Posted in Gavin Wel, Old Khepathia, the Archfey on September 10, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Gramgeld Church in Dark Port is an ancient cathedral whose foundations date back to Old Khepathia. It is the historical home of the Black Orchid knights and is ruled over by Lady Asha of the Raven Queen and Lady Jennelith of the Blade. Although Sinis Oebyr is a larger and more influential church, Gramgeld’s dark energy is undeniable and in fact, extremely potent as a source of power for its fell congregation.

Jennelith the Black Orchid

Posted in Gavin Wel, the Archfey, the Fey Dark on September 10, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

For over a thousand years, the leader of the Black Orchid knights is Lady Jennelith. Her infamy is matched only by her mystery.

The Laie of Unos and Tiama

Posted in Gavin Wel, Orcus, the Archfey, The Dragongods on July 26, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Unos and Tiama were wed
and ruled Khepathia
for the first one hundred years
of the fourth age

before the coming of Aoltha
daughter of Ehlonna
and council of the West Wind
wrought in fate

Aoltha did come with two sisters
called Loramnel and Peonopel.
With long hair each in black
and of comely youth in visage.

So much overwhelmed was Unos
by Aoltha’s beauty that he immediately
then fell in hopeless love
to the doom of his civic rule.

then, it is recounted that the
the King and the girl were not lovers.
He wished only for the peaceful shadow
that covered his heart when she neared.

Thunderbird, called Arethal,
warns the King of Aoltha’s move
to erect the FoeAm Totems
and the fateful portend.

It was by this ritual act then
that Aoltha gave immaculate birth
to Wee Jas, the mother of Fay magic
and there by opened untold portals-

portals that ushered in the many-fold
millions of populants in Old Khepathia,
the Demons and the Angels who walked
in peace for hundreds of years.

Wee Jas marries Firyen Bhendafel,
the Oromancer, the most recognized
raelfaen sorcerer throughout Old
Khepathia, one hundred years

before the coming of the elves
when the wilds began to creep into
the ancient metropolis
spelling the nearing end.

There was foulness in the heart
of Wee Jas and Queen Tiama took
her as niece and together the two
dreamed of a new world of magic.

Wee Jas goes to Maradyn and
meets Corol, the King of the Elves.
The two fall in love and are married
despite her already husband Firyen.

When men come first to Khepathia,
they were a team called The Silver March and The King and Queen
loved them.

As a gift to Men, Tiama had
the Oromancer forge three swords.
The Swords of Peace were smithed
in the creation forge at Eythiria.

The Swords of light were called
Anul Grei, for truth
Rend Grei, for civility and
Rendelreign, for home and hearth.

In 2145 of the Raelfaen’s fourth epoch
was the Tearing of Tiamat.
The beautiful demon Prince Orcus
of Unos’ royal court is the cause.

He learns that Unos had bedded Aoltha
and the wedding of Corol and Wee Jas.
In a moment of unseen doom under bright moon in the cold winter,

he reveals all he knows to the open court
and no one could have fortold
the rage of the noble queen
who cursed her name and heart for all.

Becoming then, chromatic Tiamat,
She cursed the Swords of Light
to be the Swords of Doom
and forever left Kepathia.

The throne she cursed and
gave forever to Aoltha,
who she then called
the Raven Queen, for all time.

Orcus, left bereft, steals the
Swords from the Silver March
and scatters them amongst
evil men and ogre mages.

Forever shall the races of Men
and Orcin kind be doomed to war
at this act of betrayal and theft
by the demon prince.

Firyen, now of the shadows,
become the Anathemancer
and hides under the shadow road
forever hidden from his shame.

Unos, alone and now wild, leaves
the throne of Khepathia to mortals
and goes to the forests of the Elves
and lives with Corol.

Corol, then following called
Corellon Larethian is forever the
elven lord of magic.
Unos plans to restore his honor in battle.

He takes the name Bahamut
and merges the North Star with
his divine heart,
becoming the Platinum dragon.

Corellon and Bahamut
create the three Swords of Glory
to balance the reaping vengeance
of the Swords of Doom.

the first sword is Larissa and it is given to Valen Gildensong to begin a mighty
kindgom in the warm western lands
beyond the mountains Khepathia.

The next is given to King Rheindahl
as he is the first mortal king of the
new city of Gavin Wel,
or Truthful words in old common

This is the Stickarein Blade,
the bright blade who would
forever be fated to be wielded
by one of Bahamut’s champions.

The origin and fate of the third sword
remains in mystery and
shrouded in prophecy
to this day.


Wolfdog and the Dark Pana

Posted in Maiah, Men, the Archfey on June 24, 2011 by coyoteandthunder


“I saw her in there! That tower of lightning. I swung my axe down again and again, like I was madly working on bringing down a great tree. There in the light, crackling and burning all around me. The Dark Pana! dancing. The horrid Fay Queen was dancing and evading my blows. She was there to kill me! The dark spirit of my own land, risen up and to find me here. Here, on the edge of nothing! Her. My worst enemy…my perfect enemy. She and I represent the war for the soul of our land. Sweet Maiah. So far away. Will I ever see her again?” Wolfdog.