Archive for the Orsolon Category

Randgrim’s Runes are Older than History

Posted in Orsolon on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Randgrim, Lord Runepriest of Ba’Hyde.

Matt’s Figure. Matt’s figure painting. Click to Enlarge

Argaron is no longer a Horned Warrior

Posted in Orsolon on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Emma’s character. Matt’s figure painting. Click to enlarge

More Trouble Than Worth

Posted in Orsolon, The Mice Eyes on February 16, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Aukon set out to find his fortune and began moving from city to city with an orphaned wolf pup he’d rescued not long after striking out on his own. Part of his training required that he learn to control his most primal aspects but though Aukon hardly noticed he spent more and more time in his animal form, preying on peoples secrets as a spy. Unfortunately one of his victims was able to see through his facade and Aukon was put in jail. But it seemed that the eyes of the law were not the only eyes that gazed upon him for no more than an hour after being incarcerated he was released. Aukon had been bailed out by none other than the Mice Eyes guild and this is when Aukon’s adventures would truly begin.

“Poor kid” whispered a sandy voice from beneath a veil of black cloth.
Achmed was crouched down low next to the body of a boy, no more than 12 years old. He gently turned the lifeless head revealing the after math of a serious blow to the head. The visions of violence that stirred in his mind as he pictured the event were brief, like flashes of lightning revealing only for a fraction of a second the fate of this slave. It was almost overwhelming.
Placing his hands firmly on his thighs Achmed silently rose from the ground, a gust of desert wind gently blowing against his collection of cloaks. He could taste a hint of salt on the wind and from far away he could smell a hint of torch smoke. Night had begun to fall and with the darkness it would also bring death, Like a wraith Achmed’s cloaked form flowed across the sand like water, gently gliding ever closer to his target. He spared no detail in his approach.
This bounty was personal to him, though he’d been sent to kill slavers before this was a man who Achmed had been quite eager to destroy.
like poison Achmed spit out the name.
His memories boiled over his years of freedom, over the mental walls he’d built what seemed like a lifetime ago, and again he could feel the weight of shackles on his hands and feet. It was if Achmed was suddenly transported ten thousand miles away, the beating of drums forced him to march, behind him was a woman, in front a man. He fell. Sand pressed into his weary face for a brief second before rough hands clawed into his hair, dragging him to his feet. “It was him” Achmed thought.
Ismaleos laughed in his face while reaching in his pouch. His hand returned with a small glass bottle “This should wake you up” he sneered, emptying the contents into Achmed’s throat.
His eyes opened wide and his mouth fell open and he tried to scream but to his horror he was only able to produce a muffled croak. The poison coursed through his body burning and twisting and for the next ten years of his life Achmed was silent.
The events that would unfold that night roared in his brain like rolling thunder, as the camp fell asleep Achmed plotted his revenge and as the night reached it’s darkest point he slipped between the guards watching over him and crept towards a lavish tent that housed Ismaleos’s hulking body. He slid a knife out of a sheath. He raised it’s glinting blade and stabbed. Unfortunately the man he was trying to kill was not so unprepared.
Achmed’s ears rang with the blow that cracked against his head and his mind slipped into shadows. He woke as dawns light was just beginning to glare against the camp, he was restrained, he was defeated. His weight was lifted off the ground suddenly and he was carried to the center of the camp. Ismaleos stood over him now, chuckling. “I guess you’re just a little more trouble than you’re worth”
Ismaleos quickly lashed him to a pole and set him across the embers left by the fire that burned through the night. Achmed’s mouth opened silently screaming in pain and horror as the heat of the embers slowly began to burn away at his flesh and for the second time his mind was overwhelmed by darkness.
When he next awoke it was to the immense discomfort of being carried on the back of a horse, he looked to see his new surroundings but all he could make out was the form of the cloaked woman commanding the beast that would take him to his new life. upon noticing his stirring the woman turned to him and ran her hand gently across his brow, sending him back into sleep and filling his mind with feelings of comfort.
The woman’s name was Sasha and over the next ten years she not only nursed him back to health but trained him in the arts of a killer. Though he was brought from the brink of death he was left with terrible scars covering most of his body, scars that he learned to conceal lest he horrify someone dear.
But as he crept into Ismaleos’s tent for the second time, twelve years after he began his new life Achmed carefully unwrapped  his face pulling down his mask to show the man who made him this way true horror. Now It was Achmed smiling as he pulled a bottle from a pouch and with a short and quick movement he emptied the contents down Ismaleos’s throat.
Ismaleos lay there silently screaming while Achmed towered above him, his shadowed form looking never more like death its self. Achmed silently dispatched his foe freeing himself finally from his past.
“Now I guess we can turn our gaze on what’s to come”

Argaron the Lonesome

Posted in Orsolon on February 13, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Argaron grew up in a small farming section of Mirataun with his parents and 3 younger brothers, Olmeron, Asteron, and Bandon. Born of unusual height, even for a Minotaur, the 8′ 9″ Argaron seemed a perfect fit in the military. He joined a Birashetec Minotaur hoarde at 15. He rose the ranks quickly with supreme focus until he was the youngest sergeant of an army that worshiped Baphomet and indiscriminately destroyed those of all other races in Orsolon for military power. But when he was ordered to torture then kill a family of dwarves in Fahrib because they supposedly held information important to the Minotaur armies, he couldn’t. He felt like a pawn in their game of mindless destruction and finally wanted to think for himself. He left the army in secret and at age 23 traveled back to his hometown to live with his family for a while. He worked sowing the fields of his family farm and learned how to live peacefully. In that time, he found a love and got to know his 3 younger brothers better than he had before. He married a younger Minotaur woman (Klaris, 18 Argaron, 26) and they produced a son Garon. At 28, he grew bored with this peaceful lifestyle and when an old army friend came to his house asking him join in on an adventure, he couldn’t decline. He grabbed his executioner’s ax, and headed out, leaving his wife and son fully expecting to return home after only a few weeks. What he didn’t know when he left was that his wife was pregnant with a daughter. It has been 2 years since he’s seen his family and he misses them terribly, but circumstances keep him from making it home. Meanwhile, his wife Klaris struggles to support herself, Garon (now 4), and their 1 1/2 year old daughter, Larise that Argaron doesn’t even know about yet. Klaris is frustrated and angry with him for leaving, but misses her partner greatly and prays to Kord to return her husband safely. Nightly, Argaron prays for the safety of his family and his swift return home, though unfortunately, his work is not yet finished. Working with Alabashan, a captain of the true Mirataun army, not the hoardes, he hopes to destory the hoardes that plague their own people.He hopes that once his mission is complete, his wife and son will be so proud of him that they’ll forgive him for being away for so long.

Shni of the Lyssai

Posted in Orsolon on February 9, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

In the stony landlocked wastelands to the Northeast, almost a thousand miles from the cultural Orsolon hub of Fahrib, are the bleak, well protected Canyons of Lodo Shyan. In this almost impenetrable terrain hides an unassuming, long-forgotten people who choose attunement over progress.  These halflings known as the Lyssai have kept to themselves, and their deeply monastic traditions, for almost fifteen hundred years.  Their ability to defend themselves from the roving dwarven barbarians and encroaching goblin hordes has stemmed from their careful, patient and pacifistic study of the original power of the Bonatian Circle, using no invasive magic or even weapons.

The high priest of Lodo Shyan came slowly to sense a need in the West, a purpose, and felt the Lyssai must at long last reach out.  Where some leaders with this sense may have sent a diplomatic party, or even an army, he called upon Shni, a young monk student, to go forth to the lands of the seas.  As he anointed Shni’s shoulders with the traditional markings of power, he assured his wary pupil that he would recognize his purpose when he came across it.


Orsolon, Land of Sweetgrass and Ox

Posted in Orsolon on February 7, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

There is a lot of ironic contradictions inherent in how one describes the lands of Orsolon: it is one of the newest governments in the world and also the home to some of the oldest cultures.  Many of these ancient cultures do not live in the equally ancient cities that define the land, but rather exist as nomadic societies, scraping together existance from a time, some 40,000 years ago, when AlNaybab, the once and returned king, orignally ruled.

At over 200,000 citizens, the City of Copper and Light, Fahrib, is by far the largest City in Orsolon, Daotyr’s eastern most country.

Lord Akalthus Wyjern is the returned lord of Orsolon, the kingdom of his founding. Akalthus is the dragongod Alnaybab, also the avatar of Lendys, now mortal upon the face of the Earth. 25 years ago, when Akalthus arrived, flowers bloomed in his footprints as he walked and the starving city of Fahrib became a waelthy, central hub of commerce.

The Eastern lands of Orsolon are widely varied in envrions and culture. The Dark elven tower of Anthroilt (above, left) represents a marginal society of people who have had a difficult time integrating in the pluralist nations of the surface world. The Wilderness of Gala (above, upper right) is an alien world of blistering heat and full of strange predators. Large Bolsonai (above, lower right) are employed by many nomadic peoples across the region.

The lush wilds of Gelejsa are the ancestral home of a tribe of Goliath people called the Stonewoughs.

The Desert City of Pacon is one of the oldest settlements on Daotyr and home to the Wizards in Gray, the Alityme Orders, planewalkers.

Alamoniss, the castle of glass and rain is the home of the Githzerai.

The gate of Ba’Hyde protects one of the oldest Dwarven cultures in the world. The Goblins of the Far Forests are as tall as men and as strong as apes. The men of the Amolo grasslands are ruthless and cunning warriors.

The labyrinthine cliffs of Mirataun, homelands of the Birashatec Minotaur clans. The largest minotaur peoples in the world.

The Sundown Peaks keep the inlands of Orsolon dry and protected from the weather of the sea.

Psionics, or the Powers of the Bonatian Circle,  are the original magic of Daotyr. These mental magics were lost to the peoples of the world for many thousands of years and now with the return of the dragongods, young people and old, of all races, across the globe are manifesting these huge powers. The Gray robes and the Dark elves of Orsolon are spending huge amounts of resources in the quick study of these magics and those who potentially do not understand the powers at their command.

The Spider Chylde

Posted in Orsolon on February 7, 2011 by coyoteandthunder
Lord Aofyr, the Necroprelate of Anthroilt and his warden conscript of goblins were very interested in the birth of the Spider Chylde.
The itsy bitsy spider
Crawled up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider crawled up the spout again

It was not a normal childbirth.
The dam was no one, a stranger, lost in the woods when they found her. Her arms and legs were scraped and bloody, little bits of stone and dirt embedded in the wounds. Her dirty blond hair was tangled not with burrs and twigs as one would expect, but with slime and mushrooms, crawling with albino beetles. There were spiders on her white skin. Lots and lots of spiders; like a woven dress they covered her, swarming.
They found her raving, gravid, stumbling blind. She said things like, “Heroes have no need of wisdom, for they have strength, like the ants in a hill…” and, “Do the gods care? I am lost, even to the darkness…” and, “They are crawling inside me, weaving within meeeee!”
They took her to the manger, put her on a bed of straw while the animals screamed in distress. She died, but there was no blood. They went to find a priest to help, leaving only the stable boy to try and calm the goats, cows, and cattle. Whatever it was he saw in the manger struck him dumb and turned his hair white. When they returned they found the boy weeping tears of blood. All that was left of the woman was a delicate form of silk, a silk mother, a broken cocoon. Whatever had been inside was loose in the world, now.
They burned the manger to the ground and slaughtered the animals as the priest directed.
Miles away, a naked little girl with skin the color of old dust paused at a crossroads. She shaded her eyes from the sun, and couldn’t decide if she liked it or not, though it felt warm on her dusky skin. A kind old farmer woman gave her a burlap sack to wear when she passed by, and a ride to the nearby town. “Well isn’t that a funny mark, just on the nape of your neck, girl,” said the farmer woman. “It’s like a spider or summat!”
Upon arriving to the small hamlet, the girl was attracted to a simple weaver’s shop by the bright silks and dyed cotton streamers. The weaver took her in, for those there were the kind kind of folk.
Over the years girl learned well for she had a talent with weaving. She wove threads of all kinds into wonderful cloths and patterns. Her work was strong and light, and one day, she wove more than cloth. When her first woman’s moon arrived, she found her real talent, the weaving of the threads behind all things. She could pluck the warp and weft of magic.
That was the day the girl left the small weaver’s shop to follow the threads of fate she saw shining in the distance.