Archive for the Orcs Category

The Farwalkers, The governing council of Maiah

Posted in Farwalkers, Maiah, Men, Orcs, The Fey People on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Farwalkers. Governing council of the Rural Capital of Maiah. 1135. 7.

Caulfig, a dwarven elder druid has been working as the mayor of Maiah for the past ten years since Judicia the White was stolen by the risen Draco-lich Hundroon. Caulfig’s diplomatic, rhetorical and linguistic skills sustain the region like none other through this unprecedented period of economic growth through out the rural capital.

Gareth Morethail, who faught beside Tim Tigeon at the Battle of Oessthelial 35 years ago. Gareth was trained as a Wreather early on but then he hung out with the then mayor, Heindrich Tigeon too long, so some say and became a ruthless fighter. Loyalty to the Sherriff and to the Tigean family means everything to surly Garth the Bronze.

Brayden Tigeon, Heindrich’s younger brother was a hero in the final wars of the sixth age. Sullen and misanthropic like his elder sibling, Brayden is also known of as the Wolf since his brother, Wolfdog left Maiah forever after Aolbeth’s death.

Glysell FoundEarth is a half-elf planeswalker who scouts for the Wreathers and keeps Maiah safe from extraplanar forces.

Ryrdenn Mumbai, who has come to the aid of Maiah’s civil defense numerous times and has gained the sure confidence of the Farwalkers even though his story is a bit strange. He claims to be the greatgrandfather of Tiki, the Red Queen who has been missing for many years. He has come from the past to help the future.

The Aumbree, a fey spirit, is a secret confidante to the Farwalkers.

Yrthoi, an aven spirit, aid to the Wreathers often sits on Maiahan Town Council.

The Druids of Maiah

Posted in Maiah, Men, Orcs, The Shadow Road, The Sherriff on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Druids, also known as the Court of the Nine Stars, also known collectively as the Wreathers are the most important trans-political organization in the Greater Sorado, and nowhere is this more demonstrated than the rural capital of Maiah.

Just one mile out of the woodlands of Maiah you will find a barren landscape, known by the orcs as Poolis Fyr, the most important druidic magic-site in the Dreamwater. Burials of those who have fallen in battles line the lake like an infinite number of memorials. Druids are essentially, Gatekeepers. They keep natives here and keep outsiders out. That is their primary purpose and the orcs of Ethilistyr have always been the inheritors of this tradition.

Kyralla, daughter of Hearthys, is the leader of the Orcish druids of Maiah. Hearthys died last summer and she is having a hard time adjusting to her new found responsibiliity.

Mahc’Eldynn is an eladrin druid who some believe is over two thousand years old. You can find Mahc’Eldynn at The Fellow Song pub in downtown Maiah every afternoon at two o’clock for a shot of Oba Whiskey.

The Dark Cloak druids, the military force of the Wreathers, helped liberate the Shadowroad, along with Tim Tigean, 25 years ago. There are over three hundred Dark Cloaks who camp around Poolis Fyr and keep the waters of the lake safe.


Posted in Men, Orcs, The North on February 8, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Haddenfel is the homeland of Fjorn Kendricksson. Baerlil is the port where the Farway was built. The Farway is the chief source of income for the people of Haddenfel.

Hadden Fel. Pop. 6,250. towns of BaerLil, Cowermere and Bessel.

The Witchers are a hoarde of  Goblinkin from the Overmere mountains.

The militia of Haddenfel consists of 700 men and women called Spearmeet. Their leader is Anee Oarfao, Fjorn’s cousin.

The dwarves of Mons Porthos, the Icehammers, a mercenary team help with defense of the City. It is has been bad and expansive.

3000 gold a month to keep up the military effort.

click here to link to the post regarding Amanafyr

Maiah, rural utopia in the year 1111

Posted in Maiah, Men, Orcs, The Sherriff on August 3, 2010 by coyoteandthunder

a rural map of the farms and wilds around Maiah, click to enlarge

More notes on the culture of the community of Maiah

1. The leaf of the Oba tree is brewed to make a caffeinated beverage that is most regularly served with milk and honey

2. The Center of Maiahn culture is a large festival hall called “The Fellow Song”. The structure is over a hundred years old and run by Eric Besallyn, father of Ari and Judicia. pictured below

3. Orcs are deeply integrated into Maiahn culture.

4. PoolisTyr is a henge for the worship practice of druids. The leader of the Maiahn orcs is called Hearthys and is a wise although grim elder of the community.

5. The head druid is named Gareth, a man, a good friend of the sherriff. Gareth is also the chief vintner and head brewer of the town.

6. Maiah is the ritual center of the human population in the South Dreamwater and festivals are common. Every two weeks or so there is an astologically significant date which means that a party will happen.

7. The most common breed of dog in Maiah is the wolf hound.

8. Carl the Red has been mayor of Maiah for over forty years and he is now bed ridden and not expected to survive the winter of 1111.

Orc Behemoths

Posted in Orcs on July 25, 2010 by coyoteandthunder

Terrible Monsters issue forth from the necropolis network that is now activated around the Dreamwater. The worst of the terrible creatures are Orc Behemoths who stand nearly eight feet tall and weigh in excess of 400 pounds.

Ulik, Eldest Son of Python

Posted in Orcs, the Talisman on July 25, 2010 by coyoteandthunder

The Handsome halforc Ulik the Black, so named for his black eyes, is the mayor of River Tooth. So entitled by Penellius, captain of the Talisman, upon the death of his father and the destruction of the Demon Tongue orcs.

Deal with Karak

Posted in Orcs, The Shadow Road on April 8, 2010 by coyoteandthunder

the lonely river port of Karak

Orc Warrior Tribes of the North Dreamwater

Posted in Orcs, The Shadow Road on April 8, 2010 by coyoteandthunder