Archive for the Old Khepathia Category

Ogremoch, Lord of the Earth

Posted in Ancient Lands, Old Khepathia, The Dragongods on June 6, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

In the days of the first Sun – Ogremoch, lord of the earth, appeared indifferent to his overwhelming powers. Ogremoch obstained from most of the battles with the original Dragongods in the Dawn War.

Codexa Pseidwom, an ancient book

Posted in Ancient Lands, Men, Old Khepathia, the Archfey, The North on November 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

For the first time online, the Dao Tyr classic, the Codexa Pseidwom is now available online. click here to download the 22 page book and discover the secrets of the Fifth Aepoch of the Raelfaen. Here in, you will discover the story of the Dragongods and the saga of Purdjion and the Gray Queen.

Gramgeld Church

Posted in Gavin Wel, Old Khepathia, the Archfey on September 10, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Gramgeld Church in Dark Port is an ancient cathedral whose foundations date back to Old Khepathia. It is the historical home of the Black Orchid knights and is ruled over by Lady Asha of the Raven Queen and Lady Jennelith of the Blade. Although Sinis Oebyr is a larger and more influential church, Gramgeld’s dark energy is undeniable and in fact, extremely potent as a source of power for its fell congregation.

Extiguishing the heart of the Volcano and freeing the third Sword of Glory

Posted in Dwarves, Gavin Wel, Old Khepathia, Orotyr on July 28, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Following the earthquake and great wave that completed a thirty year, landscape changing series of cataclysms that transformed coastline of Gavin Wel, concluded with the extinguishing of the ancient, artificial volcano Eyrthiria. For five thousand years, the giant cathoid mine that was Eythiria pumped heat into the valley of Dreamwater and now those days are done. The reactor at the center of the volcano was set to meltdown, threatening all life in the Dreamwater, and were it not for the Heroes of Gaulthum, the Khast of the Flaming Shield, it surely would have. The third sword of Glory, named AhkinAhteyn, born at the birth of the volcano is now freed from its forge and presently at Gaulthum in the hands of King Thurgiss.

The Khast of the Flaming Shield from Gaulthum

Posted in Dwarves, Old Khepathia on July 28, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Heroes all. Fargrim, Tordek, Einin, Dolathyn, Flynt and Gruff. Six dwarves escorted Bergholt the Champion of Moradin to the bottom of Eyrthiria to destroy the ancient reactor at the center of the Volcano. Long was the journey, and arduous and indeed, mortal. Flynt was killed on the bridge of Menstiritho. Gruff was killed in the final battle with AniKai at the seven-lobed cave.

The ancient goblin and the time traveling bat and the champion of Moradin

Posted in Dwarves, Old Khepathia, the Fey Dark on July 28, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Ender, otherwise known as CrySoth, a goblin who, for 5000 years hid inside the volcano Eyrthiria,and prepared for the coming of his forever nemesis, Bergholt, champion of Moradin  and EisenFyl, the chronomancer who was cursed forever in the form of a bat. Once in Old Khepathia, the three attempt to script a peace between the worlds of the dwarves and the goblins.

The Oromancer and the Anathemancer

Posted in Old Khepathia, The Fey People on July 28, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Oromancer became the Anathemancer, the architect of the Swords of Doom in Old Khepathia as told in the Laie of Unos and Tiama