Archive for the Men Category

Castle Theriol

Posted in Innien, Lands of the East, Men on April 17, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

Castle TheriolAfter the Assault of the Star Spawn nearly a year ago, Castle Theriol has been rebuilt. Now, Young King Brogan VIII has realized his vision of a fortress that stands ready for anything that this realm, or the next, might throw at it. The Castle home of the Clockwork knights spins slowly, on a heavy cog, always oriented to face the dawning sun.

The Defenders of Fort Loren

Posted in Ehmis Ogh, Elves, Innien, Men, The Fey People on April 4, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

defenders_1Fort Loren lies two days ride West of Behlwis in Northern Innien – a wild and desolate, fay-filled region known as Ehmis Ogh (Eh-miss-uff). Fort Loren is the secret guard of one of the world’s last Creation Forges. It is guarded by multiple brigades of Belhwin archers, Dehlfold warriors and warforged soldiers.

Loren Fort


The Lords of Loren Fort are the Half-Firbolg Ythilian, the elite-warforged knight of Theriol, simply called Flint, and the elven archdruid Sahfein.





The Veteran Knights of Theriol

Posted in Innien, Lands of the East, Men on March 25, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

Sciros Drawing

The adventure is called “Ambush at Thunder Stone” and takes place in the Innien campaign setting of Dao Tyr.  The party is a made up of a collection of soldiers – Clockwork Knights, veterans of war. Having served their time, you all have moved into civilian life. That was before the Assault of the Star Spawn. Now, with a new king on the throne and resources spread perilously thin across the kingdom, you are being called back into duty.


“Sir Sciros Kal, Brigadier Captain” (Level  11 elite soldier, male human knight) & “Yrna, Battle Wyrm” (Level 4 artillery, small dragon)

Two scars run down the cheeks of Sir Sciros’ face. At 34, Sciros never thought he would have to face combat again. Aeclyn, his magic sword, was retired as a wall piece above the hearth. Leaving his wife and his one living son, the other was recently killed in the alien assault, Sciros returns to lead a company of Clockwork knights. 

Tolen drawing

“Sir Tolen Massera, Field Sargent” (Level 10 elite artillery, male human knight)

The brilliant armorer and artificer, and Scrios’ best friend, Tolen is a widower – his wife died of natural causes, three years ago – leaving him to father three girls. Tolen designed his own, top-loading crossbow and wields it with astounding efficacy. A man troubled, Tolen has a secret substance abuse problem with the eldritch drug, cathoid.  

Ilja drawing

“Ilja, Scout Lieutinent” (Level 9 elite skirmisher, female elven knight)

                Ilja served under Sir Sciors at the Front of Tiamantha 15 years ago and returns as his scout now. She tried being a politician for a few years after her tour of duty – but that did not sit well with her – preferring the forest to the court. She still works temporarily as a diplomat between the strongly allied kingdoms of Theriol and Amis Ali, elfhome.

Red Cloud Drawing

Mulmo drawing

“Red Stone of the Kodi” (Level 10 elite brute, male half-goliath barbarian) & “Mulmo, Dragon bred War Hound” (Level 4 skirmisher)

The wild card. Red Stone is not a man of Theriol – his home is the Mountains north of the capital. The Kodi were destroyed and Red Stone finds himself without family. He has sworn an oath to the King, but works as a free-agent, not a knight.

Assault of the Star Spawn

Posted in Innien, Lands of the East, Men on March 19, 2013 by coyoteandthunder


They came with out warning. Eight, there were; massive horrors that swept in from the sky…from the stars. Moving with lightning and thunderous energy, the alien horrors swept across the plains of Theriol in the Fall of 1174, a season that will forever be known as the Year of the Star Spawn.


Knights Orders to the Throne of Theriol

Posted in Innien, Men on February 3, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

8-29-2010 c


The Calendar of Ethilistyr and the Northlands

Posted in Ancient Lands, Gavin Wel, Men, the Fey Dark on November 26, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Codexa Pseidwom, an ancient book

Posted in Ancient Lands, Men, Old Khepathia, the Archfey, The North on November 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

For the first time online, the Dao Tyr classic, the Codexa Pseidwom is now available online. click here to download the 22 page book and discover the secrets of the Fifth Aepoch of the Raelfaen. Here in, you will discover the story of the Dragongods and the saga of Purdjion and the Gray Queen.

The Final Battle of the Epic Quest, into the Pit!

Posted in Gavin Wel, Men, the Fey Dark, The Sherriff on September 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Into the Abyss! went the adventurers for the final battle in the Epic campaign. For some, this adventure concluded three years of work with these characters. Above, the Ghoul King, Doresain, challenges the crew for the soul of Tim Tigeon. This campaign defined Epic experience! At times tedious, at times emotional, at times wonderful, and always glorious, the Game of Mountains campaign was one of the great adventures of all time. Thanks Matt!

WolfDog, Zarconus (Iokhen), Teak Mumbai, Ghesh and Krugg defeated the Ghoul King by fleeing to the Fay Dark.

The Dark Pana was waiting to take the Tigeon boys and claim final victory. Ultimately, the Archfay queen, and younger sister of the Raven Queen destroyed Wolfdog, Teak and Krugg. The Stickareign Blade, the Second Sword of Glory, was smuggled out of the Fay Dark and back to the Dreamwater by Tim, the returned sherriff and Ghesh, the Druid lord. Iokhen, the knight formerly known as Zarconus, ascended to the Astral Court of Dragons as eternal champion.

We battled through Hell (well, actually the Abyss, but it felt like Hell…at times) to conclude the most epic campaign imaginable. Check out some pics and story from our final session. It came down to being assassinated by The Dark Pana, the Archfay Queen Mother of Shadow Magic, the Moon, Wine, Blood, and Owls. Wolfdog died a 27th level weaponsmaster who we started as a 12th level fighter almost two summers ago. Teak (or called Tiki, by some) Mumbai was killed as well. We wrote Tiki as a first level warlock in the Summer of 2008. She died at 27th level as well. Krugg, an epic-cleric, was also killed by the Pana’s Blade in the Black Bog of the Fay Dark.

Matt DM’d a tight and beautiful series of adventures: the final eight chapters of the campaign, rounding out an amazing story-arch that took us through the Astral Tower. You can download the Astral Tower Campaign Setting as a PDF on the DAOTYR website as well. Although glorious, this certainly was a bittersweet ending for all. The campaign ended with Iokhen, the knight formerly known as Zarconus ascending, but not before handing the Stikarein blade to Tim to return to the Dreamwater.

In our Epic Campaign (beginning at 20th level) we did all of the following, in order:

1. Became champions of Vecna by destroying avatars of our worst nightmares outside the City of Dis

2. Destroyed An Elder Brain of the Illithid to gain entrance to the Happy Hunting Grounds

3. Championed over a united front of Daemons and Angels controlled by the Manifest Power of Bane, Lord of Battle

4. Met with Bahamut, the Lord of Light, and raced Rimfire Griffons in the Arena of Celestia

5. Destroyed Arnithol and Nakrathan, the High Elder Masters of Hyth Anir, and defeated the Sword of Doom, Rendelreign as it was coorporeal as a Ancient Blue Dragon

6. Faced the hydra of Demogorgon in the Labyrinth of the Abyss

7. Encountered Glasya in the City of Infernus

8. Rescued the Sherriff, Tim Tigeon, on the 487th Plane of the Abyss by facing Doreseen, the King of Ghouls and fleeing to the Fay Dark where the Dark Pana had been waiting the whole time…

Wolfdog and the Dark Pana

Posted in Maiah, Men, the Archfey on June 24, 2011 by coyoteandthunder


“I saw her in there! That tower of lightning. I swung my axe down again and again, like I was madly working on bringing down a great tree. There in the light, crackling and burning all around me. The Dark Pana! dancing. The horrid Fay Queen was dancing and evading my blows. She was there to kill me! The dark spirit of my own land, risen up and to find me here. Here, on the edge of nothing! Her. My worst enemy…my perfect enemy. She and I represent the war for the soul of our land. Sweet Maiah. So far away. Will I ever see her again?” Wolfdog.

The Farwalkers, The governing council of Maiah

Posted in Farwalkers, Maiah, Men, Orcs, The Fey People on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Farwalkers. Governing council of the Rural Capital of Maiah. 1135. 7.

Caulfig, a dwarven elder druid has been working as the mayor of Maiah for the past ten years since Judicia the White was stolen by the risen Draco-lich Hundroon. Caulfig’s diplomatic, rhetorical and linguistic skills sustain the region like none other through this unprecedented period of economic growth through out the rural capital.

Gareth Morethail, who faught beside Tim Tigeon at the Battle of Oessthelial 35 years ago. Gareth was trained as a Wreather early on but then he hung out with the then mayor, Heindrich Tigeon too long, so some say and became a ruthless fighter. Loyalty to the Sherriff and to the Tigean family means everything to surly Garth the Bronze.

Brayden Tigeon, Heindrich’s younger brother was a hero in the final wars of the sixth age. Sullen and misanthropic like his elder sibling, Brayden is also known of as the Wolf since his brother, Wolfdog left Maiah forever after Aolbeth’s death.

Glysell FoundEarth is a half-elf planeswalker who scouts for the Wreathers and keeps Maiah safe from extraplanar forces.

Ryrdenn Mumbai, who has come to the aid of Maiah’s civil defense numerous times and has gained the sure confidence of the Farwalkers even though his story is a bit strange. He claims to be the greatgrandfather of Tiki, the Red Queen who has been missing for many years. He has come from the past to help the future.

The Aumbree, a fey spirit, is a secret confidante to the Farwalkers.

Yrthoi, an aven spirit, aid to the Wreathers often sits on Maiahan Town Council.