Archive for the Argead Space Category

Chapter 18: Of Dragons and Demi-gods

Posted in Argead Space on November 28, 2023 by coyoteandthunder





When the Eagle enters the Rift of Ibernomot,

the curse of the Athardion is ended and the future is healed.

The promised land of Tawaret has come.

Chapter 17: The End of the Future

Posted in Argead Space on November 28, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Chapter 16: The Queens of Time and Space

Posted in Argead Space on November 7, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Battle of Keranos

  1. ALAMON (Giff betrayer of Lord Elektes, architect of Keranos and the coming of the Storm King)
  2. BOORENGI (PC). Artificer. Giff. Executive Officer of the Eagle
  3. GOLDSKULL (muscle of the sister-queens)
  4. HYTHONIA (in the future, known as the Lich Queen of the Githyanki) sister of Sitkarma 
  5. KHALDUN (PC). Artificer. Tomb Guardian. Security Officer of the Eagle
  6. MIMITRA (Cleric of Tawaret. NPC) sister of Boorengi
  7. RIVORNA (Sorcerer. NPC) tiefling demi-god, daughter of Ephara
  8. SITKARMA (in the future, known as the Nameless Queen of Kithrin) sister of Hythonia

R1. Pc’s surprise round

R2. The death of Alamon

  • Boorengi: blasting Gold Skull at close range
    • Gold Skull: engages Boorengi, fireball      
    • Mimitra: casts Spiritual Guardians
    • Rivorna: casts magic missile, (r) Counterspell
    • Sitkarma: battle with Mimitra and Rivorna, spell-countered
    • Khaldun activates the Ptah Akton and captures Hythonia inside

R3. The Void Made questions Khaldun’s temporal disturbances

  • Mimitra: casts Spiritual Weapons
  • Boorengi and Gold Skull fight melee combat
  • Rivorna: casts fireball, (r) Counterspell
  • Khaldun attacks Hythonia with the Meteoric Shard
  • Sitkarma casts dominate person, spell-countered

Chapter 16. Monday. 11/6/23 begins with the start of the fourth round

From Minoo, PLAYER of KHALDUN, edited by Obi, DM:

Given the crucial decision at hand is based on the words of the Void Mage, Khaldun is in a precarious place as far as how and what decisions are to be made… His deepest desire is to rid the timeline of this pox… The Void Mage asserts that things will be worse if she is destroyed, i.e. we won’t have a future to go back to… I guess this hinges on (1) multiversal principles and (2) whether the Void Mage is telling the truth at all. Secondarily, Khaldun is considering another option: which is defeating Hythonia by rendering her unconscious, pulling her from the Ptah Akton and coming to the aid of Boorengi against the Gold Skull… After that, there are two other goals: find and release the Opal Dragon and steal the Spelljammer ships along with the armies on-board.

At this point, I have to raise another concern about whether any of those goals, once succeeded, might have equally huge impacts on the future. Are we head to our future’s destruction? Khaldun maybe is a bad arbiter of the fate of the future. He is effectively someone that previously sacrificed himself to a higher purpose for the strange cult of artifact technology under Ptah. He might sacrifice himself again. Furthermore, if by his actions, Khaldun believes that the tomb worlds will be… less abandoned, so to say in the future, that would be a great outcome!

Khaldun wishes to curtail Githyanki success. He believes that by killing Alamon, who was helping the Githyanki against the Giff home world, a good victory was scored for the future of Argead Space. So this is all to say that NOT killing Hythonia is going to take something concrete for Khaldun to stay his hand.

Chapter 15: Under the Storm King’s Throne

Posted in Argead Space on October 17, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Upon the destruction of the primitive air elemental, the keel-skiff of the Eagle, named by Boornegi as the EAGLETTE lands at the base of the mountain Keranos, home to the Storm lord Gamirithon. Gamirition is a new come lord of mysterious origin. As Duke Elektes has said, the storm giant has not made any demands for the release of the Opal Dragon. The four officers of the Eagle: Boorengi, Khaldun (with Penthalia), Rivorna, and Mimitra make their way up the perilous slopes of the lightning-riddled mountain. Finding the drain exit of the castle already revealed by Boorengi’s homunculus, they enter the tunnels under the main hall. They encounter rust monsters but eventually go to exits labeled 1, 2, and 3. the tunnel to exit 4 is blocked by four (4) rust monsters. The following is intel gathered from initial investigations of the place:

Chapter 14: Lost in Time

Posted in Argead Space on October 2, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

On the surface of the world of Akros at the dawn of Argead space. The Eagle is docked on stone pillars while its keel mast is being repaired. The Kaznorghul forge is hot and the officers of the Eagle are working on producing 32-pound cannonball ammunition. Days are spent over the forge and nights are spent in study as Khaldun and Boorengi consult the Mechronomicon and the onboard Armillary sphere to decipher the temporal and spatial implications of their campaign into the deep past:

  1. The fabric of phenomenological sequentialism that is Argead Space exists as manifest across at least eight dimensions; One of which is consciousness and another might very well be information and another might be ego, or force of will. The integrity of this space was sparked by a piece of an artifact from an alien universe called the Prime Material Plane called the Aetheric machine. It was only ever used once, by Alexander the Conqueror. He used it to move his armies from the world he knew into the cosmic realms, in order to destroy them. Argead Space was a transitory realm—the result of a remaining participle in an unbalancing equation. Because of it, magic works, spell-jamming works, there are realms of madness, and there are promised worlds of peace and infinite abundance.
  2. The timeline between the past and the future is permeable, but navigating the timeline, or the slipstream of reality can be tricky because alternate timelines may not be possible because of the dimensions of consciousness, intelligence, and ego. If Khaldun were to invite Ka Entach into the Ptah Akton a number of things could happen
  3. Catastrophic failure: Ka Entach and Khaldun are both instantly destroyed in an unresolvable temporal paradox and much of the history of Argead Space is transformed.
  4. Prisoner freedom and spore failure: because of the force of will of Astinev (Zuggtmoy), whose power of life (manifest as both rot and ethical evil as its own dimensional reality) is intrinsic to the working of the Demon hold, the prisoners of both Eferataxt and Amrodinae are immediately freed from the prison and the Ptah Akton becomes a different kind of device, and access to spore drive technology is lost therein as well.
  5. Circuit completion: Ka Entach gains knowledge of the Ptah Akton, the knowledge he would not have otherwise gained and the timeline progresses as a consistent and functional whole.
  6. Divine revelation: Ka Entach becomes a living godhead of the creator deity Ptah and retreats to rewrite history as a potentially omnipotent power.

The court of Elektes resembles the Osirian deities of the elder days

on a long-distance reconnaissance, the homunculus of Boorengi successfully finds a drain in the side of Keranos that is just large enough to creep into. It is decided that the following day the skiff of the Eagle (The Eaglette) will take Boorengi, Khaldun, Rivorna and Mimitra into and under the Lightning Castle of the Storm King.

  • On the third day, a solar and a lunar dragon battle in the low atmosphere of Akros, and a hurricane of radiation and electric wind whips up everywhere. The Eagle is in danger of falling off its stilts. DC15 CON no effect. DC10 poisoned. DC5 unconscious. Braejzna falls unconscious and Boorengi as he fades into unconsciousness, activates feather fall to prevent the Eagle from taking damage.

Furious nature incarnate; a dual of a solar and a lunar dragon rips across the planet

Frankincense and myrrh in glowing braziers. Elektes’ dragon-tigers lying about. Silk tapestries. Cooking meat. Elektes “I understand that there are two powers of immortality that either bless or curse our afterlife: the dry blessedness of the uncorrupted body, treated in mummifying ceremony, and the demon of rot, the kiss from the lady under the earth, who tears at your soul while she quickly devours your body.”

Boorengi: “Only immortality is immortality. Do not seek death.”

Alamon of Ibernomot in the Court of Elektes

Alamon, Giff in discussion regarding the world of Ibernomot:

  • Tawaret has already left Ibernomot. We are leaderless and in a downward spiral.
  • The wars of the Lunar and the Solar dragons have corrupted the hearts of the Giff people, and I dread it is forever.
  • There is corruption rampant at every level; the sacred pools still give water and the fields are fecund, but a reckoning of great impact that will determine the whole of the future is on the brink of emerging.
  • There are two native powers in Argead Space, the Githyanki and the Gith.
  • If someone were bold enough to raise a flag of peace between the Githyanki and the Giff, perhaps Tawaret would have a chance of surviving the reckoning.

Amrodinae, still young, warns Boorengi of the treachery of Alamon; their discussion is interrupted by Ka-Entach who responds to the human and the Giff being together with an absurd display of insecurity and jealousy.

Keranos; The Lightning Castle of the Storm King

In transit to rescue the Opal Dragon Aelnatha from the cosmic interloper, the Storm Giant known as Gamirithon, the Eaglette is attacked by an incarnate air elemental that threatens to destroy the mission as soon as it begins…

Chapter 12: Tin City of the Astral Gnomes

Posted in Argead Space on September 3, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Spelljammer THE EAGLE. Episode 12

Taelinor Space

Impulse = 30 days to Athiriol… you’ve done ten days already = 1 reg

Impulse +2 = 3 reg… 7 days to Athiriol.

One per d6 days

1: Investigation 13

2: Religion/Arcana 14

Booregni: D6 days to fabricate each, will last one day

  1. Necromantic magic ward damage resistance: 1 reg

Damage immunity: 3 reg

Khaldun: The Fungal Dragon has 157 HP and an AC of 17

Amrodinae, the void mage; a creature of will, twisted from her form as a mortal woman over three thousand years ago. A fiendish wraith, an arch-demon of Zuggtmoy, the soul of the spore drive.

  • The Eagle needs 3 hands of Rubysteel—Until then it is compromised and vulnerable to bludgeoning damage. Upon initial inspection to fully repair the Eagle, three fists of Ruby Steel are required.
  • Khaldun has a nascent power built into the frame of his body and spirit to combat fiends in all worlds.
  • The Eagle is on its way to Athiriol. Athiriol is home to a few sites. Most notably, Diashatan, “The Tin City” of the gnomes and the auto-gnomes. The gnomes of Diashatan do not eat organic materials. Also, there is a potentially troubling ethic in the city called “Biadlin” which translates to Fair Thievery. Everyone steals from everyone under the only pretense: if you need it, you get it.
  • Atheriol is a metallic planet. Regularly washed with mercury storms. The Gravity well around the Eagle turns the mercury to water.



Boilers active for centuries. Gears that form landscapes of pulsing, mechanically gyrating buildings, rooms fold, collapse and unfold and bloom. Smelting pots reeking and spewing lead and bronze of acres. Conduits and pulsating tesla coil that are stories tall feeding static energy to eldritch machines, coal chimneys chugging to feed creation forges. In the city DC dex 10 or d4 damage 1-acid 2-poison 3-bludgeoning 4-fire.

Shebalt and Kooba, the custodians of the spaceport.

Dock the boat at the tower, in there care. May we camp on your boat? Would prefer to trade. What do you need from me? Information? What do you need? Diashatan steel? Draferian Silver? Autognome creation technology? All foreign technology is illegal. Gitmeri the Counciler is ruled by half-bad evidence, she is. Conspiracy theories abound. But I guess it keeps us all alive and protects us from the mercury rain storms.

Taikateri, the metallurgist. Ruby Steel will cost you. I am out of it.  Garglo has it. I have Iron. It’ll cost you 5 gold per cannon ball worth of Iron. Garglo. You be my muscle for this transaction I am about to do and I’ll give your three fists for free. Karnation has three titanium heart triggers.

Karnathon. Mimitra. Rivorna. The wedding at Ulama was a disaster and war threatens the New Alignment because of it. After the destruction of the Azure Fist by the Black Parade, Karnathon’s brother Zakshon was tortured by Daomir and learned of the dragon marked child aboard the elven ship the North Star. Daomir knows the child was aboard the Eagle. He aligned with Aeroanth, whose son was to marry Kitmeriol. The wedding was called off, saying that he was betrayed because of her alignment with you, despite her protestations. The city-sized ship, the Aerbanthor attacked Ulama and the city is largely ruined.

Chapter 11: The Tomb Guardian

Posted in Argead Space on August 15, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Upon the destruction of the spore demon, the three, murdered Kilrathi women are resurrected by Thiatna, the Siberys-Dragonmarked, Kilrathi child in the first major display of her latent power. Mass Resurrection; Perhaps the strongest known divine magic in the multiverse.

Upon initial inspection to fully repair the Eagle, three fists of Ruby Steel are required.

The Eagle is en route to Athiriol. Athiriol is home to a few sites. Most notably, Diashatan, “The Tin City” of the gnomes and the auto-gnomes. The gnomes of Diashatan do not eat organic materials. Also, there is a potentially troubling ethic in the city called “Biadlin” which translates to Fair Thievery. Everyone steals from everyone under the only pretense: if you need it, you get it.

01_B—Amrodinae was once the love of Ka-Entach, the designer of the Tomb Guardians of the Opal Fire.

01_K—Along with Aelenatha the Opal Dragon and Inama the Solar Dragon, Ka-Entach and Amrodinae, an astral elf, the created the seven astral gates, the pathways to the seven tombs of the Aertharadion, and there was a tomb guardian built for each of those seven tombs.

                Khaldun is one of seven Tomb Guardians

02_K—Ka-entach sought the path of immortality. Zuggtmoy, called Asitnev, revels in the turning of life.

02_B—Amrodinae betrayed Ka-entach with the slayer of Inama, Eferan, who was once a man and now cursed into the fungal dragon, for his betrayal, a mighty captain in the army of corruption, the army of Astinev.

03_K—The activation of the Fiend Hold is an ability that Khaldun has, as one of the seven sacred tomb guardians.

04_K—When in the presence of a fiend, Khaldun can activate the Fiend Hold and do battle with them there. Amrodinae and Eferan, now called Eferataxt the Corrupted, remain in the Hold.

03_B—Eferataxt must be destroyed, but Amrodinae must not be killed and must be subdued by ritual and incantations of old.

04_B—Amrodinae is now a fell spirit who uses the Ameni flower to reach into this world and devise her own version of immortality. She can be soothed with sacred words and rituals.

05_K—Zuggtmoy is core evil, tied to all life, against all systems and empathy her body of corruption works against reality.

06_K—The portal is watched by the four cosmic dragons 1. The Black Hole Dragon (the Gravity Dragon), 2. The Solar Dragon (Inama), 3. The Lunar Dragon (yet unnamed), and 4. The Opal (Earth Fire) Dragon (Aelnatha).

Amrodinae, fell spirit of the Demon Hold, the Void Mage

Chapter 10: The Spider

Posted in Argead Space on August 14, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Into the second round of combat, as Boorengi and Khaldun attack the Spore Demon, having ensnared it inside a magic circle, the demon screams and that triggers the Cosmic Spider (both agents of Zuggtmoy) to attack.

The inveterate host of mold and the corrupted heart lurches and attacks with fat, inky tendrils of organic tar-like filth that feels like acidic fire when it hits open skin or has the opportunity to corrupt wood or metal.

The enervating strike, infused with organic energy that is demonic and wholly evil in nature, creates an unexpected effect: A previously unknown organ deep in Khaldun ignites at the cosmic threat of reemergence this hit represents. His joints glow purple and unknown veins of gold trace across his skin. Khaldun, now awakened to something that feels somehow older than he is, a piece of arcane tech that dates clearly back to Khaldun’s designer Ka-entach…

The Spore Demon successfully makes its saving throw to escape the Magic circle and plane shifts back to Xoriat to continue the murderous scheme to usurp the helm of The Eagle.

With the attack of the nameless Cosmic Spider, a legion of Arachnians descends upon and attacks the Sentinels of the Eagle as a fierce defense is launched.

 Aracnians begin to flood the decks. There are twenty-four of them. Every Sentinel must roll a DC 12 to survive, and a DC 10 to destroy the Aracnian. The Cosmic Spider must take 1500 hit points of damage before it lets the Eagle go. The Eagle must make a saving throw of 14 (with a +4) bonus or take 6d20 damage per round as it slowly ripped apart. The Spider bots are deployed to repair 2d10 points of damage per round to the ship. The Eagle is able to do enough damage to the Spider to send it into retreat. There are two sentinels left alive. The ship remains viably serviceable but is damaged in ways that have yet to be ascertained.

Chapter 09: Demon on board

Posted in Argead Space on July 18, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

01. DWARVES. Following their exit from the Kokolfiat (“Big Hammer”) at the right hand of the captain, a stout dwarf with a heavy jacket with large buttons, a large cutlass, and a braided beard tucked into his belt, behind his jacket, A’kala, in their humanoid, walking-form hands the Amber Books over with enthusiasm to the officers of the Eagle. The Books, now translated from Onmentri’s academic Anubian dialect. (I-1: I-1 /// The dwarf is a Kaznorhulian general named Uthik Amur. He can be lured into an alliance with the Eagle for the mercenary price of 1,000 gold—an offer ultimately refused by the Crew of the Eagle.)  

02. MECHRONOMICON. The books are The Amber Tome, the Book of the Forgotten Histories, and Elder Translations. Inside are cyphered the complete lexicon of three languages that Boorengi and Khaldun, will now fluently speak. Anubian, of course. Caiphon, the purely evil, elder language of the Neogi empire and the older empire, the Abolethia; and lastly, Azakiduan, the language of the dead. Together, the books form what is to a Giff wearing the gloves of Gauntlets of Gophimonyri (The Gauntlets of the Giff Elderkin) and the Scarab of the Ptah Anar, the Mechronomicon—a handbook of sorts to the elder ways of Argead Space and to secret powers of the Eagle.

03. ELDER AUGMENTATION. Elder augmentation is the use of solarized Platinium in any creative way to solve any engineering problem aboard the Eagle. Any first or Second level spell may now be cast from the Eagle, through Breajzna’s spell slots (see the Combat log)—although the Eagle may not be moving, even at impulse power. Any third of fourth level spell may be cast, through Braejzna’s spell slots at the cost of One Reg per spell. One reg may be spent to shield the Eagle from 6d20 damage. Solarized platinium may be used in a destructive manner. 1 reg destroyed by a thirty-two heavy (to-hit DC 9) will do 3d100 points of damage over a twenty-foot radius. One Reg may be spent to increase the speed of the Eagle over long distances by one-quarter; this is the maximum spend for increased speed. For example, a trip that will take four weeks with the spend of One Reg (impulse power, the normal spend of fuel in one month) can be increased with an additional One Reg to enable the Eagle to make the trip in three weeks.

04: AKALA AND AMBER TOMES: Akala the Mercane ““There are five of the seven Tombs of Aetharadion described in these tomes… Kithren, the Tomb of the Nameless Queen and Grimwo, the Kingdom of Tarawet: BELEM—the Palace of the Golden Star; UTHOLIOT—the Gardens of Set and Best; CALFARETTE—the Castle at the End of Time; MILSAMO—the Tombs of Exalted Lords; SHAKAT—the Labyrinth of Sanity Springs. Each of the five has at least four, star coordinates that form a trail that will then reveal a path to Grimwo, which is described as the land of immortality. Congratulations, this is a wonderful treasure.” (I-2: I-2 /// Akala is not only lying about the completeness of the Amber Tomes translations and transcriptions, they don’t know how to unlock the coordinates. It is Giff technology and only with the help of the Gophimonyri can the truth be ascertained.)

05: XORIAT. The portal of Xoriat is focused on Startoosk. Akala: “I wish to purchase your property. The consortium of Yrinion is in the process of buying up all the old land holdings in this sector… for better defense of Yrinion. Comparable land holdings in this area sell for $1000 Mejzadoni, how about I offer you $1500?” (I-3: I-3 /// It is a fair price. But something isn’t right. It may not be defense. Akala may be in business with the illithid. Either way, the Kilrathi are doomed. If Akala is securing all the free land in this sector, the Kilrathi will have no home and maybe even worse, be subject to exploitation, if not genocide. I-4 /// The realm of Xoriat is permanently open and there is a triangulated bead on the Startoosk farm. Radiographic lithic reads indicate that there is no way to close it.)

06. SPOREDRIVE. The fact that the Sporedrive worked at all was a fluke. Boorengi and Khaldun somehow managed to make a successful interface between the spore grains of the Ameni flower and the helm of the Eagle (the Korum Anae) while the Spelljammer herself, Braejzna, was in an arcane coma. The chaotic luck of the first, instantaneous jump of the Eagle through the Mycelial Realm from Umlama to Yrinion was accented by how it ripped a now permanent portal to Xoriat. The fact that the Sporedrive worked with a massive fuel investment was a fluke and opened the portal to Xoriat because of it. There may be an infinite amount of madness realms if the spore drive is activated as such, ever again.

07. SECURITY OFFICER. Elder needs a security officer on the register manifest in order to take flight. Khaldun accepts the offer to become the Security officer. Khaldun will oversee the mummification rites of Ekitok, the Thri-Kreen Security officer who was killed on Ynirion.

08: KILRATHI. There are only 178 of the original 312 Kilthrathi left alive after the attack of the Nautiloid and the battle of Startoosk Farms. There is incredible grief. Of the three brothers, the father of Thiatna, the dragon-marked girl, was the only one who died. His name of Niam. Atum and Katen, his brothers, are still alive. Tiatna’s mother, Shiebne is still alive as well. She is fifty and has long gray braids and is quite beautiful. Shiebne knows of Tiana’s one great power, to unite a family in telepathy (magic unknown at this point).

note: There are two large extra-dimensional spaces inside the Eagle. 1) the Arboretum: two hundred yards by one hundred yards. 2) Boorengi’s quarters: 50 x 100 yards with a freshwater feature called the Mouth of the Mother. Both have ceilings that are nearly fifty feet tall.

Two things have happened aboard the Eagle in the last week: 1) The Astral elf, dragonmarked child, Camal has grown suddenly in a traditional molting to become a walking and talking young boy. Carel is a bit weepy over it. For almost three months since being found aboard the wreck of the North Star, Camal has carried the sleeping infant. Now she is truly estranged. 2) The Ameni flower has transformed. The petals have fallen from the floor and turned to tarnished gold. The center of the flower now bears the symbol of the dragonmark… the same one that Camal has. A reddish slime mold stretches from the flower’s center to the top of the room where it fans out into an unusual mandala. The spore drive is inactive and is not connected to Elder. The vaguely humanoid husk in the access panel that traced back to the flower is now empty.

The mandala, drawn with slime mold on the ceiling of the Arboretum from the Ameni Flower, under the spelljammer helm aboard the Eagle.

Day 1 in flight from Yrinion: One reg is spent on “Speak with Plants”. Mordhek divines that the Ameni flower is Fungal, Fiendish, and Aberrant. The source of the evil is Zuggtmoy, the demon queen. The flower wishes to devour Elder, the sentient power of the Eagle. The following morning, it is discovered that The body of a young, Kilrathi woman who looks like she suffocated to death shows up in the arboretum, beside the first flower stalk… attached to a sinew of slime mold from the flower. A new flower stalk is growing from her broken and splayed ribs. She was a young woman, not yet married, and with no children

Day 2: Mordehk reports that something huge—An enormous shadow. The size of a small moon and with eight legs has been following the Eagle since Yrinion. It seems to have eight legs—A great and elder power from Xoriat. Radiographic lithography reveals that there is a similar world Yrinion, a moon of Athiriol, only 30 AU from Yrinion, behind a patch of gaseous adamantine, a place perfect to set up the forge. Perhaps you would set a course there anyway. Athiriol is also the site for an ancient port, called Blue Falcon Bay wherein the Orrey reveals the location of Bemlem—the Palace of the Golden Star.

With all the Kilrathi sequestered into Boorengi’s residence, another young woman is taken in plain sight exactly at Three Bells (6:30pm—dusk). It is reported that she too, is young and never bore children. Apparently, she became possessed (with yellow eyes!) just before disappearing. at Three Bells in the morning, her body shows up in the Arboretum, another Ameni flower growing from her gruesomely opened chest cavity. Knowing now that there is some kind of predatory creature, working with the fiendish power fueling the flowers, that appears, as both possessing a young woman for ten seconds at three bells in the evening and also at three bells in the morning in the Arboretum to place yet another of the demon flowers, the Officers of the Eagle must now somehow trap the plane shifting agent of Zuggtmoy. Finally, it is ascertained that there are seven young women among the Kilrathi refugees left alive who meet the demon’s criteria as flower hosts.

Chapter 08: Robots and Mind Flayers

Posted in Argead Space on July 7, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

The Amberbooks have been entrusted to the Akala for prompt translation


The audience is there via projection. It is too dangerous. It is not in scale.

Two, massive joysticks sit 10 feet apart

Titanithon goes on first initiative of whichever player

Three squares to move /// Two hits /// +10 to hit /// 10d10 damage /// AC 20 /// HP 250

Two percentile dice, one each

  • 15 or less apart /// advantage to strike 
  • 16 to 25 apart /// +2 to strike
  • 26 to 57 apart /// -2 to strike
  • 58+ /// disadvantage to strike

Curametor is an anubian-designed arena lord, piloted by Gashek and Crinoben

attack on the control room of the giant robot. At the same time… Round one:

  • The PTAH-ANAR “I am here from the future. Twenty years from your future now. I am here under your orders, my lords of Ibernomot… after you found the new kingdom. The Illithid are from Xoriat, their home realm, where the Eagle blazed through, what was only one day ago for you, was one year ago for them. They have peered through the tide of time and have their mind, a collective known in the future as the Neuromanifest is now focused on ending you in this story.”
  • The Mercane Akala has betrayed you. The creature has translated and sold copies of the Amberbooks to the Anubians, the Githyanki and the Hutyin… but! This is a boon! the copies that he has are incomplete and he does not know that. I am here to fill in the true gaps of your as yet unknown knowledge that you will have to relearn in order for this timeline to be complete. Take the Scarab… it is a cypher. (must make a DEX 13 to catch the thrown item)
  • Mardehk: “The Eagle is under attack. A nautiloid has bombed the property. Dellen Overhigh is dead. Illithid are on the ground and devouring the Khilrathi. An Yrinion defense ship has shown up to defend us, a dwarven frigette called the Kokolfiat, but it seems not up to the task. The Eagle is taking flight and engaging.”

The Ptah-Anar, from the future to save the future

The Kokolfiat is a Kaznorguli dwarven frigate under the conscription of the Yrinion planetary defense. Minimally effective in the battle of the Startoosk Farm, it is likely that Akala is on the Koklfiat and will deliver the Amberbooks, translated, to the triumphant pilots of the Titanithon. Akala does not know that 1) the books are incomplete and 2) that the crew of the EAGLE knows that Akala betrayed them. In the battle of Startoosk farm, nearly one hundred of the Kilrathi and Ekitok (the Security Officer on board the EAGLE) were killed.

The scarab from the Ptah-Anar fits into Boorengi’s gauntlets of Gophimonyr.

Historium of Argaed Space as revealed from the first part of the Amber Books translations.