Archive for June, 2024

Eyrolia (EP3) Under the Ruined Church

Posted in Eyrolia on June 24, 2024 by coyoteandthunder

Following the battle with dead knight at the Well of Souls, the four, young adventures, Kyfthi, Kosthus, Glory, and Virene, make their way into the dark, thin corridor. The first room they encounter is clearly a sorcerer’s study. This is the arcane laboratory of the supposed villain, Daiomen, who according to the working idea, set the beast to destroy Ollen Henge and who kidnapped the three attendant druids of the henge. Inside, a macabre scene is uncovered. The skeletons of two elves are wrapped and prepared with what are thought of as necromantic bandages and ritual wrappings. In the center of the room, a meter-wide, glowing crystal hangs from a chain over an indeterminedly deep well. Kosthus enters the room and proceeds to cautiously investigate the desk and adorning library. He finds the dragon tome of Aremenidon, an ancient tomb that, upon first glance, seems to be about an entity called the Offworlder. His blood immediately runs cold as he recalls that was the title that the archfay Verenstra gave him when they met just a few days before after the battle of Ollen Henge. The tome describes the fateful relationship between the Offworlder and a beast called The Wyrm under the Wood. Could this be the dragon that Kosthus has been dreaming about?

Elsewhere in the room, Kyfthi opens a chest containing a small dragon’s egg the size of an enormous acorn. Several potions of healing are also found. It is decided that they will take the egg and that Virene will keep it safe. It is also decided that the large stone and the skeletons will be left unstudied and undisturbed. At the end of the corridor, the passage is blocked by cable-thick vines that form an apparently impassable bramble. On the right, further down the corridor from the study, a passage is discovered that is ruined and would be difficult to pass. An ominous warning is written in elvish, on the floor in red paint “Beware, the Eye Beyond.” While deciding whether or not to proceed down that corridor or not, Glory takes matters into her own hands and smashes the door blocking, vine bramble with a mighty, divinely inspired blow, shattering the would be deterrent.

Beyond the bramble gate, a humid garden of house-sized glowing mushrooms that grow over an ancient walkway under dim sunlight from above set the stage for the dramatic events that follow. The elf lord and fay sorcerer Daiomen sits and is apparently the prisoner of a terrible fel creature who stands over the now-fallen spellcaster. “Beware the Bodak and the Thorn Elementals!” Daiomen yells at the adventures as they prepare to fight.

The Bodak of Oralboro, the ancient church of the Raven Queen

The ancient fay lord Daoimen in his last moments at Oralboro

After much brave conflict, the two thorn elementals are dead, as is the terrible horror called the Bodak, destroyed by Glory’s gleaming blade. The three missing druids, who were spotted held in stasis, encased in amber under the bridge are freed with the destruction of the Bodak. With his dying breath, in Glory’s arms, Daoimen says that there is a road from Oralboro to Ermhaster’s keep under the forest, and that he knew Ermhaster and she reminds him of the old warrior from the Ivory Castle. He also councils that he nor the Bodak were the masterminds behind the attack at Ollen Henge, but rather a mysterious power of the Unseelie Court that has yet to be revealed. The freed druids enchant the Glory’s sword with a silver charm before they are sent back to the change with the horses that the knights of Ivory Castle left on the surface. As it is decided to proceed north on the Underroad, the dragon egg hatches and from it a psuedodragon, a fairie dragon emerges and identifies Virene as something like a mother.

(from left to right) Kosthus, Virene, Kyfthi and Glory

from the Dungeon master to the players directly after the game

the crossroads that lead to the Underroad

05. Tomb of Wayward Souls

Posted in Eve of Ruin on June 20, 2024 by coyoteandthunder

Bael does not attack as grenade tears fall, destroying the ancient tome, Bael’s sorrowful tomb. As it crumbles, the Sworn Singers attempt to solve an ancient puzzle of Acererak to gain access to the first five organ-stones of the Rod of Seven Parts.

04. Sanctum and the Wizards Three

Posted in Eve of Ruin on June 20, 2024 by coyoteandthunder

Immediately following VISIONS OF RUIN, the adventurers are brought to the Sanctum in Sigil, where Alustriel reveals that she has been working with the Wind Duke of Aaqa, the Eye of Seraphim, to find them and bring them together in the dying light of hope. She goes on to explain that the witch queen Tasha and the archmage Mordenkainen have been working with her to mitigate the unmaking ritual of Vecna, a ritual whose purpose is to destroy the multiverse and reform it in the Lord of Secrets vision. The three take an oath and become The Sworn Singers. Tasha calls Chord “a perfect being.” Mordenkainen is awkward and terribly uncomfortable with the meeting. He says to Korra “we all know something about betrayal, don’t we?”

03. Encounter 00: Visions of Ruin

Posted in Eve of Ruin on June 19, 2024 by coyoteandthunder

Battle 1: Avernus. CHORD. As Chord and Mahadi prepare for the night’s performance, they are confronted in the open beside the storage crates of the Traveling Souk. The arch-lich Acererak leads a confederation of devils and fel-magicians and claims to be on an errand from lord Vecna to collect the body of the Bardlock Warforged, Chord.

Battle 2: Haredor. KORRA. In the Beastlands, the red cloak commanders are interrupted in a sacred ritual to collect a red dragon egg by Lord Soth and his dark company. The Black Rose Bearers and the Necromantic Wizard, Iklar, wish to take the egg that has been left by ancient pact with the wyrm called Drekarvynix.

Battle 3: Silverymoon. REY. High in the boughs of the naming tree, two spellguard defend the demi-god niece of Queen Alustrial, Teremini, against the ward walkers, agents of Lolth called the Kelem Jabar who infiltrate the arcane city with dark magics and with help of their host, the shadowsworn Eigeroth, who Rey had killed once before, the one-time wielder of the Sword of Kas, prior to when Rey was cursed with it.

Was there ever any hope? Vecna arrives at Haredor and takes the dragon egg as Korra nears death after long combat. Vecna arrives at Silverymoon and take the child as Rey nears death after a tortuous battle. Vecna arrives on Avernus and attempts to take Chord’s body but is foiled by the coming of the Eye of the Seraphim, the air duke of Aaqa. The Eye comes for Korra in Haredor, and the Eye comes for Rey and whisks them away in a flurry of feathered wings.

02. Dossier of Powers

Posted in Eve of Ruin on June 19, 2024 by coyoteandthunder

01. Heroes from across the Multiverse

Posted in Eve of Ruin on June 19, 2024 by coyoteandthunder


Korra Kahnna was born to the Thousand Arrows Clan. Her mother’s demise during the birth was Korra’s first kill. Her father was a warrior of renown and soon after fell in battle. Korra became a Battle Master and was awarded a tunic of mithril armor in her sixteenth year after successfully leading a raiding party into the elven lands. It was during this campaign that Korra destroyed the elven commander Urthelen Graycloak and claimed his legendary longbow as her own. Two years later, she took her left eye in the ceremony of GRUUMSH and continued her ascension in the ranks of the Thousand Arrows command.  She was thought of by many of her peers as the next obvious choice for High Chieftain of the aligned tribes. As Dal Dal Grun, the chieftain at the time, was on his deathbed, Korra was approached by a general of the Order of Red Cloaks, an Urog named Borus Fen Hahn, who convinced her to accept the honor of leaving the Thousand Arrows and become a Red Cloak and instead of High Chieftain, become an elite soldier in the eternal holy war against the abomination of necromancy, a Hahn (an orcish title that means Spirit Hunter). According to the secret lore of the Hahn, their leader, the vampire warlord KAS, took the mantle of undeath as a sacrifice to the greater glory of the impending true victory to come: the destruction of the lord of undeath, VECNA. As Hahn, Korra was given one of the eight, holy Flame Tongue Blades of the Order of the Red Cloaks, semi-sentient swords that are forged from and imbued with the same steel and magic of the original SWORD OF KAS, that cut the hand and the eye from Vecna. 

Raeyleth “Rey” Illia 

Reyleth was raised in Silverymoon in the Northwest of Faerun, east of Neverwinter and Waterdeep, and Northeast from the Sword Coast. Raeylith served in the Argent Legion during the War of the Silver Marches (1484-1485 Dale Reckoning) in the years of the Darkening, drow and orc armies were successful in their goal of collapsing Queen Alustriel Silverhand’s united kingdom of Luruar. The high commander and mastermind of the armies of the Darkening was a mysterious figure known as The Nameless King, who notably had one hand and one eye.

In the years before the Darkening,  Rey’s family dishonored themselves by marketing in supplies to both sides of the coming war. After the war, in the Court of Silverymoon, Rey’s parents were tried and claimed they tainted the supplies and food they sold, having in one case, ground glass into the food they sold to forces of the Nameless king. They were found guilty. Rey renounced any familial ties and took the new name that was assigned upon conscription to the Argent Legion, Raeyleth Illia, which means Child of the New Day.

Rey’s service included a decade-long campaign to Everlund with the Army of the Vale, where much glory and honor was bestowed on the fledging knight as the legion worked to rebuild after the Darkening. Adept in magic, Rey eventually attained the honored title of Spell Guard and as a Blade Singer, was awarded tuition at the prestigious Lady’s College of Arcane Mastery in  Silverymoon. After studying the noble philosophies and secret arcana of Alustriel, Rey was called again to military service in defense of the city of Sundabar. This was the year 1495DR, the year of the Witchlight, as it was suspected the Nameless King had risen again and Rey commanded a battalion to take the city back from the rising evil. The Blade Singer’s first great victory in the city was realized after a duel with the death knight lieutenant of the Nameless King, Dread Lord Eigeroth. Rey claimed the death knight’s magic, and black-bladed sword, and strode, shielded with greater invisibility, to face the Nameless King himself.

In the throne room at Sundabar, The Nameless King, a bent, robed form of an impossibly ancient man seemed feeble and was unaware of the approaching elf. Rey’s heart swelled with hate, surprising the Nameless King with a quick thrust of the black-bladed sword. The King erupted with great fury and explosive magic, shocked at the glancing blow that cut his cheek. Revealed as a manifestation of VECNA the archlich, Rey also realized that the sword he was wielding with the legendary SWORD OF KAS, the very sword that had once taken the hand and eye of the ancient evil. The Sword helped Rey escape the wrath of Vecna, but the Blade singer would long be haunted by the Sword. Burdened with the blade, unable to let it go, Rey spent the next year obsessing over the evil whispers, with a soul poisoned and an innocence forever lost.  Queen Alustriel was able to repair Rey’s soul and break the bond with the blade, although she had to deal with an unnamed demon lord to do it, and the Sword of Kas was freed from the elves’ possession and its current whereabouts are unknown.


Before the Blood War, when Bel was Archduke of Avernus, he designed the evil and illusory land of the first of the Nine Hells as a false paradise, tempting mortals into giving their souls to stay in a land of vice, pleasure, and cheap satisfactions. It was then, so many millennia ago, that the artificers of Avernus conceived of an unliving yet sentient being, an android constructed from infernal woods and abyssal alloy that could manage the false paradise of Avernus without being tempted by its corruption. These beings, later called warforged, would assist, entertain, and tend to Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus and the target of Bel’s affection. Only one was ever successfully constructed and it was named Chord. The Blood War erupted before Chord could be delivered to Glasya and Bel’s novel creation was lost, along with his dream of gifting the realm of Avernus to Glasya.

Most recently, Chord was adventuring with a group of strangers marked by the Claw of Tiamat. Operating along the Sword Coast from Phandelver to Elturel, to Candlekeep, and finally to Baldur’s Gate, Chord began, for the first time, to feel something like empathy for his adventures and a purpose in the world that it had never known. After nearly being destroyed by the Unnamable, a multiversal god spawn of Talos, the Claw of Tiamat disbanded and Chord returned to Avernus, curious about its origins. Eventually, Chord would be conscripted into the service of Mahadi, The Maestro of Pleasure, and his traveling souk, a rolling circus of dozens of wagons and hundreds of slaves who attend to a clientele of multiversal personalities across Hell’s landscape. Mahadi has a mysterious and powerful leash on Chord and holds the warforged as his continuing thrall. Mahadi, a demonic rakshasa, goes to great lengths to keep Chord’s continued existence a secret from the governing forces of the Nine Hells, including holding some kind of terrible and eldritch contract with Lord VECNA. Although Chord was created thousands of years ago, after journeying across the Prime Material Plane, the warforged’s mind is equivalent to a mortal teenager, and now, the bard claims to desire freedom from Mahadi’s gilded cage above all things.

Eyrolia (EP2) Into the Deep Forest

Posted in Eyrolia on June 9, 2024 by coyoteandthunder

(Above, from left to right): Glory, Kothus, Kyfthi and Virene

The continued quest of the Scouting Party of the Ivory Castle to discover why there has been no word for months from the elves of Indryon and no word from Emrhaster Keep. Following the destruction of the Thing at Ollon Henge, the Scouting party from Ivory Castle awoke after to the wonder of the procession of the Mistveil Queen, Venestra the archfay. Venestra informed them that the sorcerer Daiomen summoned the Thing at the Henge and designed the illusion to trap would-be heroes after capturing the druids who had stewarded the holy site. One of those druids was Thaylin, Virene’s cousin. Venestra informs them that Daiomen can be found at an abandoned church of the Raven Queen in the deep forest north of the Henge. Venestra departs but not before naming Kothus, the Offworlder, a title that carries prophetic portend. The gnomish oni, Korior says to Kyfthi: “I know who you are. I want to help you. I can show you how to open gates to your home world so that you may know how to close them.” And gifts the young shadar kai a dark night key.

(above, left, the dead knight in the well, and right, Korior, the gnomish oni)

At night, Glory takes to the sky on her broom and locates the church but is pursued by the dreaded burbling Jabberwok and barely escapes an end inside its terrible maw. At the old church, an illusory waterfall of gold is revealed as a howling well, and a wraith and dead knight guard battle the adventurers to the demise of both. Virene is wounded again. Descending the dark stairs they enter a narrow hall of some forgotten tomb.