Archive for October, 2023

Chapter 15: Under the Storm King’s Throne

Posted in Argead Space on October 17, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Upon the destruction of the primitive air elemental, the keel-skiff of the Eagle, named by Boornegi as the EAGLETTE lands at the base of the mountain Keranos, home to the Storm lord Gamirithon. Gamirition is a new come lord of mysterious origin. As Duke Elektes has said, the storm giant has not made any demands for the release of the Opal Dragon. The four officers of the Eagle: Boorengi, Khaldun (with Penthalia), Rivorna, and Mimitra make their way up the perilous slopes of the lightning-riddled mountain. Finding the drain exit of the castle already revealed by Boorengi’s homunculus, they enter the tunnels under the main hall. They encounter rust monsters but eventually go to exits labeled 1, 2, and 3. the tunnel to exit 4 is blocked by four (4) rust monsters. The following is intel gathered from initial investigations of the place:

Chapter 14: Lost in Time

Posted in Argead Space on October 2, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

On the surface of the world of Akros at the dawn of Argead space. The Eagle is docked on stone pillars while its keel mast is being repaired. The Kaznorghul forge is hot and the officers of the Eagle are working on producing 32-pound cannonball ammunition. Days are spent over the forge and nights are spent in study as Khaldun and Boorengi consult the Mechronomicon and the onboard Armillary sphere to decipher the temporal and spatial implications of their campaign into the deep past:

  1. The fabric of phenomenological sequentialism that is Argead Space exists as manifest across at least eight dimensions; One of which is consciousness and another might very well be information and another might be ego, or force of will. The integrity of this space was sparked by a piece of an artifact from an alien universe called the Prime Material Plane called the Aetheric machine. It was only ever used once, by Alexander the Conqueror. He used it to move his armies from the world he knew into the cosmic realms, in order to destroy them. Argead Space was a transitory realm—the result of a remaining participle in an unbalancing equation. Because of it, magic works, spell-jamming works, there are realms of madness, and there are promised worlds of peace and infinite abundance.
  2. The timeline between the past and the future is permeable, but navigating the timeline, or the slipstream of reality can be tricky because alternate timelines may not be possible because of the dimensions of consciousness, intelligence, and ego. If Khaldun were to invite Ka Entach into the Ptah Akton a number of things could happen
  3. Catastrophic failure: Ka Entach and Khaldun are both instantly destroyed in an unresolvable temporal paradox and much of the history of Argead Space is transformed.
  4. Prisoner freedom and spore failure: because of the force of will of Astinev (Zuggtmoy), whose power of life (manifest as both rot and ethical evil as its own dimensional reality) is intrinsic to the working of the Demon hold, the prisoners of both Eferataxt and Amrodinae are immediately freed from the prison and the Ptah Akton becomes a different kind of device, and access to spore drive technology is lost therein as well.
  5. Circuit completion: Ka Entach gains knowledge of the Ptah Akton, the knowledge he would not have otherwise gained and the timeline progresses as a consistent and functional whole.
  6. Divine revelation: Ka Entach becomes a living godhead of the creator deity Ptah and retreats to rewrite history as a potentially omnipotent power.

The court of Elektes resembles the Osirian deities of the elder days

on a long-distance reconnaissance, the homunculus of Boorengi successfully finds a drain in the side of Keranos that is just large enough to creep into. It is decided that the following day the skiff of the Eagle (The Eaglette) will take Boorengi, Khaldun, Rivorna and Mimitra into and under the Lightning Castle of the Storm King.

  • On the third day, a solar and a lunar dragon battle in the low atmosphere of Akros, and a hurricane of radiation and electric wind whips up everywhere. The Eagle is in danger of falling off its stilts. DC15 CON no effect. DC10 poisoned. DC5 unconscious. Braejzna falls unconscious and Boorengi as he fades into unconsciousness, activates feather fall to prevent the Eagle from taking damage.

Furious nature incarnate; a dual of a solar and a lunar dragon rips across the planet

Frankincense and myrrh in glowing braziers. Elektes’ dragon-tigers lying about. Silk tapestries. Cooking meat. Elektes “I understand that there are two powers of immortality that either bless or curse our afterlife: the dry blessedness of the uncorrupted body, treated in mummifying ceremony, and the demon of rot, the kiss from the lady under the earth, who tears at your soul while she quickly devours your body.”

Boorengi: “Only immortality is immortality. Do not seek death.”

Alamon of Ibernomot in the Court of Elektes

Alamon, Giff in discussion regarding the world of Ibernomot:

  • Tawaret has already left Ibernomot. We are leaderless and in a downward spiral.
  • The wars of the Lunar and the Solar dragons have corrupted the hearts of the Giff people, and I dread it is forever.
  • There is corruption rampant at every level; the sacred pools still give water and the fields are fecund, but a reckoning of great impact that will determine the whole of the future is on the brink of emerging.
  • There are two native powers in Argead Space, the Githyanki and the Gith.
  • If someone were bold enough to raise a flag of peace between the Githyanki and the Giff, perhaps Tawaret would have a chance of surviving the reckoning.

Amrodinae, still young, warns Boorengi of the treachery of Alamon; their discussion is interrupted by Ka-Entach who responds to the human and the Giff being together with an absurd display of insecurity and jealousy.

Keranos; The Lightning Castle of the Storm King

In transit to rescue the Opal Dragon Aelnatha from the cosmic interloper, the Storm Giant known as Gamirithon, the Eaglette is attacked by an incarnate air elemental that threatens to destroy the mission as soon as it begins…