Archive for August, 2023

Chapter 11: The Tomb Guardian

Posted in Argead Space on August 15, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Upon the destruction of the spore demon, the three, murdered Kilrathi women are resurrected by Thiatna, the Siberys-Dragonmarked, Kilrathi child in the first major display of her latent power. Mass Resurrection; Perhaps the strongest known divine magic in the multiverse.

Upon initial inspection to fully repair the Eagle, three fists of Ruby Steel are required.

The Eagle is en route to Athiriol. Athiriol is home to a few sites. Most notably, Diashatan, “The Tin City” of the gnomes and the auto-gnomes. The gnomes of Diashatan do not eat organic materials. Also, there is a potentially troubling ethic in the city called “Biadlin” which translates to Fair Thievery. Everyone steals from everyone under the only pretense: if you need it, you get it.

01_B—Amrodinae was once the love of Ka-Entach, the designer of the Tomb Guardians of the Opal Fire.

01_K—Along with Aelenatha the Opal Dragon and Inama the Solar Dragon, Ka-Entach and Amrodinae, an astral elf, the created the seven astral gates, the pathways to the seven tombs of the Aertharadion, and there was a tomb guardian built for each of those seven tombs.

                Khaldun is one of seven Tomb Guardians

02_K—Ka-entach sought the path of immortality. Zuggtmoy, called Asitnev, revels in the turning of life.

02_B—Amrodinae betrayed Ka-entach with the slayer of Inama, Eferan, who was once a man and now cursed into the fungal dragon, for his betrayal, a mighty captain in the army of corruption, the army of Astinev.

03_K—The activation of the Fiend Hold is an ability that Khaldun has, as one of the seven sacred tomb guardians.

04_K—When in the presence of a fiend, Khaldun can activate the Fiend Hold and do battle with them there. Amrodinae and Eferan, now called Eferataxt the Corrupted, remain in the Hold.

03_B—Eferataxt must be destroyed, but Amrodinae must not be killed and must be subdued by ritual and incantations of old.

04_B—Amrodinae is now a fell spirit who uses the Ameni flower to reach into this world and devise her own version of immortality. She can be soothed with sacred words and rituals.

05_K—Zuggtmoy is core evil, tied to all life, against all systems and empathy her body of corruption works against reality.

06_K—The portal is watched by the four cosmic dragons 1. The Black Hole Dragon (the Gravity Dragon), 2. The Solar Dragon (Inama), 3. The Lunar Dragon (yet unnamed), and 4. The Opal (Earth Fire) Dragon (Aelnatha).

Amrodinae, fell spirit of the Demon Hold, the Void Mage

Chapter 10: The Spider

Posted in Argead Space on August 14, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Into the second round of combat, as Boorengi and Khaldun attack the Spore Demon, having ensnared it inside a magic circle, the demon screams and that triggers the Cosmic Spider (both agents of Zuggtmoy) to attack.

The inveterate host of mold and the corrupted heart lurches and attacks with fat, inky tendrils of organic tar-like filth that feels like acidic fire when it hits open skin or has the opportunity to corrupt wood or metal.

The enervating strike, infused with organic energy that is demonic and wholly evil in nature, creates an unexpected effect: A previously unknown organ deep in Khaldun ignites at the cosmic threat of reemergence this hit represents. His joints glow purple and unknown veins of gold trace across his skin. Khaldun, now awakened to something that feels somehow older than he is, a piece of arcane tech that dates clearly back to Khaldun’s designer Ka-entach…

The Spore Demon successfully makes its saving throw to escape the Magic circle and plane shifts back to Xoriat to continue the murderous scheme to usurp the helm of The Eagle.

With the attack of the nameless Cosmic Spider, a legion of Arachnians descends upon and attacks the Sentinels of the Eagle as a fierce defense is launched.

 Aracnians begin to flood the decks. There are twenty-four of them. Every Sentinel must roll a DC 12 to survive, and a DC 10 to destroy the Aracnian. The Cosmic Spider must take 1500 hit points of damage before it lets the Eagle go. The Eagle must make a saving throw of 14 (with a +4) bonus or take 6d20 damage per round as it slowly ripped apart. The Spider bots are deployed to repair 2d10 points of damage per round to the ship. The Eagle is able to do enough damage to the Spider to send it into retreat. There are two sentinels left alive. The ship remains viably serviceable but is damaged in ways that have yet to be ascertained.