Archive for June, 2023

Chapter 07: Homebase

Posted in Argead Space on June 25, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

01. Borrengi manufactures the missing element to ignite a spore drive between the helm of the Eagle and the Ameni flower. Upon activation, the Eagle jumps out of space and time.

02. The fungal realm that the Eagle uses to escape combat with the Black Parade and the Azure Fist is called the Xoriat. It is a realm of madness, beyond reality’s mortal apprehension.

Xoriat, the space between space

03. Destination: Yrinion, New Alignment Space. Ruled by AKALA, one of the twelve, pre-Osirian entities called the Mercane. The Mercane are proud of what they call and think of as their omnipotency, and together, they represent a council that rules large swaths of business across Argead Space. Boorengi Startoosk has some land on Yrinion, outside the city’s starport. The starport is gathered on cliffs surrounding two large, strange pyramids. Inside the pyramids are massive spheres of encapsulated water. The purpose of these large orbs is enigmatic and known only to the Mercane.

04. The landscape of the Startoosk property is degraded and the architecture, including a long-abandoned starship hangar, has collapsed. A family of the native Kilrathi people, a lost tribe of Set, led by three brothers: Atum, Katen, and Niam, have lived in the ruins for twenty years. They welcome the crew of the Eagle as the rightful owners of the land. They share their Ketche in feast. They confide that they have a young girl who has a Siberys dragonmark, what they call Horus’ kiss.

Atum of the Khilrathi

Titantheon and Curametor

Chapter Six: The Black Parade

Posted in Argead Space on June 18, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Chapter 06

“The Black Parade”

Following the revealing of the Prophecy of Sitkarima and the triumph over Yog Sirion, Khaldun and Booregni argue with Omnetri about the promise world of Ibernomot. Omnetri is stubborn unto death about his loyalty to the Anubian Empire. The officers of the Eagle offer the archaeologist a job aboard the Eagle to find the lost home world of the Giff, but Omnetri counters with an offer of allyship which seems to the officers as a thinly veiled threat of indentureship. Omnetri says that “The Black Parade, an Anubian Corvette, is 12 hours from Ulama and is coming for his research books. The captain of the Black Parade, Daomir, will stop at nothing to find them.” The officers execute the Anubian and teleport his body to back into the temple to make it appear that he met his doom via stone golem.

Back at Ulama, Kitmeriol pays the crew only 1,500 gold, when (confirmed by Mordekh) the cost of the Eagle’s repairs spiraled upwards. Kitmeriol says that in one month she will be wed to a prince of the new alignment named Aerolanth, son of Athara. Athara is a legendary and ancient lord. One of the Nonentak, the nine rulers of the Alignment who answer to Isperia, the Supreme Justice of the New Alignment. Athara is captain of the city-size Spelljammer called the Aerbanthor.

The Eagle

  • The armillary sphere in the bridge observatory can cast a variation of visual sending spells. Most spelljamming craft are equipped with something like it. It may be turned on or off and be used visually, with audio, or both. Its range in generally about two thousand feet.
  • The Ameni flower is blooming in the arboretum. Braejna is researching fungal fuel because of it. It has something to do with Camal’s dragonmark. It is impossible to know how it is radiating out, broadcasting itself across the theorized fungal dimension. Mardehk has picked a vague signal related to Zuggtmoy. (Mercane)
  • Kirex, the Gith prisoner. And the living symbiote. No sending spells are possible from the Eagle’s brig. The Azure fist finds the Eagle because of it. Kirex is killed. Arriving before the Black Parade.

Khaldun insights that by cross referencing the Opal Gates with the Tombs of the Aetharadion, a clue as to the location of the tombs, and thus Ibernomot, may be gleaned.

The Azure Fist offers 1000 gold for the 50 regs of fuel—there are still 50 regs of fuel aboard the Eagle, but it is uncertain if they can track it now that Kirex, the Energy Guard, is dead. The captain of the Azure Fist, a Blue Spear faction ship, non-Tuaranathi Githyanki is named Zakshon and his number one is a Gith sorceress named Rivorna. When the skiff, manned by the officers goes to collect, the Black Parade arrives and fires on the Azure Fist. The skiff returns to the Eagle and the Eagle returns fire onto the Black Parade.

(above, left) Rivorna of the Azure Fist (above, left-lower) the symbiote that destroyed Kirax and alerted the Azure Fist about the location of the Eagle (Above, right) Captain Zakshon of the Azure Fist.

The Amnei flower

(Above, left) Captain Daomir of the Black Parade, (above, right) The Corrigon horror of the Black Parade

The Azure fist of the Blue Spear Githyanki, an anti-Hythonia faction of ascending power

The Black Parade, an Anubian Corvette

Chapter five: Prophecy Revealed

Posted in Argead Space on June 12, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Omnetri, the Anubian archaeologist is loyal to people, a capable spellcaster, and an elder in his clan.


Posted in Argead Space on June 5, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Chapter four: Elder Evils

Posted in Argead Space on June 4, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Chapter four: Elder Evils

The Tomb of the Nameless Queen, part 2

Begin: The Multiphasic Tunneling Teleporter is strapped to Boorengi’s back, out of Omnetri’s reach. The heroes of the Eagles are there, at the breach of the door, The Steel Defender “Penthalia” (Khaldun’s Tomb Guardian, construct; HP 37/AC 15/CR 3), Boorengi’s homunculus (tiny construct; HP 8/AC13) are there, as is the Anubian Archeaologist. Yog Omonir is activated, as well as the Stone Golems. The antagonists will not leave the chamber of Yog Omonir.

YOG OMONIR appears as an obelisk, 40’ tall on a base pedestal of four, tomb-lockers which may contain some Platinium. Two stone golems activate on each side of the YOG OMONIR when the room is breached. Locking holes for the dagger key lie on the causeway between YOG OMONIR and each of the golems.

Death Gaze.When a creature that can see YOG OMONIR’s great eye starts its turn within thirty feet of the base of the pillar that makes up YOG OMONIR’s body, YOG OMONIR can force it to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw if YOG OMONIR isn’t incapacitated and can see the creature. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is reduced to 0 hit points, unless it is immune to the frightened condition. Otherwise, a creature takes 16 (3d10) on a failed save. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of the turn. If the creature does so, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against YOG OMONIR until the start of its next turn. If the creature looks at YOG OMONIR in the meantime, it must immediately make the saving throw.

The homunculus is destroyed, and Boorengi falls. Penthalia wrestles the ancient evil who appears as a pillar but relents and the heroes escape without defeating the enemies. Solving the room becomes a goal, as clearly that is where the hoard of Solarized Platinum is stowed.

Back in the entrance chamber that Omnetri was using as an archaeologist’s laboratory, Boorengi was healed and puts his homunculus back together. After, the books of Omnetri were examined while debating the next move.

The three books.

  • The Amber Tome. Pre-Tuaranathi history of the Giff and their Githyankian enslavement; written by Daelegni Roonmouna, the historian adventurer who died in the poison room (Chapter 03) and had the Guantlets of Gophimonyr. The Giff-designed lock on the door that leads to the tomb of the Nameless queen sits outside of time as a revenge prayer of Tawaret.
  • The Book of forgotten histories; Kithren, the Tomb of the Nameless Queen, is one of the seven tombs of Aetharadion; GRIMWO is one of the other tombs, a Giff tomb for a secret empire; the promise of Tawaret. The location of Grimwo and the other tombs is lost. The other five tombs are called BEMLEN, UTHOLIOT, CALFARETTE, MILSAMO and SHAKAT. Shakat may be located in the constellation of the Golden Bow in Xaryxian space. The tombs date to Ubek Alum Pharaonic Dynasties (741-1006 sol). The current year is 4906 sol.
  • The Elder Translations; cipher between three languages, 01. Aetharadion, the ancient language of the Githyanki; 02. Caiphon, elder evil language of the horror beyond… of the Abolethia. 03. Azakiduan, the language of the dead… the book of the dead.

The entrance chamber of the Queen’s tomb

The queen in her sarcophagus

A.03 tomb of the Nameless Queen. 60 feet x 25 feet. Activation by Gophimonyri gauntlet into slot near door, by Giff eyes only. The entrance passage is bypassed by Khaldun triangulating the multiphasic transporter. The power requirement of the tomb activation is weakening the integrity of the tomb. It begins to crumble, threatening to destroy the complex. The tomb of the Queen is seen on the far wall. She lays in stasis. There are ancient beads of platinum cached at the base of her tomb. Boorengi determines that there is a mechanism by which, should he not take this stash of platinum for himself, he can insert the fuel into a device that will save the queen and her tomb. He decides to save the facility and sacrifices the fuel.