Archive for April, 2023

Episode 002 The Energy Guard

Posted in Argead Space on April 13, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Chapter 01: The North Star

Posted in Argead Space on April 10, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

The flag of a particularly loyal world of Githyanki to their Lich Queen Hythonia, known as Olgathum 3 of Tuaranth. Honor’s Eye flew this flag upon collision with the North Star.

The Githyanki, known as Kirex, was aboard Honor’s Eye and survived the collision with the North Star because he was in the ship’s prison at the time for treason. Kirex is part of a new anarchic group called The Blue Spear Revolution and now, as a prisoner aboard the Eagle, tells them that he defied his captain for the captain’s martyr-wish to attach the Xaryxian refugee vessel, The North Star. Apparently, The captain, Ghirzon, found out that there is a Syberis dragon-marked child on board the North Star and is obsessed with dragon marks and their power. The elven infant, Camal, was the only elf to survive the collision and the battle that followed. Camal is covered in the strange runes of the dragonmark. Camal’s mother, who was killed, kept a journal which revealed that the crew of the Esimere (the North Star) was fleeing Xaryxian space because dragonmarks in Elven culture have been considered aberrant and unnatural since the Ruin of the Solar Dragon in 4751, one hundred and fifty years ago. The current year is 4906.

Crew of the Eagle

Posted in Argead Space on April 8, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

Welcome to Argead Space

Posted in Argead Space on April 8, 2023 by coyoteandthunder

A Spelljammer Campaign. Dungeons and Dragons. 5E. In the world of Ur-Unon, it was only 200 years ago that Alexander the Conquerer activated the Aether Makina and elevated his Macedonian army to cosmic power. Rampaging across the Aetheric Road, Alexander seeks to colonize the entirety of the multiverse under his hegemony. The Aetheric Road existed inside of Osirian space, a wild realm of Egyptian gods that long existed in the magical dimensions between the stars. Alexander’s trespassing caused a split in time and space and opened axis points between the historical worlds of Ur-Unon and celestial planes of what would thereafter be called Argead Space. What was once a Macedonian Satrap, the Argead empire (a version of which is now called The Alignment) is fractured now into the many cultures of Egyptos. Despite only two centuries of worldly history having elapsed since Alexander’s ascension, it has been over five thousand years in Argead Space. In this time, the Astral elves and many other races of the world have colonized the many habitable worlds across the celestial sea and with the coming of Spelljamming technology, have matured into millennia-old civilizations with ancient histories of their own.