Archive for December, 2021

Silverymoon 009: The Fay Horror at Gathen Manse Part one

Posted in Uncategorized on December 29, 2021 by coyoteandthunder
Gathen Manse Dining Room

Silverymoon 008; The Cauldron

Posted in Uncategorized on December 18, 2021 by coyoteandthunder

Elan and Baer pursue Skylla to a portal of the Faydark and battle the mercenary Warduke and escape by collapsing the portal. After securing the cauldron of the Archfay at House Invincible, they start the cloud balloon and see Prismeer from the air for the first time.

Silverymoon 007; Love’s Poison Kiss

Posted in Silverymoon on December 18, 2021 by coyoteandthunder

With the coming of Yropa to Silverymoon, Baertolaine is activated by the amethyst dragon to become a psi warrior. After, the love of his youth, the evil Skylla comes to his apartment and gives him a poison kiss. It is then up to Elandreth to rescue his friend from a mysterious and terrible fate.

Silverymoon 006; Bavlorna’s Basement

Posted in Silverymoon on December 18, 2021 by coyoteandthunder

Confronting Slack-Jawed Lorna in her basement, Baertolaine and Elandreth rescue the kidnapped sorcerer-adept children from inside a demi-plane of sleep inside of the hag’s stomach. After freeing the children, they are confronted by an army of Fomorian warriors and are rescued by Grandfather Tree and the Forest Giants of Silverymoon.

Silverymoon 005; Into the Faywild

Posted in Uncategorized on December 16, 2021 by coyoteandthunder

Silverymoon 004; The Astromancer and the Wardwalker

Posted in Silverymoon on December 15, 2021 by coyoteandthunder

In which Elandreth finds his destiny as a wizard of the night sky and the two companions enter into mortal combat with a dark elf Wardwalker and avenge the life of the fellow knight that was killed.

Silverymoon 003; The Brigands of Downfall

Posted in Silverymoon on December 15, 2021 by coyoteandthunder

In which Baertolaine and Elandreth confront Agdon Longscarf’s gang of brigands, free some mysterious prisoners, and learn some essential insights regarding the Hourglass Coven’s plan for Silverymoon… a terrible process which has already begun, called the Unraveling. In the last chapter of this episode, the two come to House Invincible, meet the lord of the Silver Knights, Elionar, and are assigned a laboratory that will function as their office in future investigations.