Archive for June, 2020

Forge of Fury 3: The Foundry

Posted in Forge of Fury on June 3, 2020 by coyoteandthunder

Following the victory at Glitterhame, the party returns to Blassingdell to only find the whole village destroyed by the Black Dragon’s acid breath and Rava missing. Chok Rah, the barbarian-monk Half-orc, joins the party for Chapter 3: Forge of Fury. Bors the barbarian leaves to go tend to his clan elsewhere, to not join the quest to kill the dragon. Inside the Foundry, after a long and bloody affair in the entrance room, the hunger bear is revealed as a victim of lycanthropy and unable to turn back to human form. Priwen ultimately releases him from his human form.

After the encounter in the main room of the foundry, the party encounter Pweli, the duergar mage who has been serving Itzlot, the black dragon, for years. With an extraordinarily exceptional deception check, Pursey the tabaxi, convinces Pweli to show the party to the lair of Itzlot, the Black Lake.


Forge of Fury 4: Black Lake

Posted in Forge of Fury on June 1, 2020 by coyoteandthunder

Armed with a sentient pearl of control, Blood Eye, the orken thaumaturge was able to briefly control the black dragon Itzlot the black. In the battle that followed, Chok Rah, the barbarian/monk half-orc hero was destroyed by the dragon as Blood Eye too, was crushed when the dragon fell on him. Assisted by the noble action of Priwen, the warforged fighter, and Ajon, the tiefling sorcerer/warlock, it was the bard/fighter/thief Persey, the tabaxi who finally destroyed the dragon in spirit and in body, when gasping for his life finally succumbed to the cat-man’s heroic “cutting words” and died.