Archive for May, 2020

Forge of Fury 002: The Glitterhame

Posted in Uncategorized on May 18, 2020 by coyoteandthunder

surprised by the terrible roper, with a circular saw for a mouth, the howling thing proved a prominent challenge to the party of 4th level Pc’s. Priwen’s commanding strike proved invaluable as Purcey was able to continue hitting it with arrows as the fighters were largely held in check.

After his defeat, Priwen claimed Long Tusk’s cursed sword and was burdened by it into chapter 003, when Ajon had access to the Remove Curse spell. 

Long Tusk was held by Ajon’s Hideous Laughter spell and Purcey’s Bane spell proved effective as well. Beset on enemies on all sides, the party opted to make defense and let them come. Only minimal exploration was attempted, or necessary, of the adjacent rooms. Fungal terrain features incited a beserk-condition from the barbarian Bors, and also caused Purcey to fall poisoned by hallucinatory spores. Dark Wolf eventually emerged and was destroyed.

Dark Wolf’s Map to the Foundry

Forge of Fury 001: The Mountain Door

Posted in Uncategorized on May 18, 2020 by coyoteandthunder


Into the Mountain Door. Because the game was played virtually, via video-platform, a grid-system was invented to describe how the action unfolded, based on the standard, per-round movement of 30 feet. The characters were first set upon by the orken brothers Fist Claw, with a devastating whip attack (chain sweep) that doesn’t make to-hit rolls, but rather solicits saving throws to dodge, and the so-called Fang Mage whose name was Snake Tooth (who found his spiritual hammer largely ineffective). The Player character Chok Ra was not able to join until Chapter 3, and his role was instead a Goliath Barbarian named Bors.

Enemies in part two of chapter one included the primary target of the initial quest, Dark Wolf and the horrid Slithering Tracker who attacked after the party approached the orken chief. Dark Wolf escaped towards the end of combat and the chase continued into chapter two.

Slithering Tracker

Introduction to the Forge of Fury

Posted in Uncategorized on May 18, 2020 by coyoteandthunder

On May 14, 2020, four players, led by one Dungeon Master set out to play a highly modified version of Forge of Fury in eight hours. The result was epic and essentialized, with custom maps and encounters that were only loosely rooted by the spirit of the original adventure. Rather than experiencing oversimplification, the journey through this classic dungeon was wrought with concise drama and roleplay that amounted to an exceptionally emotional and inspiring day of Dungeons and Dragons.

Rava, the Dragonborn mayor of Blassingdell and the proprietress of the Wayward Blade

The characters were to all start at 3rd level and advance one level every two hours.