Archive for August, 2018

AYDRIN, Undead lord protector of the Aquian Throne

Posted in Rehland on August 4, 2018 by coyoteandthunder


Aydrin’s statue-body is articulated wood, ivory and porcelain. Both an artifact and a being with a sworn-will of his own, Aydrin is one of the knights of Nediam – 2000 years old and reactivated by Edmyr 100 years ago to fight the Eladrin.

Heve Slayeris, Tempest Lord

Posted in Rehland on August 4, 2018 by coyoteandthunder

Castle Nomro of Lord Slayris

The Flight of the Avariel

Posted in Rehland on August 4, 2018 by coyoteandthunder

The story of Icari Es, Nediam Knight and Lord of the Avariel

“It is true, three thousand years ago, my father betrayed our kind, the winged elves of Avariel. He did so without outright malice – he felt in his heart, it was the right thing to do. A decision that shaped the history of my people, and perhaps the whole cosmos.

As you may or may not know, the Avariel are from the elemental plane of air. We are not actually true elves, more akin to a fey-touched Aasimar.

For generations, my people violently struggled against the astral, alien race known as the Githyanki. We were few in numbers and the Gith were aided in servitude to the horrible monsters, the illithid. The Avariel went nearly extinct several times from the relentless war with the Gith.

“The Avariel Queen Othali, with the secret song of Enora, kept our people alive for many millennia before my father’s betrayal. As scar on my heart that has spread from one side of the multiverse to the other.” -Icari Es


My father beseeched the mysterious dragon queen, Tiamat, who appeared to my father in a ritual-vision as a freedom fighter, to aid us in the fight against the Gith. Tiamat said the best way to destroy the Gith was to sever the supply lines to the Gith from the Illithid. For this, my father gave Tiamat the secret of Enora, the true name of the Avariel. After the Gith were free from the Illithid, Tiamat enslaved the Avariel.

“Tiamat, as she appeared as liberator to my father. My father’s name was Daedeli.” – Icari Es.

Tiamat aligned herself with the Devil-Queen Zariel, and together they made a new race of fiends: the Abishai, from an infernal combination of Gith, Dragon and Fiend blood. For a thousand years, my people were enslaved by a force of Abishai.

“Under the tyranny of Zariel, the Abishai were the force by which the Avariel were enslaved for a thousand years.” – Icari Es

When I came of age, just before the Rending, two thousand years ago, I assisted in leading an army of us to this world, called UrUnon now, then called Dao Tyr, in open rebellion to defeat the chromatic heart of dragons, the queen herself. It was myself and an elite force of Avariel who learned of Tiamat’s presence in the world and gave that information to Oromo, the god-king of the Gold Dragons. This act sparked the Rending and changed the world.

In the Rending, I was destroyed, encased in an arcane stasis, a crystal tomb and kept alive miraculously by being fed for two thousand years through fey veins of fungus. Edmyr, lord of the Nediam Knights found me twenty years ago and woke me to new purpose in the service of Queen Eyssa. My charge is to help the good people of Rehland realize their highest potential freedom from the encroaching tyranny of the dark fay of Syrwood. In the last few decades of the hundred years war between Aideldon and the Eladrin, I’ve used my sworn agency as a Knight of Nediam to obtain data and execute counter intelligence, striking into the heart of the fel-wood.

I am alone in this world, the last of my kind and perhaps the only being alive who remembers the living terror of dragons well, gone now as they are from Urunon.” ICARI ES

Nikko of the Panther Totem

Posted in Rehland on August 4, 2018 by coyoteandthunder

Zero Hit Points. House Rules.

Posted in Uncategorized on August 4, 2018 by coyoteandthunder

Bruce Dracosen

Posted in Rehland on August 1, 2018 by coyoteandthunder

Sir Bruce Dracosen of the Nediam Knights, wielder of Ithiamat, and lord of Bristol.

Edmyr’s Mysterious Journal

Posted in Rehland on August 1, 2018 by coyoteandthunder

The mystic lord of the Nediam Knights has been missing for over two years, since the peace between the Eladrin and Aideldon.

Edmyr Th’hed was over one hundred years old when he went missing after his revelation to the Court of Eyssa about the murder of Isis. The first of the Nediam Knights, Edmyr was a father figure to them all. Bruce Drackosen was particularly bent on finding his master. After Rillafane was married to Eyssa and a treaty was established, Bruce left Aideldon to find Edmyr. In his possession he had Edmyr’s journal, a mysterious book that contains clues to what is apparently, an enormours plot that not only involves Emdyr and the knights, but potentially all of humanity itself.