Archive for November, 2014

Tem Salaam, City of Dreams

Posted in Uncategorized on November 25, 2014 by coyoteandthunder

The eldest of all cities in the world – TEM SALAAM. From the Observatory at the heart of this desert oasis fed by the Ash Feather River, the first Raelfaen described the stars and built the calendar of the aepochs, nearly twenty thousand years ago. In recent years, since the destruction of Tiamat, war has come to Tem Salaam; a period of great peril and crusade. The city now stands under seemingly endless martial law, where the human soldiers of Reim Oebyr, the Host Fel, govern over a vast city of terrible racial, political and economic tensions. Violence in the streets regularly erupts as a largely ineffectual police force does its best to maintain order. Meanwhile, armies march across the wilderness outside the city gates. Many think the city will be under siege soon enough.


The Athbazaar of Tem Salaam

Tem Salaam 004

Thelos Oebyr, the Cathedral of Moradin

Tem Salaam

Birs Effa, the East Gate
