This one chance


The clockwork ballistics were launched from Theriol to Hurthyric two nights before the Summer Solstice, 1164, VII. There were six, such missiles – harboring the greatest heroes of this, or any, age.  There mission: simple. Tiamat was there – in body. Anchor the dragon goddess with the Lore gem embedded in the arch druid’s chest and proceed to destroy the target in hand to hand/arcane combat. It would be over in six combat rounds. A game of souls for the heart of Innien.

1. Oromo, Warlord of the Ancient Dawn, played by Minoo, level 25 Brute

2. Safein, The Archdruid, played by Danny, level 26 Controller

3. Jorogumo, The perfect slayer, played by Marty, level 25 Lurker

4. Aradhel Draz-Galad, The warforged fist of Raziel, played by Robert, level 26 Skirmisher

5. Tim Tigeon, The Sheriff of the Dreamwater, played by Matt, level 27 Artillery

6. Aela the Fallen, played by Jason, level 26 soldier

versus Tiamat, level 32 solo-brute, DM’d by Obi

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