Archive for January, 2013

Encounter at Black Rock, Assault of the Star Spawn, Part 1

Posted in Innien, Lands of the East with tags , , , on January 17, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

True, pitiless aliens rain down across the northern front. Aliens from beyond the cold black night, from a realm that does not factor human need and compassion into their endless drive…their endless amibition…their endless violence. Succeeding in only turning the fallen knights of Theriol against the living, these masters of horror drive forward with mysterious agenda. Only Company Six Silver Wing stands between them and their harnessing of the Loregem power at Black Rock. Will the party of only four stalwart souls be able to stand against the assault of the Star Spawn? time will tell.

Flame Spur

Grim Lord


Star Spawn Assassinstar spawn assassin

Star Spawn Hulk


Company Six Silver Wing

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2013 by coyoteandthunder

The Tiamen Front has been the primary battleground between the men of the Copper King and the dragonkin of the Lord of Fire for nearly fifty years. Deep trenches carved across ashen plains at the base of the Red mountains have stood for decades in an unbreakable stalemate between the two great armies. Company Six Silver Wing was formed in Theriol, the realm of the Copper King,  just over two years ago. So nobly answering the call to military conscription, the young soldiers joined the military to fulfill their obligation of three years, to begin on their seventeenth birthday.  Then, Company Six Silver Wing was composed of ten warriors, now four survive. Company Six Silver Wing is a long range, reconnaissance patrol – Expertly trained and heavily armored, an infiltration unit, long tested in breaching the enemies’ line and obtaining the objective.

CoranWarlord Coran Eithel. Coran has grown a lot in the past two years, having seen many wartime horrors few can imagine.  At the Encounter of Dark Rock, Coran is nineteen years old and scheduled to go home in two weeks. Coran was assigned to Company Six Silver Wing as a grunt and quickly rose to first Sargent for his great skill with sword on the back of his clockwork steed, Nesbith.



Belruk, Cleric of Moradain. The only native of the Red Mountains in Company Six Silver Wing, Belruk has never actually been to Theriol – he fights along side the men in the efforts to destroy the dragonkin empire. Belruk’s size (nearly 11 feet tall and 600 pounds) and booming war cry bely his incredible ability to act as healer and combat medic.

AelbynAelbryn. Elven Swordmage. No one is as fast as Aelbryn. Despite years of wartime service, she is still quick to laugh and can drink most men under the table. Loud and boisterous in social situations, this royal daughter of the Elven court at Amis Alin is a stealthy shadow, deadly with her windblade and ability to call lightning from stone.



Neyo. The Silver Dragons of The North Rim have long been allied with the Copper King. Neyo comes from an ancient line of warbred dragons. Acrobatic and wickedly fast, this young dragon, who is actually smaller than most horses in the army, is known for his good will and his sense of humor around camp – on the battlefield he has rightfully earned his nickname: the Pouncing Viper.