Archive for June, 2012

The Death of Brynn Bobbin

Posted in Farharrow on June 27, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

Poor Brynn Bobbin. She was a brilliant assassin and protector of her town – Farharrow in the Faedark. Alas, her long lost mother, Biasta, had returned in the form of a terrible medusa and Brynn was not able to repel her stony gaze. RIP Brynn – your people mourn your loss.

Raechel of the Raven Queen

Posted in Farharrow on June 27, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

The Priestesss of the Cathedral of the Raven Queen at Farrharrow is the beautiful miss Raechel. It was Raechel who warned Farharrow of the coming horde and the identity of the heralds in service of the Nameless King and it is Raechel who now, is helping her friend, Eddison the Shade, to navigate the Book of the Elemental Eye and decifier Shadow Script – a dangerously powerful new arcane-language that may be the source of a new power – a new power, so desperately need to defend against the coming horde.

Erdan Takes a Wife

Posted in Primordial Aepoch on June 23, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

Fatale’s sister, the beautiful raven priestess, Liaara, comes to stay at Tem Salaam, the Tree of Peace. Erdan and Liaara have an immediate and passionate rapport – he finds her funny and refreshing in this alien world, and she him charming and bizaare. Tragically, Liaara has already been sworn to marry the dark priest Rhelguak – the high priest of the trogs, Lagozed’s uncle. Erdan faced the Rhelguak’s champion to ride better, faster and longer in a race while mounted on the Goblin Thunder lion and not only then gained a wife, but became a unlikely prince of the trogs…

The Alienation of Ogremoch

Posted in Ancient Lands, Primordial Aepoch on June 23, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

The ancient genasi were massive creatures – giants only once rmoved from primordial blood. Rhoen, the warpriest, went on a vision-quest, accompanied by Bestalapyr, the first genasi, deep into the Aintyr Wastes. There he communed with the lord of the Earth, Ogremoch, for over two months. Rhoen, now known as the Incorruptable, was unable to be moved by the Earthlord and kept his mind and his free will as his own.

Avatar of the Molten Heart

Posted in Ancient Lands, Primordial Aepoch on June 23, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

An avatar of the molten heart of Unon, an angel named Tixneerie, approached Aelar one evening and whisked her away through the night sky to a festival on the other side of Chronoholm. Before a court of fallen angels, fresh from their war with the creator gods of Olde, she entertained, sang, and beguiled them into letting her leave at dawn – her heart still intact.

Adventuring in an Ancient Age

Posted in Ancient Lands on June 23, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

Aelar and Erdan have now spent over a month in the Fay people’s camp – a place called Thym Rek – a large trade-meet of mercantile caravans, backed by a militia of approximately five hundred warriors. Both the bard and the warrior realize that since emerging from the chronomantic portal, they are now in Dao Tyr’s distantpast. Where there companions, the wizard Thaylinn and the warpriest Rhoen are, they could not say. The two, now armed with the knowledge that they, simply by their presence, are introducing revolutionary ideas onto a culture that has yet to even establish civilization. Perhaps as a gift of the gods – who can say – the two are able to understand and communicate with the ancient fay, as if there is a bridge of pure thought between minds born over such vastly disparate oceans of time.

All this is not to say this culture is not ancient. It is. Its magics are arcane, but not rooted in the written word. Its gods are divine, but struggle to emerge from proto-like projections of their future identities. In fact, the Fay people, now called the Eladrin are reeling from the recent cosmologic catastrophe that divided them as a people from their origin as Raelfaen. The Seladrine, who more resemble their Raelfaen antecedents, have departed this terrestrial world for astral courts in the heavens. The Eladrin who remain, are now a people bereft and divided – lost in the violent wilderness. The Eladrin refer to the travelers from the future as Madoru, the ceramic fey.

The Queens of Thym Rek – the shadow witches – are Fatale and Akadala. Fatale is protected by her ever-present fire hound and commands tremendous respect, speaking in resonant tones from under her low-drawn hood. Her sister, Akadala is a shape-shifting, thorn-sword wielding, snake priestess whose personal motives would never dare to be publically questioned. Up until two weeks ago, the trade-meet of Thym Rek had existed for a thousand years at the base of an enormous, glass mountain called Akta, the Bite. Then, in a sudden, violent, geophysical storm, the mountain was annihilated from existence – perhaps at the whim of the gods, or from some other terrible source. For the first time the Fay people were not isolated from their ancient enemies: the seven tribes of Blood – the Troglodytes of Ogremoch.

Under the shrewd leadership of the warking Kazzay’et, the united tribes of blood soundly defeated the rhino-mounted fay knights of Thym Rek. Under a red moon, Kazzay’et, leads his armies of troglodyte warriors into Thym Rek, along with a hoard of Belgoimerchants and a brigade of Anakoreslaves. Fatale and Akadala are placed in chains and most of the Eladrin fay knights are ritually sacrificed to Ogremoch, lord of the blood-soaked earth. The trade-meet is now a place of ritual combat and Kazzay’et refers to his lord, a hideous creature lord named the Gaj, who has yet to be seen by the heroes. Fatale is able to sneak away from her captors and tell the two heroes, who are held in a wooden cabin awaiting a pending trial – that the portal is activating again. It’s risky, but under the upcoming green moon, it may be that an escape can be held. If indeed, Thaylinn and Rhoen, can be made whole in this reality, through the Eye of Corollon, as the portal is called, and the team can make it through to the Transport Stone, the Ymothin, on the other side of Thym Rek, freedom may be had.

The Ymothinwill transport them, in theory, to an ancient Raelfaen university – Ekshuy– where the now-united team may or may not find their ultimate destiny in this ancient land of War.

The Native Magic of Daotyr – The Bonasas

Posted in Ancient Lands, The Dragongods on June 23, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

Before the world knew of Greater powers – even before the dragongods thought of themselves as such, the pantheon of native draconic dieties dreamed magic into the world through a force called the Bonasas. The Bonasas, or called the Bonatian Circle, is responsible for, and the source of all life, weather, emotion and arcane power in the world. As your character experience the Aepoch of the Primordials, the Bonasas begins to enter your soul and you begin a relationship with it that affects your abilities as a Knight of the Scarlet Eye in a new and fantastic ways. The Bonasas becomes known to you through the material culture, the crafts and treasures, built by the exarchs – these gifts, these Bonatian items are the very essence of magic.

Ogremoch, Lord of the Earth

Posted in Ancient Lands, Old Khepathia, The Dragongods on June 6, 2012 by coyoteandthunder

In the days of the first Sun – Ogremoch, lord of the earth, appeared indifferent to his overwhelming powers. Ogremoch obstained from most of the battles with the original Dragongods in the Dawn War.