Archive for December, 2011

The Alter of the Raven Queen at Adderfell

Posted in Dinnae on December 23, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The people of the Shattered Islands have united to donate a beautifully built alter for the new Chapel of the Raven queen as constructed by the lords of Adderfell. The alter is made of pure Ebonstone, an arcanely rich material – a good conduit for nether magic rituals. Ebonstone used to channel evil, but now has fallen innert after the destruction of Lesivith, the Ebon Lord in 1111. The alter is a supreme work of art and a great gift of the people.

Favorite of the Raven Queen

Posted in Dinnae on December 23, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Auria, Aethyr Imyra of the Raven Queen, was the youngest high priestess ever at Raven’s Eyrie in Dinnae. Her ability to decipher shadow script and her strange connection to the Dark Pana made her out to be a savant among her peers and her superiors. Now she is assigned as liaisons with the Ryn Fatom, the Fist of the Queen, the Company of the Black Orchid and oversee their progress as they build their chapel in the Shattered Islands. Her loyalty has yet to be tested, to whether and for whom she may indeed be a confidante for.

The Wereboar Lord

Posted in Dinnae, the Fey Dark on December 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Heroes of the Black Orchid, in an attempt to take out one of their chief rivals, Lord Rengis Renbill, ended up destroying a large and ancient mansion in the process. Down the street from the Raven’s Eyrie in the Temple District of downtown Dinnae, the heroes found their target in mid-transformation as he was becoming a size large Wereboar (see the picture, as expertly painted by Matt Decker.) They were, of course, ultimately successful in their mission, except for Vindracryl who may be the multiverse’s first Revenant/Wereboar, having come down now with Tusk Fever.

Cutting out the heart of the enemy

Posted in Farharrow, the Fey Dark on December 19, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

After failing to secure the services of the newly born Nightmare, Ferrylgorn, it looked bleak for the people of Farharrow. The Nameless king is still marching across the witchlight Fen with a legion of gnolls – the small town will surely be sacked.

Teaming up with many townspeople, Brynn and Eddison were able to cut the heart out of the enemy’s power by destoying The Fey Daemon using a binding spell supplied by the raelfaen witches of Hela Anima. The Hobgoblin Necromancer Argohlum, right hand to the Nameless king was betrayed by Tourlgar toward his own nefarious ends – the necromancer was destroyed by the heroes of Farharrow.

The Queen’s most powerful soldiers

Posted in Dinnae, the Fey Dark on December 17, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

(above, left) General Roe Garen has been lord Haumann of the Black Orchid Knights of Dinnae for twenty years. A cruel, ruin of a man whose war-time leadership kept the City of Twilght from being overrun by the Dragonkin armies of Hyth Anir under command of Mizzen Kai, the Blight witch in 1120.

(above, right) Markala, the most powerful of the Queen’s Shadowsworn. Mysterious warriors from the deep Shadowfell who do her bidding and are indeed the spine of her military, martial power.

The Queen at home

Posted in Dinnae on December 13, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Fatom Yrgana, the Queen of Dinnae holds court in her home, below, the Palace of Blood and Stars, Regarjun. All heed the ancient queen even if her practical power over the mundane goings-on within the Twilight City are strained of late. Yrgana has been the ruler of Dinnae since her marriage to Alnayab, then called Vorshaene, late in the fifth Aepoch of Daotyr. Alnayab, a dragongod, still rules from Aben Abei, a sprawling metropolis 300 miles to the South along the Inner Sea.

Regarjun is the oldest church to the Raven Queen in Dao Tyr. Built by the raelfaen when Yrgana and Vorshaene got married, while it is not older than Sinis Oebyr cathedral at Gavin Wel, it was a church of the Raven Queen when Sinis Oebyr was still a chruch to the Sovereign Dragon. It was only a church for a few year and then worship was moved to Raeljus Oebyr, the current municpal cathedral of the Raven Queen in Dinnae. Regarjun has not been a functioning church since Yrgana claimed it as her home a thousand years ago.

Ibremox Ptracon, false lord of Adderfell Manor

Posted in Dinnae, the Fey Dark on December 13, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Ibremox Ptracon was the leader of the Ryn Fatom (Hand of the Queen, see A GAME OF LORDS, right) before the coming of the Company of the Black Orchid. Ibremox took over residency of Adderfell Manor, the traditional home of the family Ptracon following their fall after the Sundering, also known as Gherivoninacht. When Aolcyr Ptracon, the eladrin vampire, returned to reclaim his family home, Ibremox was waiting with a coven of Aethermaids, former ladies of House Ptracon, now twisted with eldritch power. The Company of the Black Orchid – the newly made Ryn Fatom, overthrew Ibremox but not without warning of terrible portend: “She will betray you as well!” he yelled regarding Fatom Yrgana…also, in the deathgrips of Aolcyr’s savage rend, he says “I am your brother, don’t you remember me.” This in fact was a rouse, as Ibremox is a chronomancer and not from Aolcyr’s past, but actually from his future…

curious about the terrible brood that battled the Company of the Black Orchid? click below on each to read stats. there were four Aethermaids and six wendigos.