Archive for October, 2011

The Dragonkin Wars

Posted in Gavin Wel, Lesivith, the Archfey, The Dragongods, the Fey Dark, The Fey People, The North, The Shadow Road, the Talisman on October 22, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Announcing the publishing of the Valena Quoul, the history of the Dragon Kin Wars in the ancient lands of Unon. Click here or on the picture above to link to the PDF. This book is another chapter in the hugely involved plot of how the shadow grows over this campaign world. I am still experimenting with my idea of publishing a novel version of the campaign world…been working on it for twenty years. When published, of course, I will only use appropriated art with permission. I appreciate all the artists’ talents on this website and if permission is ever requested I will of course abide. For now, the site is published for personal use only.

The Secret of the Island of Blood

Posted in Ancient Lands, the Fey Dark, The Fey People on October 15, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Dark Mistress died years ago. Her dark spirit continues to linger in the dark feywilds around the mansion that was built by her lover before they were both betrayed. Salymira was her name. Once a shadar kai and then the mistress of Janulen of the Black Sword keep, now a tragic, cautionary tale of passion and shadow.

Janulen was an artificer of fantastic renown who specialized in thunder magic. Then living at Mantan, the Black Sword Keep atop Mountain Iredinn, in the days before the event known as the Gherivoninacht, the night the mountains crashed into the sea. Janulen was contracted by the Dark lord Maurphiun to create a device  to be called the Gherivon, the thunder machine. Mauphriun, a thrall of the Shadow King Alnayab, chose Janulen for the job because of the remote location and his singular talent.

Janulen lived alone with his wife Ralyria and his assistant, the faederkin Thanataign. For many years Janulen struggled to construct the Gherivon for his dark employer. Maurphiun, a scholar of ancient history, moved to the mountain to aid and observe Janulen and his designs. IT became clear to Maurphiun that the building of the Gherivon would drive Janulen insane as the construction of the device might literally tear his mind apart. Maurphiun contracted the services of a Shadar Kai sorceress and consort, Salymira, to soothe and revitalize the exhausted Janulen. In those years, the ShadarKai were known to inhabit and consort with the Dark Elves of Baestelix, and this is where the two lovers began their triste, all to the betrayal of Ralyria.

In the year 1125, in the hours before the Gherivoninacht, in the last moments before the activation of the Gherivon, Ralyria learned of her betrayal. She found the mansion of Phytherios on the other side of the mountain peak and asertained its dark purpose. A legendary fury arose in her heart. A fury so great that an elemental daemon named Farthuriel from the FeyDark, heard her woeful heart beat and came to taste her rage. Farthuriel offered to take the heart of Janulen and cast it into the dark well, and in return, Ralyria would let him transform her rage into a mighty thing. “Anything! I will give you anything to condemn Janulen’s heart to the void!” Ralyria gladly screamed.

Thanataign, the faederkin, every faithful to Janulen, overheard this dark bargain and reported it to his lord. Maurphiun was there when Thanataign reported on Ralyria’s dark dargain. Maurphiun sensed that this daemon, this Fartheriel of the Black Well, might actually have the ability to stop the Gherivon from activating. To save his agenda, Maurphiun made a dark deal of his own with Farthuriel to become an undead demi-lich, trading a bit of his soul, so that the Gherivon might not be interrupted.

He did not know, however, that indeed Faruthiel had betrayed Ralyria too, and had transformed her into a black dragon to kill Janulen. As the Gherivon was activated, the dragon attacked and the incantation ritual to realize its full power was never manifest. For indeed the Gherivoninacht occured, reducing the Southrin Mountain range to the sea, but lo, the plan was to destroy all of Ethilistyr as well. Ralyria pierced Janulen’s heart with her vile tooth and sent the doomed artifacer to a unliving state of wraithdom. Maurphiun, in a blind need to fulfill a plan that was never fully realized, keeps trying to subdue the dragon, who still haunts the mist trail.

The Raelfaen and the Eladrin

Posted in the Archfey, the Fey Dark, The Fey People on October 14, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

With the coming of Shadow, the splintering of the Astral Tower in the Game of Mountains, and the rise of the ancient Fey power of the Aoltha Pana, in the Seventh Aepoch of the Raelfaen, a cultural and spiritual divide has occured, or has become evident, between who may be called Eladrin and who may be called Raelfaen. For fifty thousand years, the two races have been one and the same, interchangable and in harmonium. No longer is that the case. In the recent days following the Dragonkin War, the Pale Court of Raelfaen at Tem Salaam as presided over by Lady Kasalai, in the ancient lands of Unon, has ruled what all of the finer sylvan races have already known: the onyx-eyed Raelfaen are of shadow and can not be known as one people with the ivory-eyed Eladrin. Nowhere is this more periously felt than the ancient city of TemAol. 200 miles west of Gavin Wel, TemAol, the City of Silver Trees, is the Eladrin/Raelfaen capitol of Lauwerfel in the Feydark. Passions run wild in this ancient place of nethermagic where  fine weaponry is crafted, including Raven Blades form the Black Orchid Knights, and are exported to the rich success of its citizenry. What was once whole has now been split as a snake’s tongue, the paths of these two ancient peoples now diverge. How and to what mortal end all this goes, none now can say.

The Archer in The Shadowwood

Posted in Elves, Farharrow, the Fey Dark, The Southern Kingdoms on October 6, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Iados, an archer of Farharrow, one of only two Raelfaen in town, keeps to himself. Although he can usually be found at Travesters on any given night, or protecting Bobbin’s Still from Goblin Raids, the mysterious archer prefers the periphary. Laconic is word that is used when the educated folk of the Feydark hamlet discuss their friend Iados. As of late, he was indeed instrumental with the takedown of the Bugbear zombie piloted by the mad goblin Gethish. As well, Iados helped the Shade arcanist Eddison and the halfling assassin, Brynn, rid the town of the Fey Daemon who plagued Isentide Church and possess a young vistani girl. Iados has a younger sister named Salifa. The Priestess of Isentide, a shade named Raechel has recently taken a romantic interest in the shadow archer. Only Brynn Bobbin knows the truth of her dear friend, that Iados is actually in hiding from terrible events that recently transpired between the eladrin and the raelfaen in his hometown of TemAol.

backstory: Nyrrin the Dark Elf Warlock

Posted in Elves, the Fey Dark, The Southern Kingdoms on October 6, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Nyrrin is from the City of Baestrelix. Baestrelix was founded fifty years ago and then was destroyed three years ago. A blink of an eye in the lifespan of a Dark Elf. The City was built in the caverous limestone depths of the Southrin Mountains. Following the terrible event called Gherivoninacht, during the cataclysmic dragonkin wars twenty years ago, the mountains themselves were destroyed, becoming the Southrin islands which pock the Inland Sea between Dinnae and Gavin Wel. Baesrelix was a ruthless matriarchy, one where males were often killed for their uselessness. A civil war continued to rage in the City of the Spider Soul, between the followers of Lolth and the followers of the Elemental Eye. In an unprecidented moment of empathy, Nyrrin was gifted a warlock’s binding spellbook by his grandmother before she died. The power therein enabled Nyrrin to rise in the ranks of the young army of Spider Souls. He was assigned to an Ythbet, a party of warriors, who were to explore the Island of Belach Na, searching for the device called the Gherivon, the tool that was used to destroy the Southrin Mountains. When exploring a ruined hous at the south end of the island, a place known as the Mansion of the Dark Goddess, the Ythbet was sacked by a brigade of terrible golems made of fire. All in the Ythbet were killed, save Nyrrin. The young warlock was chained up in the study. The Spirit known as Ithmay loved to torture the dark elf, and did so for weeks before Nyrrin stopped responding to her cruelty…

This is where his new life begins.


Posted in Uncategorized on October 5, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

I have a blog profile on Wizards Community blog. I post as Goat Wolf. I will try to only post my own personally drawn art, instead of the poached art I always publish on this site, but we will see. I always have it in my mind that it is out of genuine love that I appropriate the art I find on the internet and incorporate it into my story. I’ve never heard word one about anybody being upset about my lack of acknowledgement, lord knows I have yet to make dollar one on it either.-Obi