Archive for September, 2011

Voyage into the Feydark

Posted in Ancient Lands, the Fey Dark, The Fey People on September 29, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Amoria, formerly known as the Gold Wing, was once a proud war galleon of Gavin Wel, the premier war vessel of the Raven Queen’s navy. Since then it has been retrofitted, painted and is now a derelict pirate-ghost ship, still under the command of Aeryn the Gold. The ship was built in 1115 and served in Penelius’ Navy during the Dragonkin Wars for the next five years. It was restored in 1130 by the necromancer of Dinnae, Athol the Red. It has 38 oars and is powered by team of 76 eladrin zombies whose souls have been retired to the Shadowfel. It is 135 feet long, 43 feet wide and weighs 220 tons. Its main mast is 85 feet tall.

Aeryn, the only captain the Amoria has ever known has gone from celebrated general to privateer in the age of the Feydark.

Dzjaran, a horsemaster of Hyth Anir, surrendered his three destriers when Netherdann relieved him of his head.

The Final Battle of the Epic Quest, into the Pit!

Posted in Gavin Wel, Men, the Fey Dark, The Sherriff on September 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Into the Abyss! went the adventurers for the final battle in the Epic campaign. For some, this adventure concluded three years of work with these characters. Above, the Ghoul King, Doresain, challenges the crew for the soul of Tim Tigeon. This campaign defined Epic experience! At times tedious, at times emotional, at times wonderful, and always glorious, the Game of Mountains campaign was one of the great adventures of all time. Thanks Matt!

WolfDog, Zarconus (Iokhen), Teak Mumbai, Ghesh and Krugg defeated the Ghoul King by fleeing to the Fay Dark.

The Dark Pana was waiting to take the Tigeon boys and claim final victory. Ultimately, the Archfay queen, and younger sister of the Raven Queen destroyed Wolfdog, Teak and Krugg. The Stickareign Blade, the Second Sword of Glory, was smuggled out of the Fay Dark and back to the Dreamwater by Tim, the returned sherriff and Ghesh, the Druid lord. Iokhen, the knight formerly known as Zarconus, ascended to the Astral Court of Dragons as eternal champion.

We battled through Hell (well, actually the Abyss, but it felt like Hell…at times) to conclude the most epic campaign imaginable. Check out some pics and story from our final session. It came down to being assassinated by The Dark Pana, the Archfay Queen Mother of Shadow Magic, the Moon, Wine, Blood, and Owls. Wolfdog died a 27th level weaponsmaster who we started as a 12th level fighter almost two summers ago. Teak (or called Tiki, by some) Mumbai was killed as well. We wrote Tiki as a first level warlock in the Summer of 2008. She died at 27th level as well. Krugg, an epic-cleric, was also killed by the Pana’s Blade in the Black Bog of the Fay Dark.

Matt DM’d a tight and beautiful series of adventures: the final eight chapters of the campaign, rounding out an amazing story-arch that took us through the Astral Tower. You can download the Astral Tower Campaign Setting as a PDF on the DAOTYR website as well. Although glorious, this certainly was a bittersweet ending for all. The campaign ended with Iokhen, the knight formerly known as Zarconus ascending, but not before handing the Stikarein blade to Tim to return to the Dreamwater.

In our Epic Campaign (beginning at 20th level) we did all of the following, in order:

1. Became champions of Vecna by destroying avatars of our worst nightmares outside the City of Dis

2. Destroyed An Elder Brain of the Illithid to gain entrance to the Happy Hunting Grounds

3. Championed over a united front of Daemons and Angels controlled by the Manifest Power of Bane, Lord of Battle

4. Met with Bahamut, the Lord of Light, and raced Rimfire Griffons in the Arena of Celestia

5. Destroyed Arnithol and Nakrathan, the High Elder Masters of Hyth Anir, and defeated the Sword of Doom, Rendelreign as it was coorporeal as a Ancient Blue Dragon

6. Faced the hydra of Demogorgon in the Labyrinth of the Abyss

7. Encountered Glasya in the City of Infernus

8. Rescued the Sherriff, Tim Tigeon, on the 487th Plane of the Abyss by facing Doreseen, the King of Ghouls and fleeing to the Fay Dark where the Dark Pana had been waiting the whole time…

The Dark Bloom

Posted in Ancient Lands, the Fey Dark on September 10, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Dark Bloom behind Bobbin’s Still in Farharrow appears from the outside to be a single overgrown bramble that stretches nearly forty feet in height and is the size of a city block. In truth though, it is a wilderness unto itself, much larger inside than out.

Gramgeld Church

Posted in Gavin Wel, Old Khepathia, the Archfey on September 10, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Gramgeld Church in Dark Port is an ancient cathedral whose foundations date back to Old Khepathia. It is the historical home of the Black Orchid knights and is ruled over by Lady Asha of the Raven Queen and Lady Jennelith of the Blade. Although Sinis Oebyr is a larger and more influential church, Gramgeld’s dark energy is undeniable and in fact, extremely potent as a source of power for its fell congregation.

Jennelith the Black Orchid

Posted in Gavin Wel, the Archfey, the Fey Dark on September 10, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

For over a thousand years, the leader of the Black Orchid knights is Lady Jennelith. Her infamy is matched only by her mystery.

The Voidmancers

Posted in the Fey Dark on September 10, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

S’chae and D’uma are sister and brother. They are Shadar Kai and the use the Fay Dark Portal known as the Moon Flower Bush behind Bobbin’s Still in Farharrow to conduct business in the world of Daotyr.