Archive for June, 2011

Wolfdog and the Dark Pana

Posted in Maiah, Men, the Archfey on June 24, 2011 by coyoteandthunder


“I saw her in there! That tower of lightning. I swung my axe down again and again, like I was madly working on bringing down a great tree. There in the light, crackling and burning all around me. The Dark Pana! dancing. The horrid Fay Queen was dancing and evading my blows. She was there to kill me! The dark spirit of my own land, risen up and to find me here. Here, on the edge of nothing! Her. My worst enemy…my perfect enemy. She and I represent the war for the soul of our land. Sweet Maiah. So far away. Will I ever see her again?” Wolfdog.

Gruff, Runepriest of Gaulthum

Posted in Dwarves, Gavin Wel on June 24, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Gruff and his Khast of the Flame Shield march from the dwarven city of Gaulthum toward the ancient center of Eyrtheria, the artificial volcano. Following the worst natural disaster in a thousand years, the great quake and the great wave of Gavin Wel, just before the the Summer Equinox of year 1135, it was learned by the dwarves that the reactor at the center of the volcano is in danger of melting down. Should that happen, certainly it would mean the end of all life in the Dreamwater. Gruff, the Runepriest, has a great task ahead of him: decifering runes that are five thousand years old, an instruction manual to a most deadly device writ in a dead language.

The Return of the Dark Elves

Posted in Elves, Gavin Wel, the Fey Dark, The Fey People on June 24, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

As the dwarves march to the Heart of Eytheria, the artificial volcano at the Heart of all things in the valley, more threats creep to the surface just as the communities of Maiah, Hammergard and Niskantel are aiding the civil chaos that the metropolis, GavinWel, has become following the Earthquake and Great Wave that swallowed half of the City.

Map of Maiah

Posted in Farwalkers, Maiah, The Shadow Road on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

present population 73,000 estimated within 5 miles of Woodhelm.  Maiah was, until recently, a human community. Sure, the Bessallyn Family has plenty of elves in the family tree and orcs have always been thoroughly integrated into Maiahen society, but it was rare to see the many other races on the Ravens Walk that you can in the year 1135. The populations is still about half human and then orcs and elves. Now there are communities of gnomes at Eiser Gein, dragonborn at Ano Ythmir and eladrin at Eddin Kahl.

The Farwalkers, The governing council of Maiah

Posted in Farwalkers, Maiah, Men, Orcs, The Fey People on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Farwalkers. Governing council of the Rural Capital of Maiah. 1135. 7.

Caulfig, a dwarven elder druid has been working as the mayor of Maiah for the past ten years since Judicia the White was stolen by the risen Draco-lich Hundroon. Caulfig’s diplomatic, rhetorical and linguistic skills sustain the region like none other through this unprecedented period of economic growth through out the rural capital.

Gareth Morethail, who faught beside Tim Tigeon at the Battle of Oessthelial 35 years ago. Gareth was trained as a Wreather early on but then he hung out with the then mayor, Heindrich Tigeon too long, so some say and became a ruthless fighter. Loyalty to the Sherriff and to the Tigean family means everything to surly Garth the Bronze.

Brayden Tigeon, Heindrich’s younger brother was a hero in the final wars of the sixth age. Sullen and misanthropic like his elder sibling, Brayden is also known of as the Wolf since his brother, Wolfdog left Maiah forever after Aolbeth’s death.

Glysell FoundEarth is a half-elf planeswalker who scouts for the Wreathers and keeps Maiah safe from extraplanar forces.

Ryrdenn Mumbai, who has come to the aid of Maiah’s civil defense numerous times and has gained the sure confidence of the Farwalkers even though his story is a bit strange. He claims to be the greatgrandfather of Tiki, the Red Queen who has been missing for many years. He has come from the past to help the future.

The Aumbree, a fey spirit, is a secret confidante to the Farwalkers.

Yrthoi, an aven spirit, aid to the Wreathers often sits on Maiahan Town Council.

The Druids of Maiah

Posted in Maiah, Men, Orcs, The Shadow Road, The Sherriff on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Druids, also known as the Court of the Nine Stars, also known collectively as the Wreathers are the most important trans-political organization in the Greater Sorado, and nowhere is this more demonstrated than the rural capital of Maiah.

Just one mile out of the woodlands of Maiah you will find a barren landscape, known by the orcs as Poolis Fyr, the most important druidic magic-site in the Dreamwater. Burials of those who have fallen in battles line the lake like an infinite number of memorials. Druids are essentially, Gatekeepers. They keep natives here and keep outsiders out. That is their primary purpose and the orcs of Ethilistyr have always been the inheritors of this tradition.

Kyralla, daughter of Hearthys, is the leader of the Orcish druids of Maiah. Hearthys died last summer and she is having a hard time adjusting to her new found responsibiliity.

Mahc’Eldynn is an eladrin druid who some believe is over two thousand years old. You can find Mahc’Eldynn at The Fellow Song pub in downtown Maiah every afternoon at two o’clock for a shot of Oba Whiskey.

The Dark Cloak druids, the military force of the Wreathers, helped liberate the Shadowroad, along with Tim Tigean, 25 years ago. There are over three hundred Dark Cloaks who camp around Poolis Fyr and keep the waters of the lake safe.

No one knows what happened to Judi

Posted in Uncategorized on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Judicia, younger sister to both Zarconnus, the Platinum knight and Aritharya, the Scarlet Sorceress of Niskantel, was the faithful Mayor of Maiah following the abrupt departure of Heindrich Tigean in the year 1115. For nearly twenty years, this loyal vassal of Bahamut instituted sound civic policies that sustained through her home town through tumultuous economic growth. When the Hundroon, a spirit of destuction from a previous age of the world,  reappeared in 1134 and Judicia lead the mission to destroy it, she never returned. The orc Druid leader, Hyrthis, does not believe she is dead.

The Dark Pana, Enemy of the people

Posted in the Archfey, The Fey People, The Sherriff on June 11, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Following the destructive wake of the events at Swordcall 25 years ago, the mysterious archfey known only as the Dark Pannah has waged, literally, a cold war upon the people of Ethilistyr. Many believe it is her secret desire to drive humans from the land they call the Dreamwater. Others believe it is just her grieving from the mysterious disappearance of her most valued human student, Tim Tigeon, the once prodigal sherriff.