Archive for May, 2011

A history of Orotyr

Posted in Orotyr on May 28, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

So it is written;

in the days even before Old Khepathia, the tiefling race had already been long enslaved to its infernal identity and its covetous passion for power long unbridled and unrestrained, threatened to consume its smoldering future lest remedy for their foulness be discovered. Hordes of dwarven and minotaurian slaves then bowed before the tiefling whip and, as they were then called, the Tai Lia Overlords had no capacity or vision for mercy and continued the relentless tyranny. It was in this setting did the Volcano Erythia become manifest then in an effort to mine the stuff known as cathoid, a treasure that preceded gold as currency of the young realm.

Orotyr was dug from under the bones of the volcano as an immense labyrinth that would house the thousands and thousands of slaves of the lesser races that were not permitted to live in the City of Khepathia that grew following the great mountains’ construction nearly five millenia hence prior.

for a thousand years, the reactor core of Erythia pulsed with the energy of a star at the mountain’s center, until finally the slaves rose against their masters and made war with the Tiefling. In this terrible century of fighting, the minotaurs were lost as a people and although existing in sparce numbers, again now just exist not as a coherent extant culture to this day.

The reactor core is lost as technology and in even location. No one knows even where it is, let alone the magics that bind it to its reliability. Should some power attempt to harness or release this ancient magic, the end of things as they are would surely be realized.

The Duergar, unhallowed dwarf under the mountain

Posted in Orotyr on May 27, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Duergar became a race unto themselves when the Tai Lia tiefling overlords of old Khepathia wished to have their dwarven underlings conscripted to the same infernal pact that they themselves had been submitted to so many thousands of years before. The result was a horned race of savage and ugly dwarves, unable to write runes and unable to join civilization. The Dwarves of Gaulthum behold this race with a mix of sadness and hatred. The lower pits of Orotyr are bereft with a plague of this fecund breed and left unchecked, many fear may one day present a very real threat to the City of Gaulthum.

Poison Fire Ogres

Posted in Orotyr on May 27, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Poison Fire Ogres, or the Gargolon, are a wholly evil race of vampiric giants that haunt Orotyr. There is no race of beings that frightens the children of Gaulthum like the Gargolon. Able to cast spells and read Dwarven script and even at times, take Dwarven form and visage, the Gargolon never tire in their search for ways to exploit weakness in the Gaulthamian psyche.

The Goblins under the mountain

Posted in Orotyr on May 27, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Goblins of Eyria are known as the Ker Galan. The Ker Galan are a blind race of underworld evil doers. Worshiping a milieu of primitive god forms, the Ker Galan are too clever for their own good. The magic writing of the Ker Galan, runes written in blood, are read by smell and line miles of caverns throughour Orotyr. It is said that before the Duegar, The Ker Galan were made from the blood of the Tai Lia Overlords in the days of Old Khepathia. This is not the history of the proud sages of Gaulthum.

Dalla Ghesh, the Song in the Cave

Posted in Orotyr on May 27, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The Dalla Ghesh, or the Hobgoblin, is a race of people that has a little in common with its city dwelling cousins. The Hobgoblin races of Niskantel, or the Dhur Kalla have an old tradition of singing and drumming. The Dalla Ghesh only howl to inspire fear when they fight. Most Dalla Ghesh are archers and their arrows are often poisoned with a mushroom neurotoxin that is particularly lethal.

HyKel, ancient and feral savage hearts

Posted in Orotyr on May 27, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Hykel are native to Daotyr but are now only found in the deep recesses of Orotyr where few are foolish enough to travel. The Hykel, or more commonly, Gnolls, have forgotten their ancient ancestry and exist now in a savage state of feral piracy and unerring violence. Standing nearly eight feet tall, these towering creatures are often masters of great swaths of under mountain ruins.

Gala Koth, The Savage Swords Under the Mountain

Posted in Orotyr on May 27, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The  Gala Koth, or Orcs of the Smoke Blade, as human travelers of the underworld of  OroTyr refer to them share little with their surface-dwelling cousins of Karak or Poolis Fyr. There are no traditions of Druidic worship, there are no alliances at all. The only discipline the Gala Koth understand is the way of the blade. The Gala Koth have a secret warrior blood code that has never been shared with any other group or breed of people.

The Dwarves of the Dreamwater: The City of Gaulthum

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Fey People on May 13, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The proud and mysterious dwarven city of Gaulthum has loomed over Gavin Wel on the precipitous slopes of Eyria for nearly five thousand years, since the construction of the artificial volcano itself. The City’s first king was Baladhor the Liberator who lead a rebellion against the teifling slavers who held his ancestors as captive laborers, those who built the Mountain Made of Hands. The thirty thousand dwarves who live there in modern times are a noble people and operate in a world filled with ceremony, social hierarchy and a righteous sense of artistic superiority. Indeed, the crafts and arms exported from the cliff city of Ravens and Steel are among the highest quality in all DaoTyr.

The City is divided in two four vertical quarters, or castles as they are called by its residents. From bottom to top they are The Sacred Forge, The Castle Black, The Old Castle and the Eaves. The Sacred Forge is the arts district and everyone knows that the artists party the most. Here you will find taverns and travelers from all over the world. Indeed it is the only castle the xenophobic dwarves allow travelers to visit. Castle Black is where the Gaulthumian nobility rule from. There are three houses of dwarven royalty: The Gold Hammers, headed by lord Euranus, traditionally known for jewelry, the Silver Hammers, headed by lord Urthek, traditionally known for armor and the Copper Hammers, headed by Lord Dhethik, the runepriests of Moradin. All of the Nobility honors the young King Thurghiss.

The Warriors of the Steel Crow ride mechanically driven, clockwork birds and patrol the cliffs around Gaulthum. The thin road called the West Path is the only way to get to Gaulthum over land and a specially bred loaded-baring mountain sheep called the durgann is the only animal brave enough to navigate it.

All the dwarves of Gaulthum are literate in the arts and in writing runes. Facial and hand tattooing is common and indeed required for social advancement. The people have an elaborate ranking system based on braided knots of steel worn on their belts called the Quiputek. Other positions are noted by the title KHA, which means spirit guide and these are usually the rune priests and WHAREN, which means sherriff and these are usually warriors and not artists.