Archive for February, 2011

The Coming of the Dragon Gods

Posted in The Dragongods, The North on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

What everyone knows…

The year is 1136, in the 7th epoch of the Raelfaen. The Raelfaen, or more commonly called the Eladrin, have a history that stretches back nearly fifty thousand years on DaoTyr. This is a new age of the world. The sixth epoch ended in 1111, twenty five years ago. The last two years of that age were defined by war: The Eyrolian Empire of the North, the Dragonborn wars that destroyed the Lilthen Sea to the south. The Singers of the Shadow Moot destroyed the monster that was the White Queen at SwordCall and released the Blood of IO which called the original Dragongods of Daotyr back to their terrestrial lands, holdings and powers. These Gods walk in mortal form over their ancient lands, having not been present on DaoTyr since the first age of the world. They are avatars of greater beings and do not have the names of their divine counterparts. Some are kind. Some are cruel. All are powerful sovereigns spread across the globe. See below for their histories and lands…

Aasterinian, Goddess of Invention, Messenger of IO, CN, The Chaos Dragon, Luck, Travel, Trickery, Charm, Illusion Trade.

The Aasternian once named Lyxa

The Moon’s Rays and the Sun’s claws

Whose ancient land was Eltherion

Land of Rivers and Cedar

Astilabor, Goddess of Wealth, N, The Acquisitor, Hoardmistress, Protection, Wealth, Metal, Jade.

The Astilabor once named Dobdarrin

The Force Lung and the Formful Spirit

Whose ancient land was Kharlanin

Land of Gold and Rain

Chronespsis, God of Fate, N, Death, Knowledge, Fate, Time.

The Chronespsis once named Adsyrsyan

The Protector of Judgement

Whose ancient land was Myrlos

Land of Stone and Sky

Falazure, God of Decay, NE, Death, Evil, Darkness, Undeath.

The Falazure once named Xengxui

He who Denies Nature

Whose ancient land was Mortelion

The Bloodgrounds of the North

Garyx, God of Destruction, CN, Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Renewal.

The Garyx once named Albiden

The purifier who moves through fire

Whose ancient land was BolonTyr

Land of the Mountains and Snow

Hlal, Goddess of Humor, CG, Chaos, Good, Trickery, Runes

The Hlal once named Sebdinn

The giving sky and the trembling earth

Whose ancient land was Coralore

Land of Wheat and Wind

Io, Lord of the Gods, N, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth

The Io once named Shakdashan

The warrior’s ring to which honor is given

Whose ancient land was Aoldao

Land of Horses and Spice

Lendys, God of Justice, LN, Destruction, Law, Protection, Retribution

The Lendys once named Al-Naybab

Who is the soul reforged and set

Whose ancient land was Orsolon

Land of sweetgrass and ox

Tamara, Goddess of Life, NG, Good, Healing Strength, Sun

The Tamara once named Kateguar

The Ancient Eyes of the Lake

Whose ancient land was Relwyn

Land of Mist and Oak

The Ancient Dragon Gods Elxast (Alshyst)  of the Sea is still revered by those who sail and fish

Tiamat, once named Tiamathia

Bahamut, once named UnonBate

Orithin, Tactician of War on the Sea

Posted in The Farway on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Orithin – dwarf defender: His history is rooted in typical happy family life. He grew up trained in the art of combat the oldest son in a family of 13. He embarked on many adventure bring home large amount of wealth and honor to his family. Orithin eventually started a family of his own leaving seasonal excursions on the seas. On his last day of his three month leave from the Farway, Kornick kissed his wife and three children goodbye. These moments were always hard. Kornick stopped at the from door of his 5 bedroom cottage and felt the need to look back and look upon his family one last time, and a sinking feeling hit him as if this could be last he sees them for his trips on the Farway were always met with more danger then he lead on to his family. Kornick did not dwell on this feeling anymore and eventually returned home in one piece. Upon his arrival home bearing strange and wondrous gifts he found the front door broken in and inside the awful smell of spoied meat. stunned he quickly ran through the cottage only to find his entire family slaughtered. After he laid them to rest in his family tomb he went to the local town looking for answers. The final report was that it was a thieving party of orcs had sacked his cottage, stolen his riches, and killed his family. Unsatisfied with this, Orithin now sets out on a secret mission to use the Farway as his means to uncover the mystery of his family’s death for only he knows of the strange markings found on each member. Although the Icehammer dwarves are mercenaries to the Armies of Men at Harrenfel, Orithin is a friend of Fjorn and serves their mutual cause with great loyalty.

Randgrim’s Runes are Older than History

Posted in Orsolon on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Randgrim, Lord Runepriest of Ba’Hyde.

Matt’s Figure. Matt’s figure painting. Click to Enlarge

Argaron is no longer a Horned Warrior

Posted in Orsolon on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Emma’s character. Matt’s figure painting. Click to enlarge

Fjorn Kendricksonn, Captain of the Farway

Posted in The Farway on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

The symbol of Melora is the symbol of the metallic sea.

Matt’s character. Figure painting by Matt. Click to enlarge

Nerro the Arcanist of the Farway

Posted in The Farway on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Nerro has daddy issues.

Danny’s character. Matt painted the figure. Click to enlarge.

Aolyn is a punk

Posted in The Farway on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Aolyn, master of winds aboard the Farway, never really knew her mother or her father.  The wind was always her only love. Fierce of character, Aolyn has a remarkable dream life…she is a dreamer…dreaming of dragons and song, wine and joy…

Dalwin of the Dark Wings

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Mice Eyes on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

Emma’s character. Figure painting by Matt. Click to enlarge

Jin the Stalker

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Mice Eyes on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder


Figure painting by Matt, Click to enlarge

Kornick the Bleak Assassin

Posted in Gavin Wel, The Mice Eyes on February 18, 2011 by coyoteandthunder

kornick – gnome assassin: unknown background – raised by an old street vendor named Buttle whom used his trade as cover for assassinations. Kornick helped in these plots to earn his keep, learning the stealthy skills of hunting human prey. Kornick has no memory of these days on the streets – for when he became of an older age he developed dementia and has continually relies on his skill of killing to lead his way. Often he hoped a new killing contract would help lead him to remember, only to be driven further into confusing madness. The ones who do know him, keep his identity secret for he has been molded into the perfect assassin. I smell foul play done to the mind of Kornick.

Kornick is a blood member of the Bleak Disciples

Story by David

Figure painting by Matt, click to enlarge