Archive for April, 2009

Selas and Berthis

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 26, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

unrelated juxtaposition. click to enlarge.

Moghann Kunderik, the Blood and Salt of the Earth

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 26, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

Niskantel, the End of the Road

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 25, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

Where the Shadow Road ends. The Northern tip of Gavin Wel Valley. .

map byMatt Decker

The Horrible Gran’aka, warrior of the People’s army

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 25, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

Would you bring an abomination into the world to protect your country? Haven’t we done that already?

The Eladrin Raelfaen family of Blendhaven

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 25, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

click to enlarge

The Rumors behind the War

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 25, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

click to enlarge.

A History of Gavin Wel, 4500 years

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 25, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

click to enlarge

Gavin Wel Demographics, another version

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 25, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

for more pictures and info about Gavin Wel read the whole blog. For regular readers, a lot of this in old news. exposition. click to enlarge.

Elvish Civil War

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 25, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

civil war in Gavin Wel, not just for humans. click to enlarg.

Gavin Wel Valley Map and Key; CIVIL WAR

Posted in The Shadow Road on April 25, 2009 by coyoteandthunder

click to enlarge